Having mumps: What to abstain, what to eat?

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The article was professionally consulted with Specialist Doctor II Huynh Thi Diem Thuy - Vaccine Consultant - Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
Mumps is a benign disease but can cause dangerous complications if not detected and treated properly in time. To ensure the best health, people with mumps can refer to the foods that should be avoided and should be eaten below.

1. What is mumps?

Mumps is an infectious disease caused by a virus, characterized by swelling of the salivary glands. The time from when you get the virus and the illness lasts between 12-24 days. This disease is quite common in young children, if not treated promptly and properly, it will leave a number of complications that affect health and life.
Mumps is very contagious through saliva, but it is not as contagious as chickenpox and measles. An infected person will then be most contagious from 2 days before symptoms appear until 6 days after symptoms stop. Mumps is common in children between the ages of 2 and 14. Children under 2 years old, or less than 1 year old are very rare because the child still has good antibiotics from the mother.

2. What to eat for mumps to heal?

When you have mumps, in addition to choosing the right treatment method, you need to apply a scientific and reasonable diet. The recommended foods that patients should follow in their daily diet are as follows:

2.1 Selection of liquid foods

When infected with mumps, the patient will have a high fever, the body may have difficulty absorbing hard foods and often feel anorexia... Therefore, it is best to prepare the sick person with foods in the form of mumps. liquid but still contains enough nutrients. Some dishes should be chosen such as: plain rice, lotus root, egg soup... to help the body absorb nutrients more easily.
Advice for patients during this time is to eat a lot and divide it into several meals. Note more about the digestive system during this time is also quite sensitive, so you need to pay attention to adjust the dose accordingly. In case there are signs of improvement, you should not switch to eating hard foods and still maintain the old diet so as not to affect the digestive system.

2.2 Should eat foods made from beans

Bean dishes have a fairly high nutritional content. Therefore, it is considered as a remedy to help the body fight diseases. In particular, beans also have the ability to increase resistance to people with mumps.

Đậu có khả năng tăng sức đề kháng cao đối với người mắc quai bị
Đậu có khả năng tăng sức đề kháng cao đối với người mắc quai bị
A folk remedy that is also applied by many people is that when you have mumps, you should use soybeans and green beans in equal amounts and bring them to cook to eat every day. Or you can stew green beans including skins, then add vegetables. This menu you apply within 3-5 days in a row, the disease will quickly improve.

2.3 Should add dishes from green vegetables

Green vegetables contain high levels of vitamin A, so it is very good for the digestive system. People with mumps, the digestive system is very important, so the addition of green vegetables is one of the very necessary things. Along with that, you need to add more healthy fruits.
Patients can use bitter melon to make very good nutritious food for the patient. These dishes are intended to ensure nutrients and strengthen the body's resistance.

3. What is the mumps patient's diet?

During the illness, the patient should avoid certain foods that can make the jaw gland swell and make the disease worse, such as:

3.1 Sour food

Acidic foods will stimulate the salivary glands to secrete more, which will cause pain.

3.2 Chicken meat

Chicken is a favorite food of many people, but if you have mumps, you should abstain from chicken because this is a hard dish, causing the jaw to work a lot causing pain, moreover, it is also an indigestible food that is not good for the patient.

3.3 Glutinous food

Dishes made from glutinous rice are also foods that people with mumps should abstain from because they will also make the jaw swell, causing pain for the patient.

Đồ nếp là một trong những thực phẩm người quai bị cần kiêng vì sẽ khiến quai hàm sưng to và đau hơn
Đồ nếp là một trong những thực phẩm người quai bị cần kiêng vì sẽ khiến quai hàm sưng to và đau hơn

3.4 Hot spicy food, fishy food

Foods such as chili, pepper, seafood make it difficult for the stomach to digest, the body will be less able to absorb nutrients, making the patient hot in the body, the body is more tired.

4. Notes when treating mumps

In addition to the food groups that people with mumps should abstain from, patients need to abstain from many other things in their daily life such as:
Mumps is a very contagious disease, so to avoid an outbreak of a pandemic, as soon as you find out you have it, You need to isolate yourself from people around you, do not go to places where many people gather such as schools and hospitals. In case someone in your family has mumps, you should isolate yourself by using personal items, wear a mask when bringing food to the patient.
People with mumps must remember to abstain from wind and cold water; These are risk factors that make the mumps area bigger and more painful. However, the sick person should bathe and wash his/her personal hygiene normally because cleanliness also helps to kill bacteria. During the treatment period, you should bathe with warm water, bathing time is shorter than usual.
During the period of mumps, the patient should abstain from vigorous activity, stop sports activities until cured, should rest a lot to reduce pain. In particular, when the testicles are swollen and painful, the patient should seek the help of a doctor and rest in bed, otherwise, complications of orchitis, testicular atrophy and possibly infertility may result. born.
Mumps as well as other diseases, you absolutely must not arbitrarily use oral drugs, poultices on painful swollen areas without the examination and indications of a doctor.
The above information hopes to give you useful knowledge about mumps, as well as questions about what to eat and what to abstain from mumps to get better quickly. Besides, as soon as you see the symptoms of the disease, you should quickly go to the medical facility to be supported by the doctors to examine and have specific treatment directions.

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