Home Tag Increased blood uric acid

Articles in Increased blood uric acid

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Instructions for using Allopurinol to treat gout
Allopurinol is a drug that works to reduce uric acid levels in the blood, thereby helping to treat gout, especially chronic gout and related diseases caused by hyperuricemia.
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What is chlorthalidone?
Chlorthalidone belongs to the group of diuretics made in the form of tablets and is indicated for use in cases of hypertension, chronic heart failure,... However, in some cases the drug can cause unwanted side effects such as hyponatremia, hypokalemia, ...
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Uses of Uloxoric 80mg
Uloxoric 80mg drug has the main ingredient Febuxostat and is used to treat gout and prevent hyperuricemia leading to tumor lysis syndrome. On the market today, there is a lot of information about the drug Uloxoric 80mg, but it is still incomplete. To better understand what Uloxoric is, what are the uses of Uloxoric 80mg, let's learn more in the article below.
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Uses of Febustad 40mg
Febustad 40mg drug with the main ingredient is Febuxostat, used to treat chronic hyperuricemia in patients with tophi and/or gouty arthritis. Febustad is available in the form of round yellow film-coated tablets.
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Uses of Furic 80
Furic 80 is a medication commonly used in the treatment of symptoms associated with gout. Due to being in the form of tablets, the drug has a very simple and easy way to use. However, you need to use the drug under the guidance of a specialist to ensure safety for health.
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Uses of Febuxate
Febuxat has the main ingredient Febuxostat, which inhibits the enzyme xanthine oxidase, which is a drug for the treatment and prevention of gout. The drug is indicated in chronic or acute hyperuricemia, not as a substitute for other gout medications.
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Uses of Zyloprim
Zyloprin is a medicine that works to reduce uric acid in the blood by reducing its production. The drug is used in some cases of increased uric acid due to metabolic disorders, cancer drugs or some other causes.
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What is uric acid in the blood - the causes of hyperuricemia?
Uric acid is a naturally occurring metabolic product in the human body. Increased uric acid is caused by a purine metabolism disorder, and adults, especially the elderly, are susceptible.
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Can people with gout eat chicken?
Whether people with gout can eat chicken depends on how they use and prepare this dish. Because chicken contains a significant amount of purine, eating too much will cause gout flare-ups.
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Understanding the phenomenon of increased uric acid in pre-eclampsia
Although it does not directly cause preeclampsia, high uric acid levels are an opportunity for this condition to appear, causing serious effects on the health of mother and baby.
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Image of gout on the feet and joints
Gout is an inflammatory arthritis caused by the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. Signs of gout in the feet are the first signs to detect this disease.
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