Prolonged headache, beware of cerebrovascular malformations

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A persistent dull headache is a common disease and most of the time it is not dangerous if the cause is due to weather changes, stress, anxiety... However, there are persistent headaches that are a sign of Cerebrovascular malformations that patients need to be alert to.

1. Headache due to cerebrovascular malformation

1.1. Concepts Normally, the cerebral blood vessels in the brain are divided into many small branches, called capillaries. The diameter of the capillaries is only about the size of a blood cell, about one-fifth the size of a human hair. With such a small size, the flow and blood pressure inside the capillaries are also very low.
Cerebrovascular malformation, also known as cerebral arteriovenous malformation, is an abnormal connection between arteries and veins, causing disorders in the brain. When the malformed blood vessels burst, it will lead to a very dangerous brain bleed. Doctors said this is a congenital disease with a relatively rare incidence in the community, only about 0.15 - 1%. In particular, men with cerebral vascular malformations are more common than women, the disease usually begins and is diagnosed between the ages of 15 and 50.
1.2. Symptoms Although cerebral arteriovenous malformation is a very dangerous disease, the symptoms are quite vague. If a normal person is healthy, but often suffers from the following symptoms, it is necessary to go to the hospital for a thorough and careful examination because this may be a sign of cerebrovascular malformation. Mainly:
A dull headache lasting for decades; Sometimes a severe, constant headache develops; Had to go to the emergency room because of a headache, accompanied by dizziness; Pain increases with stress at work; May be accompanied by tremor paralysis; Sudden seizures or generalized convulsions. There are also cases where the patient has visited many places but the headache still does not improve, the reason is that the doctor misdiagnosed it as a vestibular disorder and prescribed brain tonics. Usually, patients only get relief for a very short time, in addition, living with a persistent dull headache has become a part of life.
1.3. Complications Most patients with cerebral arteriovenous malformations easily miss signs until the cerebrovascular malformation ruptures, then they come to the hospital in an emergency situation such as:
Headache with vomiting; Consciousness disturbances; Paralysis of limbs; Brain hemorrhage; Epileptic; Severe can coma. Many cases were examined by doctors and discovered an arteriovenous malformation (AVM) with very large size and high flow. After a brain aneurysm, the risk of rupture of the malformation is very high, potentially life-threatening. Stroke center specialists said that cerebral vascular malformations can be fatal if not treated promptly.

Biến chứng khi bỏ qua các triệu chứng ban đầu của dị dạng mạch máu não là đau đầu nôn mửa, rối loạn ý thức,...
Biến chứng khi bỏ qua các triệu chứng ban đầu của dị dạng mạch máu não là đau đầu nôn mửa, rối loạn ý thức,...
1.4. Treatment With intensive and timely intervention, the patient's dull headache and prolonged headache will improve positively. In severe cases requiring emergency care, they can walk normally, recover well and gradually get rid of headaches. When the malformation is too large, it is necessary to continue to monitor and carefully plan each step to completely remove the malformation and treat the patient thoroughly.

2. Headaches due to other causes

In addition to cerebrovascular malformations, there are a few other malignant causes that also manifest as persistent headaches that patients need to be alert to such as:
Meningitis: With severe headache, taking drugs does not help, accompanied by a stiff neck, vomiting, photophobia, high fever, ... this could be meningitis caused by a virus or bacteria, often occurring in children. It is necessary to have a specialist examination to accurately detect the disease, to avoid the risk of serious progression and death.
Brain Tumor: The early stage of brain tumor is usually presented by a persistent dull headache due to increased intracranial pressure. The later stage appears nausea, vision loss, blurred vision or limb paralysis, cranial nerve palsies, accompanied by constant headaches and unreduced medication intake.
Brain hemorrhage (stroke): Patients are likely to have a stroke after physical exertion or psychological trauma, even during normal activities and even while sleeping. Intracerebral hemorrhage has sudden and severe onset, with severe headache, hemiplegia, and rapid coma.
Traumatic brain injury: After a strong traumatic brain injury (or mild for the elderly and young children), the patient will feel pain all over the head, headache lasting, dull and increasing. Severe cases can cause nausea and vomiting, confusion, hemiplegia, urinary incontinence.

Sau va chạm chấn thương vùng sọ não mạnh bệnh nhân sẽ cảm thấy đau khắp đầu, đau đầu kéo dài, âm ỉ và tăng dần
Sau va chạm chấn thương vùng sọ não mạnh bệnh nhân sẽ cảm thấy đau khắp đầu, đau đầu kéo dài, âm ỉ và tăng dần

3. Cure long-term headaches caused by cerebral vascular malformations

The patient must absolutely not be subjective with the symptoms of a persistent dull headache of unknown cause. If it is a benign headache caused by weather, cerebral ischemia or psychological stress, but using pain relievers but still does not go away, the patient should immediately go to a medical facility for careful examination and timely treatment. In order to diagnose specific and accurate causes of the disease, it is necessary to have the support of paraclinical means such as CT tomography, magnetic resonance imaging,...
For indications of treatment with With this method of endovascular intervention, this high-tech hospital requires modern equipment, along with a team of highly experienced, well-trained doctors and medical staff. The advantage of this method is the minimal penetration rate, which limits many complications for the patient.
Neurology Department of Vinmec Times City International Hospital has the function of successfully intervening in complex cerebral arteriovenous malformations. A team of leading medical staff here, such as Associate Professor, Doctor, Doctor Chu Hoang Van; Specialist I Vu Dung Kien, has helped many patients get rid of headaches that have lasted for decades, which severely affect their quality of life.
With extensive experience in the field of neuroendocrinology - stroke, along with the support of modern diagnostic facilities (such as MRI 3.0, CT 640 ranges, DSA full option...), doctors At Vinmec Times City, we will fully exploit the patient's history and accurately diagnose the cause of a persistent dull headache, including cerebrovascular malformation.
If you have a need for a long-lasting dull headache, please call Hotline 0243 9743 556 for more information or register for an appointment and online consultation HERE.
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