Does standing burn more calories than sitting?

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How to burn calories to help lose weight fast is always a topic of interest and search. So what is calorie burning? How to burn calories effectively to help lose weight that is safe for health?

1. The difference between male and female body when burning calories

The amount of calories that each body burns is not the same, they depend on body indexes, age, gender... However, when studying the calorie difference between standing and sitting, the results have different results. quite markedly different.
When conducting a survey on a group of men and women of the same age and height, the researchers performed an experiment to statistics the body's ability to burn calories in 8 hours. However, that 8-hour period will be divided into 8 hours of sitting, 4 hours of sitting and 4 hours of standing....
You can actively learn about calorie calculation based on the Harris Benedict equation. This equation is based on a calculation formula that has been studied by many people and you use the weight, height and age index multiplied by a factor. The coefficients are conventionally valued from 1.2 to 2 based on daily activities such as sitting, standing or high-frequency movement.
Usually, men burn more calories due to their higher height and weight than women. In addition, men tend to burn more calories. Although there are differences between men and women in terms of energy needs and calorie burning capacity, sitting will always burn fewer calories than standing.

2. Comparison of calorie burning and weight loss while sitting and standing

Every activity of our body even while sleeping affects the burning of calories. However, each different action will consume different energy.
So on what basis to make the point that burning calories and losing weight is more effective when standing than sitting? When you sit the body does not move but still needs to use a little force to keep the sitting position, so the functioning organs will only have a limit.

Ngồi có thể đốt cháy một lượng calo nhất định trong cơ thể bạn
Ngồi có thể đốt cháy một lượng calo nhất định trong cơ thể bạn

On the contrary, when you move the muscles that are exercised more, the body temperature increases, making the ability to burn calories increase. The fact that you stretch your legs every time you sit down and stand up will stimulate the movement of the muscles, making the body burn more energy than maintaining a position.
In the study data on calorie burning in the 20s with a height of about 1m65 in women and 1m8 in men with a weight of 50kg, it has been shown that, sitting for 8 hours straight, women need 453 calories and men 500 calories. 4 hours of sitting and 4 hours of standing, women burn 691 calories and men 762 calories
If calculated according to the above data, the difference in calorie consumption between standing and sitting is quite large. When standing or moving, you need almost twice as many calories as just sitting.

3. Calorie-burning effect from body measurements

Most of us just think about eating less or exercising more to burn calories better. But every activity that takes place in the body always burns calories even when we are at rest.
That means that eating or breathing activities that the body does as a habit also burns calories but not much so it is less noticeable. In addition, the weight, height and age indexes cause different effects on each person's calorie burning needs.
Adulthood is the time when the body develops comprehensively combined with internal metabolism, so the ability to burn calories and lose weight is better. As you age, your need to burn calories will decrease due to less active ability and less muscle mass.
Calories are a fuel source like an energy battery that helps people to be creative in work as well as in daily life. Therefore, understanding the factors that evaluate the amount of calories the body needs and balance the body mass index will bring many benefits to each of us.

4. Benefits of burning calories while standing

Standing is a way to burn twice as many calories as sitting for long periods of time. However, standing to burn calories also brings many other benefits to our health such as:
Reduce the risk of diabetes Prevent heart attack symptoms Minimize the risk of stroke Reduce the risk Cancer: The calorie-burning activity standing and moving helps the body avoid scoliosis symptoms that affect your physique and health.

5. How long is suitable to burn calories to lose weight and be safe for health?

Standing is an effective calorie-burning movement, but it does not mean that you will stand continuously for a long time. That's also why the comparison study was done with only 4 hours of standing, not 8 hours like sitting.
Standing for a long time will make your muscles tired and tired can make you dizzy, low blood sugar or even faint from exhaustion. To calculate reasonable standing time without affecting work life, researchers tested and measured on 20 adults. First you get to work with the computer and sit until it's 2 hours, then switch to a standing position and continue working. Analysis of mental status showed that 2 hours of sitting made them tired and stressed. In addition, sitting for a long time causes the body to crawl, which can swell and create conditions for excess fat to develop in the hip and waist area.
Therefore, changing the working position will reduce fatigue and create positive energy for work and creativity. So the time to stand or sit is up to you to experience and feel is the best. Each body will have a different time, but it should not be too long to ensure mental health.

Đứng là một động tác giúp đốt cháy calo giảm cân hiệu quả
Đứng là một động tác giúp đốt cháy calo giảm cân hiệu quả

6. Instructions on how to increase standing time to burn calories

Find a way to stand longer if you've only been standing for a short time and feel tired. In principle, you should not sit for more than 30 minutes and need to get up and walk around to relax your muscles.
The alternating standing and sitting will help the muscles to work in combination with rest and increase your standing time up to 10-15 minutes compared to forcing the body to just stand. Therefore, you need to be flexible in the space to be able to stand a little longer:
At the office The office is where you see the chairs or the table. You can choose a slightly higher table area to accommodate standing. Except for the time working with the machine or writing, you can stand to do other tasks.
Standing up for a glass of water or answering the phone while standing is one solution.
For parties and events, you should choose a standing space for your body to move more. Thanks to that, the work is also motivated and high efficiency.
For those of you who like to sit still and can't leave the chair, you should set a reminder clock. After a period of time when the clock rings, you will gradually form the habit of getting up and walking to relax.
At home When in the house you can clean around or high areas to burn calories and stand more. You should also get into the habit of doing things while standing and elevating the stove or phone shelf. Raised items will make you more conscious of standing and using them.
You can go for a walk to play sports and meet the neighbors for a short time. This will prolong standing time and not make you feel tired.

7. Rely on other support to stand longer

Sometimes we can't control or be self-conscious about our personal goals. Therefore, you need to change some items to burn calories and lose weight to achieve better results. At work, it seems impossible to change, but at home, you can. Try changing your chair into something else. For example, incorporating cycling or a piece of exercise equipment instead of a chair. Standing is an action that we all do every day, but standing properly and burning calories effectively you need to ensure the following issues: :
Eyes looking straight at the head without bowing Arms hanging down to the body Hands should not be higher than the elbows The practice of standing should be cared for and carefully monitored. Here are a few supportive tips that experts will guide you to stand longer:
Insoles for shoes Standing puts all your weight on your feet. So a pair of high heels will create a reaction force that makes you tired quickly and can't stand for too long. Therefore, you should choose shoes that are just right with supportive cushioning.

Đế lót cho giày phù hợp sẽ giúp bạn đứng lâu hơn
Đế lót cho giày phù hợp sẽ giúp bạn đứng lâu hơn

Choose the right shoes Sneakers or flat sandals are one way to help you stand longer. The balance of the body will be lost when you wear high heels or pointed soles. You should choose sports shoes that are shockproof and supportive for your feet.
What is calorie burning? You can understand that this is the process of expending energy to achieve your purpose in life. The way for you to combine burning calories when your free time is too little is to get up and walk and work while standing instead of sitting.
Besides, to be able to best reduce calories, you need to incorporate a healthy, healthy diet that is good for the weight loss process. In case you are suffering from diseases and do not know which diet to use is reasonable but still ensure your health, you should consult a doctor, a nutritionist.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has a general health checkup package for all customers and ages. The examination will help the doctor understand the health status so that he can best adjust it to suit his current condition.

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