Gout questions and answers

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Article by Master, Doctor Bui Minh Duc - Department of General Internal Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Gout is a complex type of arthritis that can affect anyone of any age. However, it is most commonly seen in postmenopausal men and women. Gout affects nearly 4% of American adults.

1. What is gout?

Gout causes a lot of pain, occurs when the body does not process waste properly, uric acid is deposited in the joints, leading to arthritis, leading to stiffness, pain, heat and redness in the joints. Gout frequently attacks the big toe joints, and other joints can also be affected by gout, especially the joints in the feet, hands, and arms.

Tình trạng bệnh gout
Tình trạng bệnh gout

2. Causes of Gout

Some common causes of gout include:
People with a family history of gout People of advanced age Obesity and people with unstable weight People who eat low-carb diets purine-rich diet People who are regularly exposed to lead People with high blood pressure People with a history of hypothyroidism Individuals taking certain medications
Although these are not the main causes of gout, it can increase the risk even more and people should take steps to reduce the chance of future health problems.

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Những người bị huyết áp cao

3. Symptoms of gout?

The symptoms of gout are almost always acute, they can come on suddenly and are most likely to flare up at night, symptoms include:
Severe pain in the joints Persistent discomfort after the attack severe pain Redness and inflammation in the affected joint or joints

4. How to reduce symptoms of joint pain?

The care and treatment of gout is carried out by a doctor specializing in bones and joints, the doctor will help the patient avoid painful conditions caused by the disease and at the same time give the best advice on lifestyle changes. Life to reduce the risk of acute gout attacks in the future, in parallel with the treatment process, the patient needs to:
Minimize alcohol consumption. Drink plenty of water to help flush uric acid Lose weight if necessary Avoid meats that are high in uric acid, some examples of this would be sardines, anchovies and animal organs.

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Người bệnh cần hạn chế uống rượu

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