Does ultrasound accurately diagnose epididymitis?

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The article is consulted by Resident Doctor, Master Nguyen Van Anh - Radiologist - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

Epididymitis is one of the most common genital diseases in men and is often associated with infectious factors. To diagnose the disease, in addition to clinical examination and blood tests, epididymal ultrasound is also considered an indispensable paraclinical technique.

1. Learn about the condition and cause of epididymitis

Epididymitis is an inflammation of the epididymis, which may or may not be caused by a bacterial infection. Clinically, the disease is often divided into two main types, acute and chronic epididymitis. For acute epididymitis, clinical symptoms usually persist for a period of 6 weeks, most commonly pain in one or both scrotum and may be accompanied by fever in some cases. .
Chronic epididymitis often causes the patient a feeling of tightness and discomfort in the scrotum, although not as swollen as the acute stage, but many fibrous masses appear and these signs take place continuously and last for a long time. duration of more than 6 weeks. Usually, epididymitis is not a disease that appears alone, but is accompanied by inflammation in the surrounding organs such as orchitis, so the two diseases orchitis and epididymitis are often parallel. working together, causing patients a lot of inconvenience in daily life.

According to many studies, epididymitis often occurs in patients who are young, sexually active, play sports too much or patients with a history of surgery, previous urinary catheter, as well as must have some other disease such as foreskin stenosis or benign prostatic hyperplasia. Causes of epididymitis are divided into two main categories:
Infectious causes: This is a common cause of orchitis and epididymitis, pathogenic bacteria are usually E Coli Staphylococcus, Streptococcus , tuberculosis bacilli, Neisseria gonorrhoeae... Some unusual cases are caused by parasites, fungi... causing diseases. Non-infectious causes: Usually after an injury or an immune disorder. Some studies have suggested that epididymitis can occur after infection as an internal inflammatory response, especially in pubertal patients.

Tình trạng viêm mào tinh hoàn thường xuất hiện ở bệnh nhân trẻ tuổi
Tình trạng viêm mào tinh hoàn thường xuất hiện ở bệnh nhân trẻ tuổi

2. The role of ultrasound in epididymitis

Patients with clinical signs of epididymitis will be ordered by doctors to perform testicular ultrasound to evaluate the nature, shape, and size of the epididymis as well as the testes and other structures. in the scrotum, helping doctors to compare and make the most accurate conclusions. In addition, testicular color Doppler ultrasound method can also survey the perfusion of the testicles to look at problems related to blood vessels supplying the testicles and epididymis. Typically, epididymitis or orchitis, when performed on ultrasound, will result in an increase in size, increased perfusion, and increased blood flow rate compared with the non-inflamed testis-epididymis. or sometimes both sides have abnormal signs.
In addition, because testicular ultrasound can also evaluate other pathological conditions in the testicles such as orchitis, epididymal cyst, testicular trauma, testicular torsion, testicular cord vasodilation... Therefore, when performing an ultrasound evaluation of epididymitis in combination with clinical examination and other necessary laboratory results, it will help doctors differentiate epididymitis from other diseases with symptoms. clinically similar.
Epididymitis is an inflammatory disease localized in the epididymis of the testicle and is common in patients of puberty. Ultrasonography of epididymitis is a useful subclinical method to diagnose this disease, besides this simple, effective and safe method also helps to distinguish epididymitis from other causes. without causing any harm to the patient's body.

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Siêu âm tinh hoàn giúp đánh giá những tình trạng bệnh lý viêm mào tinh hoàn ở nam giới

Currently, patients can perform testicular ultrasound at many different medical facilities, but it is necessary to choose reputable units with highly qualified specialists to help make an accurate diagnosis. sick, give the best advice.
Vinmec International General Hospital always ensures professional quality with a team of leading medical doctors, a system of modern technological equipment. The hospital provides comprehensive and professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services. Customers when performing tests at Vinmec can be completely assured of the accuracy of the results.

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