Taking care of women's health after the age of 40

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Through the age of 40, women have to face many changes inside their body such as beauty, health, and physiology. This is the time when a woman's body undergoes many changes.

1. Changes inside the body after the age of 40

1.1 Menstrual disorders The most common sign in most women is a change in the menstrual cycle.
When entering perimenopause age, menstrual irregularities. The women observed that their natural menstrual cycle was less frequent, maybe 1 and a half months, 2 and a half months, even up to 3 months, and the amount of menstruation became less and less.

Phụ nữ ngoài 40 đã bắt đầu bước vào độ tuổi tiền mãn kinh
Phụ nữ ngoài 40 đã bắt đầu bước vào độ tuổi tiền mãn kinh

2. Changes in skin and hair

After the age of 30, women's skin and hair will get worse and worse. These signs will be very visible.
Dryer skin, reduced elasticity, prone to wrinkles, especially around the eyes. Skin pigmentation spots, freckles, age spots, dark spots appear more and more. The hair is drier and more brittle, prone to split ends, gray hair and breakage...

3. Physiological changes

Entering the physiological perimenopause, women near the age of 40, due to a lack of female hormones, cause hot flashes, hot flashes, sweating, irritability, nervousness and anxiety in women. mood change. Or negative thoughts are prone to diseases such as: Depressive disorders, anxiety disorders...
In addition, during perimenopause, the change in female sex hormones is also the cause for abnormal psychology. safe and anxious. Anxiety during this period is often accompanied by insomnia, restlessness, and stress, which makes women more prone to sleep disturbances and irritability.

Thay đổi hormone khiến phụ nữ bồn chồn và nóng nảy hơn
Thay đổi hormone khiến phụ nữ bồn chồn và nóng nảy hơn

4. Risk of cardiovascular and joint diseases

Women reaching the age of 40 have a decline in estrogen production or a disorder that increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure and osteoporosis.

5. Some ways to take care of the body for women after the age of 40

5.1 Proper diet With a reasonable diet, mothers and sisters will enhance their health and avoid diseases effectively:
Breakfast should not be skipped: The first meal of the day is always important. , which plays the role of providing energy for the next 24 hours. Reduce caffeine: This substance will adversely affect your sleep, rob the body of energy as well as the body's ability to recover. Monitor blood sugar index: Please arrange the menu scientifically, to ensure blood sugar balance. Too much blood sugar will lead to many diseases in this age group. Foods that should be added are nuts, vegetables containing magnesium, ... Do not arbitrarily add vitamins: This is a healthy vitamin, but not always should be massively loaded into the body. Increase protein for the menu: This nutrient is essential to gain muscle at the age of 40. Don't forget to add 20 to 30 grams of protein per meal. Some healthy foods that women over 40 should include in the menu scientifically include strawberries, bananas, apples, oranges, watermelons, nuts (especially almonds), spinach, soups broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, yogurt, salmon, tuna, lean beef,...

Hạt hạnh nhân rất tốt cho sức khỏe phụ nữ sau 40
Hạt hạnh nhân rất tốt cho sức khỏe phụ nữ sau 40

5.2 Exercise, control stress Regular moderate exercise will help you increase blood circulation, stabilize your heart, eat well, strengthen bones, reduce constipation, train your brain... Experts advise each person to maintain regular exercise for 30 minutes a day in forms such as walking, yoga...
Besides, women need to control stress in life, avoid affecting the natural heart rate and causes negative changes throughout the body. Spending a part of your time to meet friends, join volunteer organizations or groups with similar interests helps women reduce stress, think positively, be more optimistic and have more happiness. happiness in life.
5.3 Take care of sex life Signs such as hot flashes, decreased sex drive, dryness, fatigue... affect sexual relations and quality of life. The reason is that the set of female hormones changes abnormally, especially hormones such as progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone all decline and become unbalanced, leading to perimenopause and menopause.

Hormone thay đổi bất thường làm ảnh hưởng nhiều tới đời sống tình dục của phụ nữ sau 40 tuổi
Hormone thay đổi bất thường làm ảnh hưởng nhiều tới đời sống tình dục của phụ nữ sau 40 tuổi

5.4 Get enough sleep Not only at age 40, at any stage in your life, you should also maintain the habit of getting enough sleep. At the age of forty - a time when the function of the organs is gradually declining, if the body is not fully rested, the energy source will drop heavily, negatively affecting health.
5.5 Routine Health Checkup Experts recommend that middle-aged women have regular check-ups, at least every 6 months, whether they have any disease or not. This is not only to monitor the current health situation, but also to help women detect the disease early, thereby having timely treatment.
Whether you have a disease or not, a regular health check is extremely necessary. After the age of 40, most people have to face many different diseases such as diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure,...
Regular check-ups will help monitor your health, recognize the health problems. earliest symptoms of illness for prompt treatment. Therefore, go to a medical facility for regular check-ups to take care of your health in the best way.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.

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