Endoscopic surgery to remove hematoma in the brain

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Surgery to remove hematoma in the blood by endoscopic method increases the ability to control, locate the hematoma and the source of bleeding. In addition, this method also helps the operator to observe widely to remove the hematoma and stop the bleeding.

1. What is a hematoma in the brain?

In each person's body there are many large blood vessels, once these blood vessels are damaged, the blood clots outside the blood vessels and is called a hematoma. Hematoma in the brain is a phenomenon of damage to the large blood vessels in the brain capsule due to head trauma, causing very dangerous complications, which can be fatal for the patient.
Some causes of cerebral hematoma include:
Use of anticoagulant drugs Cerebral hematoma due to hypertension Head injury Traffic accident or fall from height Brain aneurysm causes hematoma Injury to the tissues of the adjacent vascular system due to dental or cosmetic operations Having powdered cerebral artery disease... In many cases, late detection of a hematoma before going to the doctor has resulted in many complications. symptoms such as: headache, vomiting, coma... leading to difficulties in the treatment process. In fact, these types of injuries, if treated promptly by intracerebral hematoma surgery to drain the hematoma, most recover completely right after the hematoma is removed.

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2. Endoscopic surgery to remove hematoma in the brain

2.1. Advantages of endoscopic surgery to remove hematoma in the brain Hematoma removal surgery is a routine surgery in neurosurgery. The advantage of endoscopic hematoma removal in the brain increases the ability to control, locate the hematoma and the source of bleeding. Besides, this method also helps the surgeon remove all the hematoma and easily stop the bleeding.
2.2. Indications and contraindications for endoscopic hematoma in the brain Indicated in the following cases:
Hematoma in the brain occipital lobe Hematoma in the ventricle Hematoma in the brain temporal lobe Hematoma in the cerebellum Hematoma in the brain parietal lobe Blood brain hematoma in the frontal lobe Contraindications: There is no absolute contraindication to the use of endoscopic support for intracranial hematoma

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2.3. Steps to perform endoscopic surgery to remove hematoma in the brain Step 1: Prepare microsurgery instruments, microsurgery glasses, endoscopic instruments, light source, camera, optical cable, endoscopic instruments, arrange placement endoscope system, monitor. Set the posture, fix the head with a dedicated frame. In some cases using the neuronavigation positioning system it is necessary to have computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging. Step 2: Make skin incision, expose skull bones, drill and open skull cap Step 3: Open dura with the help of microsurgery glasses; Open the cerebral cortex in the area near the hematoma, with little function, avoiding blood vessels and nerves. Step 4: Use microsurgery and endoscope to help control surrounding structures, hematoma, and source of bleeding. Endoscopes used include 0, 30, 45 and 70 degree tubes; Under endoscopic light, control hematoma, collect hematoma with suction machine, curved suction tube. Hemostasis with a curved bipolair electric knife. Step 5: Close the dura, fix the skull cap and close the skin. 2.3. Monitoring after surgery After surgery, it is necessary to monitor respiration, circulation, consciousness, paralysis, pupils, paralysis of cranial nerves, sensory disturbances. If the incision is bleeding, change the bandage, compress the wound, and suture the wound. If cerebral edema, anti-edema internal treatment, if not effective, open the skull cap decompression. If there is an infection, use antibiotics. Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consulting services. and comprehensive, professional medical treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.
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