First aid for burns in children

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The article was professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Tran Van Trong - Specialist in Pediatric Surgery, Plastic Surgery - Aesthetics - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Danang International Hospital.
Burns are a common accident in children, especially children aged 1-6. At this age, children are often hyperactive, curious, but do not fully understand the danger. Not only causing pain, affecting aesthetics, psychology, burns accidents in children can lead to death if not treated promptly and properly.

1. Burn accident in children

There are many different causes of burns to children, of which it is mainly due to the carelessness of adults in the process of looking after and taking care of children.
According to statistics of the World Health Organization (WHO), every year, in the world, burn accidents occupy the leading position in the types of accidents that occur in children's homes and are the second leading cause. cause death in children. Burns in children, although small in area, can also cause loss of salt, water, plasma... leading to shock, infection, poisoning and death. Burn injuries cause pain, panic and shock in children, and even lead to personality disorders, reduced resistance, and a lack of interest in contact.
In Vietnam, according to statistics of the National Institute of Burns, out of 100 burn victims hospitalized, about two-thirds are children. Causes of burns in children are mainly boiling water burns, fire burns, chemicals, electricity, improper use of utensils, hot food, candles, firecrackers,...
Because children's skin has characteristics Different from adults, skin is thinner than adult skin, poor heat resistance, so the degree of burns is severe, deeper than adults, even causing damage to muscles, bones, blood vessels, nerves... The process of treatment and recovery The recovery of burn children is also slower than that of adults.

2. Classification of burns of children

The degrees of burns are as follows:
2.1 First degree burns Skin is red, no scalds. Only the superficial layer of skin is affected. Burns heal quickly, leaving no scars. First-degree burns usually heal at home in 3 to 5 days, usually without causing blistering and scarring.
2.2 2nd degree burns 2nd degree burns cause damage to the skin caused by heat, radiation, chemicals, electricity, and friction. This burn is also called a focal thick burn. There are two types of second-degree burns that are determined by the depth of the burn:
Thick superficial burns that damage the first and second layers of skin and are usually caused by hot water or hot objects. The skin around the burn is white when pressed, then turns red again. A moist, painful burn with blistering and swelling that lasts for at least 48 hours. Deep thick burns: cause damage in the deep layers of the skin, which are areas of white mixed with red. They are usually caused by contact with hot microwave oven oils, fats, soups, and liquids. This type of burn is painless and sensitive to pressure. Mottled skin, white when pressed, may appear waxy in some areas, usually dry, slightly moist. The possibility of infection is often associated with this type of burn. It takes several days before symptoms develop and become apparent when the burn is superficial or deep. Treatment of second-degree burns varies depending on the size, depth, age and general health of the patient. With all types of burns, monitoring and treating the infection is important. Second degree burns can remove scarring after healing.

Hình ảnh bỏng ở trẻ nhỏ
Hình ảnh bỏng ở trẻ nhỏ
2.3 3rd degree burns The most severe burns cause pain, involving all layers of the skin. Fat layer, muscle, and even bone can be affected. Areas may be pink-black spots, appearing dry and white. Difficulty inhaling and exhaling, CO toxicity and a number of other toxic effects can occur if difficulty inhaling is accompanied by burns.
Destroys the entire thickness of the skin. There are usually no blisters because the top layer of skin has been destroyed. The burned skin is white or scorched. Can burn deep to muscle and bone. Burns leave scars despite being treated. Take your baby to the doctor if:
Extensive burns on one part of the body (burns the entire back, or chest and abdomen, or burns an entire limb). Large burns are very dangerous because they cause a lot of dehydration and are painful for the child. Burns in the face. Second degree burns or more.

Bỏng độ 3 gây đau đớn cho trẻ
Bỏng độ 3 gây đau đớn cho trẻ

3. What to do when a child is burned?

The first aid at home when the child is burned is one of the important factors to prevent the wound from getting deep inside and avoid superinfection. However, at present, many parents still do not fully understand or even misunderstand about first aid when a child is burned, making the child's injury even more serious.
Therefore, properly performing first aid when a burn accident occurs will help limit the unfortunate risks affecting the health of the child. Here are the basic first aid steps when a child is burned:
Immediately remove the cause of the burn and remove the victim from the area where the agent is present. Take off your clothes immediately. Immediately immerse the burned part in clean, cool water or under running water (water temperature is about 15-20 degrees Celsius is best. Time is about 15-20 minutes). If the chemical burns like hot lime, the time is about 20-30 minutes. This has the effect of reducing the depth of the burn, reducing pain, and reducing edema. Do not apply any drugs or chemicals to the burn. Keep the burn clean, then lightly cover the burn with sterile gauze to relieve local pain. If it is a young child, breastfeed, older children should drink a lot of water, sugar water mixed with a little salt or Oresol solution to prevent burns. Monitor children, do not let food clog the child's throat. Hold your head high, tilt to one side, to avoid reflux of food into the trachea. Find ways to bring the child to the nearest medical facility (when the child is awake). Avoid transferring the child while in shock. Note that for children with burns caused by electric shock, there is a case of apnea, cardiac arrest, immediately give first aid to the child on the spot, put the child on the hard ground, give artificial respiration until the child breathes. can be transported to a medical facility, avoiding immediate emergency treatment.
Parents should also pay attention that stress is also a cause of shock for children. After the burn, there will be mental panic, then parents must encourage and comfort, do not let the child panic.

4. Preventing burns for children

Prevention is better than cure, so in order to prevent unfortunate burns from happening to children, parents and caregivers need to regularly keep an eye on children, with hot objects, flammable substances, and dangerous substances. easy to generate fire, electrical appliances need to be kept in a safe place, out of reach of small children; Check the temperature of the water in the baths for young children, do not let the children turn on the hot water by themselves. Particularly for children who are aware, parents need to regularly remind their children about how to prevent burn accidents.
As a key area of ​​Vinmec Health system, Pediatrics Department always brings satisfaction to customers and is highly appreciated by industry experts with:
Gathering a team of top doctors and nurses in Pediatrics : consists of leading experts with high professional qualifications (professors, associate professors, doctorates, masters), experienced, worked at major hospitals such as Bach Mai, 108.. Doctors All doctors are well-trained, professional, conscientious, knowledgeable about young psychology. In addition to domestic pediatric specialists, the Department of Pediatrics also has the participation of foreign experts (Japan, Singapore, Australia, USA) who are always pioneers in applying the latest and most effective treatment regimens. . Comprehensive services: In the field of Pediatrics, Vinmec provides a series of continuous medical examination and treatment services from Newborn to Pediatric and Vaccine,... according to international standards to help parents take care of their baby's health from birth to childhood. from birth to adulthood Specialized techniques: Vinmec has successfully deployed many specialized techniques to make the treatment of difficult diseases in Pediatrics more effective: neurosurgery - skull surgery, stem cell transplantation. blood in cancer treatment. Professional care: In addition to understanding children's psychology, Vinmec also pays special attention to the children's play space, helping them to have fun and get used to the hospital's environment, cooperate in treatment, improve the efficiency of medical treatment. Dr. Trong has more than 10 years of experience in Pediatric and Reconstructive - Aesthetic Surgery, and soon became one of the leading doctors in the field of Children's Surgery, especially Laparoscopic and Plastic Surgery. Plastic Surgery - Aesthetics.
To register for examination and treatment with pediatricians at Vinmec International General Hospital, please click the "Contact Us" button on the website or register online HERE.
First aid for fire burns, boiling water burns Principles of first aid for burns Grades of burns Rehabilitation methods after burns
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