Does Lysine Help Children Eat Well?

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Children anorexia is a common problem, causing consequences such as malnutrition, growth retardation and poor resistance. Anorexia can have many causes and micronutrient deficiencies are the most common. Supplementing with lysine for babies and other minerals will help them eat more deliciously and improve the problem of anorexia.

1. What is Lysine?

Lysine is one of the essential amino acids of the body. However, the body cannot synthesize Lysine on its own and must be supplied through food. For Vietnamese people, although the daily diet usually contains 70-80% starch, children are often still deficient in Lysine. Especially in children, the need for Lysine is 2 times higher than that of adults. Every day, children from birth to 6 years old need 99mg of Lysine per kilogram of body weight, while children aged 7-15 years need 44mg of Lysine per kilogram of body weight. In other words, the average amount of Lysine needed for children under 4 kg is 250mg per day; For children over 4 kg the average is 500mg per day. Because the body cannot synthesize it, parents need to supplement lysine for their baby through foods such as meat (cow, chicken, pig), fish, eggs, beans, milk and dairy products, seaweed. , carrots, tomatoes, ... Lysine is easily lost during processing, mainly destroyed by high temperature, so young children are at great risk of lysine deficiency. In order to provide enough lysine for children, in addition to a full and balanced diet with nutritional components, parents also need to learn how to process foods to retain the most lysine for children. In addition, parents can consult a doctor about supplementing Lysine for anorexia children in the form of syrup.
Watch now: Why is it necessary to supplement Lysine for babies?

Bổ sung lysine giúp ăn ngon qua những loại thực phẩm như thịt, cá, trứng, đậu, sữa
Bổ sung lysine giúp ăn ngon qua những loại thực phẩm như thịt, cá, trứng, đậu, sữa

2. The role of lysine for anorexia babies

How to make your baby eat well, grow healthy and gain weight steadily is a top concern, especially for parents with anorexic children. A solution that many parents are interested in and receive positive feedback from is supplementing with essential nutrients. In particular, supplementing Lysine to help eat better, improve taste and enhance nutrient absorption is an effective method.
So what role does Lysine play in young children, especially anorexic children?
Lysine helps develop digestive enzymes. Therefore, the addition of Lysine for children will stimulate appetite, stimulate taste buds to help children eat more deliciously. Lysine helps maximize the absorption of nutrients. In particular, Lysine enhances calcium absorption, creates collagen and prevents the excretion of minerals from the body. All of these help increase the process of creating connective tissue of skin, cartilage, bones. Since then Lysine promotes height growth, prevents bone diseases such as rickets, osteoporosis. Lysine increases the rate and efficiency of food metabolism. For low-birth-weight babies, if Lysine is added to the baby, the rate of weight gain will be 2.5 times higher than that of no supplement. Lysine supplementation for anorexia children will improve the rate of weight gain by more than 40% compared to no supplement. When Lysine is not supplied enough for the body's needs, children are easily deficient in digestive enzymes, anorexia, poor absorption of nutrients, growth retardation and weakened immune system. Although Lysine is one of the essential amino acids that stimulates children's appetite and helps children eat more deliciously, simply supplementing Lysine for babies is not enough. Because the metabolism of Lysine depends on many factors such as iron, vitamin C, vitamins of group B (especially vitamins B1 and B12), ... Therefore, if the child lacks these vitamins and minerals, even Providing adequate Lysine for children also becomes meaningless. Therefore, parents need to supplement their children with adequate and balanced essential nutrients for good physical and intellectual development, support the circulatory system and enhance immune system function.
In fact, the improvement of nutrients to help children eat well can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients for children even through eating or functional foods. power. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose types of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow children to use many types of food at the same time or continuously change types of functional foods.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.

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