What you need to know about chickenpox antibody testing

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Chickenpox is a common disease today. Chickenpox is considered a benign disease, however, the disease will cause some dangerous complications if not treated properly. To determine the presence of chickenpox virus in the body, the doctor will order a chickenpox test.

1. Signs of Chickenpox

Most of us get chickenpox at least once in our lives. Some typical signs are common in patients with chickenpox, including:
An itchy rash, a rash Clear or cloudy blisters appear. After a few days, they will shrink and scab Feeling tired, headache

Mụn nước là đặc trưng thường gặp ở người bị mắc bệnh thủy đậu
Mụn nước là đặc trưng thường gặp ở người bị mắc bệnh thủy đậu

Some people are at high risk for complications from chickenpox, including:
Pregnant women Children People with low resistance People who have not been vaccinated against chickenpox Use steroids to treat the disease Patients If you have chickenpox, you just need to abstain, take care of it properly, and use topical medicine to kill the chickenpox virus to heal because this is a benign disease. However, if not treated promptly and properly, the disease will cause serious complications, such as skin infections, encephalitis, pneumonia, sepsis,... If the patient shows the above symptoms, the patient should soon be tested for chickenpox antibodies.

2. What is the chickenpox antibody test?

To accurately detect the cause and determine timely and appropriate treatment, when seeing the symptoms of chickenpox, the doctor will assign the patient to perform a chickenpox test.
Performing a chickenpox antibody test helps determine if your body is producing antibodies to the chickenpox virus. This test is based on the body's antibodies against the virus that causes the disease. Therefore, the test can be positive if the body has antibodies, including those who have had the chickenpox vaccine.
The chickenpox test results will indicate the presence of chickenpox virus antibodies, specifically:
IgG antibodies in the blood positive and IgM negative: the patient with suspected chickenpox does not have signs of chickenpox. clinical sign. This means that your body is being protected against the attack of the Varicella zoster virus (VZV). This could be because you have been vaccinated or have had chickenpox. No antibodies in the blood: you will be vaccinated if needed and monitored to prevent disease. Positive IgM antibody, positive or negative IgG: in this case, you have been infected with the chickenpox virus. You need to be treated promptly to avoid dangerous complications. When a pregnant woman has chickenpox, there are several risks to the fetus depending on the week of pregnancy when infected:
First 3 months of pregnancy : The risk of the fetus developing congenital chickenpox syndrome is 0.4% with typical signs The picture is a scar on the skin. Some other abnormalities may occur, including: cataracts, growth retardation, retinopathy... 3rd trimester of pregnancy : The risk of the fetus having congenital chickenpox syndrome is 2% Rate Neonatal mortality is up to 25-30% of infected cases, if the mother is infected within 5 days before birth and 2 days after birth. Performing a chickenpox test will help decide whether the vaccine is needed for the general population or those who are about to become pregnant.

Xét nghiệm thủy đậu trước khi mang thai để tránh nguy cơ cho cả mẹ và bé
Xét nghiệm thủy đậu trước khi mang thai để tránh nguy cơ cho cả mẹ và bé

3. Chickenpox Test Methods

Some common methods of testing for chickenpox today, include:
Find IgG and IgM antibodies in the blood through serological testing, by chemiluminescence immunoassay Determine the presence of chickenpox virus Pea in blood by PCR test Increased antibody titer in serum. antibodies will increase 2-4 times before, after 2 weeks of infection. Patients will be tested for chickenpox with different methods depending on the testing facility and the patient's condition.

4. Chickenpox Prevention Measures

Some effective ways to prevent chickenpox include:
Get vaccinated against chickenpox as a baby or at least 3 months before pregnancy Avoid contact with patients with chickenpox during pregnancy Clean body In particular, if you are infected with chickenpox virus, you can take some remedies, such as:
Avoid scratching, causing blisters to break and spread to other areas when it develops. rash, blisters To relieve itching, you should bathe with warm water or cook with some leaves To avoid infection, you should use Methyl blue medicine applied to the scaly acne spots To avoid affecting the acne spots Wrapped in the oral cavity, should not be eaten lightly. Do not take aspirin. To avoid possible dangerous complications, patients with chickenpox should be treated promptly and properly. In addition, you need to take steps to prevent chickenpox.
Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consultation services. comprehensive and professional medical consultation and treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space. Customers when choosing to perform tests here can be completely assured of the accuracy of test results.

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