Frequent headaches in the forehead, what to do?

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Many patients often have headaches in the forehead, especially from the 2 temples to the middle of the eyebrows. The headache in the forehead is dull and unclear, always accompanied by a very uncomfortable feeling that many people want to find a way to completely overcome.

1. Causes of frontal headache

1.1. Pathological headache Frontal headache is a common medical condition, caused by many different causes. Specifically, this is likely to be a symptom of a number of diseases as follows:
Cerebrovascular disease; Tumor compresses the brain; Inflammation of the head - face - neck area; cervical sympathomimetic syndrome; Functional neurological disorder. Depending on the cause, but also the manifestation, severity and location of the headache region, will be different. For example, for patients with vasomotor headache, the common symptom is feeling a headache in the forehead, from the temple to the orbit, accompanied by watery eyes and runny nose.
1.2. Psychological headaches Psychological headaches or muscle contraction headaches are also known as tension headaches. The patient will have the following symptoms:
Feeling of heaviness in the head, such as pressing the whole head or tightening a towel around the head; Pain increases with emotion; Anxiety disorder, phobia or depression; Hyperactivity, dissociative disorder (hysteria); In addition, patients with prefrontal headaches caused by stress or psychological trauma also have impaired memory, poor concentration, persistent and persistent pain since the event or problem to worry about. think from the past to the present.
1.3. Sinus headache

Viêm xoang trán là một căn bệnh không nguy hiểm nếu được điều trị đúng cách và kịp thời
Viêm xoang trán là một căn bệnh không nguy hiểm nếu được điều trị đúng cách và kịp thời
Frontal sinusitis has two typical symptoms, which are runny nose and headache in the forehead, based on external manifestations, the degree of sinusitis can be assessed as follows:
Mild frontal sinusitis: Thick mucus discharge and sticky. No frequent forehead headaches, only mild headaches when the weather changes; Moderate frontal sinusitis: Nasal discharge mixed with green or yellow-brown pus. Often there is a headache in the forehead, specifically along the eyebrows, spreading to 1 or both temples depending on the position of the inflamed sinuses; Severe frontal sinusitis: A lot of pus, mucus and too sticky fluid blocks the drainage from the sinuses to the nasal cavity. Nosebleed very little or even no runny nose, but causing pain in the upper eye socket, even if it is lightly pressed, it is very painful. Frontal sinusitis is not a dangerous disease if it is treated properly and timely. But if the patient is subjective, there is a risk of having a diffuse infection, starting from the nose to the tonsils and throat, then laryngitis and bronchopneumonia. In addition, intra-orbital complications that cause posterior orbital abscess can also appear in people with poor resistance, leaving many serious consequences.

Trắc nghiệm: Bận rộn có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bạn không?

Cuộc sống hiện đại khiến chúng ta vì quá bận rộn mà quên chăm sóc sức khỏe cho chính mình. Ai cũng biết rằng lịch trình làm việc cả ngày có thể khiến bạn kiệt sức, nhưng cụ thể bận rộn ảnh hưởng thế nào tới sức khỏe? Hãy cùng làm thử bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây.

2. How to overcome forehead headache

When feeling a headache in the forehead, the patient should stop what he is doing and sit still and relax or rest in a dark room for a while, as well as combine with some simple movements:
Close your eyes; Inhale and exhale slowly; Rotate slowly or massage the neck and head muscles gently and then vigorously; Apply heat or apply a cold washcloth to your forehead; Take a hot shower. Arrange a schedule to study, work and sleep for a full 8 hours a day, combining meditation and yoga are suggestions that patients should refer to to improve frequent forehead headaches. In addition, frontal headaches can also be temporarily overcome by taking pain relievers such as aspirin, acetaminophen... however, it must be noted not to abuse drugs for a long time.

Chứng đau đầu trước trán cũng có thể khắc phục tạm thời bằng cách dùng thuốc giảm đau
Chứng đau đầu trước trán cũng có thể khắc phục tạm thời bằng cách dùng thuốc giảm đau
People with frontal headaches should go to a hospital with a neurosurgery specialist if the pain becomes intense, the pain is continuous more than 3 times a week, the pain is frequent and worsens, causing insomnia for many days. Particularly for chronic frontal sinusitis, patients need to see an otolaryngologist for an otolaryngology examination and sinus X-ray for an accurate diagnosis and specific treatment.
Examination and treatment of diseases related to the skull - brain - nervous system is one of the main functions at the Department of Neurology - Vinmec Times City International General Hospital. With a team of medical staff with high qualifications and practical experience, for example, Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Chu Hoang Van; Specialist doctor I Vu Dung Kien,... Vinmec Times City has successfully diagnosed and treated neurological diseases, such as frontal headache, dizziness, cerebrovascular accident, dementia. intellectual, neuro-muscular pathology, ... for many cases of patients.
Vinmec Times City also offers comprehensive, diverse and high-standard medical examination and treatment services, as well as a system of modern and absolutely sterile equipment for customers. Because of the above reasons, Neurology Specialist - Vinmec Times City has become a trusted and chosen address for treating frontal headaches by many patients.
For detailed advice on examination and treatment of neurological diseases, you can contact Vinmec Times City by calling Hotline 0243 9743 556 or register for online examination and consultation HERE.
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