Does menopause make ovarian cancer more at risk?

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Menopause is a manifestation of aging, it is not the only cause of ovarian cancer, but the chance of developing cancer increases as you get older.

1. What is menopause?

Menopause is a condition that occurs when you have not been pregnant and have not had a period for 12 consecutive months. This is an inevitable manifestation of the aging process. As we age, our female sex hormone levels naturally decrease. The ovaries also stop producing eggs, so you will no longer have periods or the ability to get pregnant.
Most women go through menopause in their 40s or 50s. However, it is also completely different for each person.

2.Signs of Menopause

Chu kỳ kinh nguyệt bất thường có thể là dấu hiệu của mãn kinh
Chu kỳ kinh nguyệt bất thường có thể là dấu hiệu của mãn kinh

You may start to notice some changes before menopause occurs. Some symptoms are common during this phase, including hot flashes, or irregular periods.
When entering menopause, you will notice the following noticeable changes:
2.1 Irregular menstrual cycle This is the most typical sign that signals you that menopause has come. Your periods may be more or less frequent, heavy or light, longer or shorter than before. Getting pregnant during this stage is more difficult, but it's still possible as long as you're menstruating.
2.2 Hot flashes and night sweats Hot flashes can make you feel hot for no apparent reason, accompanied by flushed skin, heart palpitations, and then cold. suddenly.
Like so many other symptoms of menopause, hot flashes and night sweats are not the same for every woman. They can last from 1-5 minutes, range from mild to severe, several hours to a week, or never occur. For some women, these symptoms can persist for years after their periods stop.
2.3 Trouble sleeping Another common sign of menopause in women is frequent difficulty falling asleep and waking up at night. If sleep problems persist for a long time, and the cause is unknown, you should see your doctor for specific advice and diagnosis.

Phụ nữ tuổi mãn kinh thường khó ngủ
Phụ nữ tuổi mãn kinh thường khó ngủ

2.4 Mood Changes Your mood can be influenced by many different factors, including the hormonal changes that occur during menopause. In particular, in cases of anxiety or depression in the past, menopausal symptoms may worsen. If you feel like you're in a bad mood, talk to your doctor so we can work together to help you feel better.
2.5 Physical Changes As you enter menopause, you may notice certain changes in your body, including hair and skin becoming drier and thinner, more fat around your waist, weight gain, or less muscle. Some other symptoms may also occur, such as: Joint stiffness, damaged joints make it difficult to move. To improve these conditions, you should maintain more physical activity to keep fit, as well as overall health.
2.6 Decreased sex drive During menopause, the skin around the vagina can become drier. This often causes pain or injury to women during sex.
2.7 Memory impairment Both men and women are at increased risk for memory impairment in middle age, such as inability to think of words when speaking, forgetting or losing things. Usually, this isn't necessarily a serious problem. This condition can be caused not only by menopause, but also by regular stress.

3. Menopause and ovarian cancer risk

Uống thuốc tránh thai có thể ngăn rụng trứng giúp khả năng phát triển ung thư buồng trứng giảm đi
Uống thuốc tránh thai có thể ngăn rụng trứng giúp khả năng phát triển ung thư buồng trứng giảm đi

Overall, several factors associated with menopause can influence a woman's risk of developing ovarian cancer.
Those who start menopause late - usually after the age of 52, have a higher risk of ovarian cancer. This is due to the fact that the menstrual cycle stimulates the body's hormones to release more eggs.
Taking birth control pills can temporarily stop ovulation, thereby greatly reducing the chance of developing ovarian cancer. However, when you use any type of birth control pill, consult with your doctor to weigh the risks and benefits of birth control pills, as well as the risk of cancer.
Additionally, some women also use hormone therapy to deal with menopausal symptoms. Recent studies suggest that taking these hormones may increase the risk of developing ovarian cancer.
In summary, the longer the use of any hormone therapy, the higher the chance of ovarian cancer. If you're considering this therapy to help relieve menopausal symptoms, talk to your doctor about the possible benefits and risks.

4. Ovarian cancer: How to recognize?

Ovarian cancer is often difficult to detect early until it has already begun to spread to other areas of the body. Therefore, the rate of successful treatment for this disease is not high.
As you approach, or are in, menopause, you need to closely monitor your body's changes, including symptoms of ovarian cancer, including bloating, constipation, weight loss, swelling, and pelvic pain.
In case you have gone through menopause, you should also not subjectively ignore any unusual manifestations, such as vaginal bleeding. If you haven't gone through menopause, you should see your doctor if you have irregular periods or vaginal bleeding during sex.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
Reference source:

Signs of early stage ovarian cancer What are the symptoms of ovarian cancer? Typical warning signs of ovarian cancer
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