Does meditation help you lose weight?

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When it comes to eating and managing our weight and health, it's important to acknowledge the importance of the mind-body connection. Our busy, jam-packed lives can literally weigh us down. There are steps you can take that can help you control or lose weight, and meditation for weight loss is one of them.

1. Understand the terminology surrounding meditation for weight loss

Specific practices and techniques of meditation, mindful eating, and intuitive eating can help us learn or relearn how to have a healthy relationship with food and how to let go of any difficult feelings. what kind of towel we can have when we eat and drink. Weight loss can be a side effect of cultivating this new relationship, but it's important not to make weight loss the primary goal. Doing so can restrict us from actually eating intuitively or consciously.
Instead, focus on enjoying food because you're hungry, not because you're stressed about work or family issues and feel overwhelmed. You will learn to appreciate and love your body through all it can do for you.
When talking about meditation for weight loss or meditation for eating and working towards developing a healthy relationship with food.

1.1. Stress or emotional eating

Occurs when people tend to overeat and overeat because of strong emotions or feelings, rather than reacting to their own internal hunger cues. Sometimes when we experience strong emotions, these emotions can outweigh our physical feelings of fullness and satiety, and this can lead to us overeating. In these cases, food is used as a coping mechanism, momentarily dampening strong emotions. However, it is essential to acknowledge that this experience contributes to perpetuating a cycle. Feeling stressed can lead to overeating, to feelings of guilt or shame, back to feeling, and an inability to process or process negative emotions or stress.

Nhiều người có xu hướng ăn quá nhiều để giảm cảm xúc tiêu cực hoặc căng thẳng
Nhiều người có xu hướng ăn quá nhiều để giảm cảm xúc tiêu cực hoặc căng thẳng

1.2. Eat with spirit

This is a technique or framework you can use to help repair your relationship with food and the eating experience. It calls us to be present and engaged with our senses. How food tastes, smells, and most importantly, how our bodies feel. Mindful eating combines intuitive eating, to help us slow down and listen to our internal cues of true hunger versus satiety, and as such, it can help we reduce or even completely stop binge eating or binge eating. While mindful eating can lead to weight loss, weight loss should not be the goal or the motivation. If our food choices are made based on a certain physical outcome we desire, it indicates that we have stopped eating intentionally.

1.3. Intuitive eating

This is a body, no-diet approach to staying mentally and physically healthy. It disproves the concept of dieting and teaches us to trust our bodies and listen to our internal physical cues, with the goal of mending our relationship with food. Intuitive eating includes mindful eating principles, however, it includes a broader, all-encompassing philosophy that puts your body at ease while moving and using nutritional information that isn't available. unbiased.

2. How meditation can help us control our weight

Just as meditation can help us reduce stress, sleep, focus and more, it can also impact our relationship with our eating and weight management.
When it comes to weight loss, we often think of taking a spinning class or choosing a salad instead of a burger for lunch. Therefore, it seems counterintuitive to consider sitting still and concentrating, and meditating for weight loss. These types of perceptions are only seeing part of the picture. Remember that weight loss is not simply about being physically fit and not simply losing white and black weight. As human beings, we are emotional creatures and it is recognized that practice can be helpful in developing a healthy relationship with food and potentially losing body fat or maintaining any weight. is the healthiest for our body.
On the other hand, weight loss methods including mindfulness interventions such as meditation (in addition to eating well and exercising), are found to be more effective in weight loss and weight maintenance in study participants.
Meditation has been shown to reduce our stress levels. This is important because stress is a contributing factor to many of us overeating. Meditation teaches us to sit and observe our emotions without judgment, rather than using our coping mechanisms like overeating.

3. How meditation can help foster a healthy relationship with eating

Meditation can help us become more minded eaters and even resolve any emotional eating problems that may exist.

3.1. Remove shame and guilt

For those who struggle with emotional eating, feeling stressed can lead to overeating to relieve or avoid these feelings. This can lead to feelings of guilt or shame. Not only does meditation help reduce stress, helping to get rid of the trigger in the first place, but it also helps you become more aware of your emotions and feelings, so you can recognize the times when you eat when you're stressed. and when you're really hungry. Meditation has also been shown to increase our compassion, which can make us more accepting of others who may have a different body shape than our own.

Thiền giảm cân là phương pháp được nhiều người áp dụng và đạt hiệu quả cao
Thiền giảm cân là phương pháp được nhiều người áp dụng và đạt hiệu quả cao

3.2. Maintain weight loss and healthy weight for a long time

Meditation can make your weight loss efforts sustainable. While diet and exercise can help you achieve your weight loss goals, meditation along with a healthy diet and exercise help with sustainable weight loss efforts.

3.3. Reduce stress and inflammation levels

Meditation lowers our levels of cortisol and C-reactive protein, which is beneficial for our overall health and can help us lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. Cortisol is involved in fat storage in our abdomen (belly fat), and elevated C-reactive protein levels can be a sign of inflammation, which is at the root of many diseases including obesity.

3.4. Better appetite control

If you struggle with emotions or binge eating, it will be difficult for you to fight those intense cravings. Research shows that mindfulness meditation can help us manage our emotions and binge eating.

3.5. Reduce our stress and anxiety

Losing weight takes a lot of effort, and keeping it off can be stressful and even lead to feelings of anxiety. Thirty days of using the app for daily meditation reduces stress by a third, so it's a proven tool.

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