Do bladder stones need surgery?

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The article was consulted professionally by Doctor Department of General Surgery and Anesthesia, Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.

Bladder stones account for up to 26% of all urinary stones and cause many dangerous complications. However, not all cases have the same treatment regimen, depending on the specific disease condition to choose the most optimal method is surgery or drug treatment.

1. What are bladder stones?

Bladder stones are hard mineral fragments that appear in the bladder. Bladder stones often occur when you do not empty the bladder completely; urine clumps together and forms mineral crystals called stones.
It is possible that the cause of bladder stones is from kidney stones, ureteral stones (or both) falling down. When the stone falls into the bladder, if the stone is small, it will probably be excreted through the urine. But with larger stones, they are located in the bladder, over time, the accumulation of stones in the bladder continues to cling to cause uncomfortable pain.

2. Subjects at risk of bladder stones

Bladder stones are more common in men than in women due to the anatomical characteristics of the bladder and urethra. Kidney stones or ureteral stones. Unscientific diet and lifestyle.

3. The telltale signs

Đau bụng dưới hoặc vùng hạ vị là biểu hiện của sỏi bàng quang
Đau bụng dưới hoặc vùng hạ vị là biểu hiện của sỏi bàng quang

Not every bladder stone shows signs to help identify the disease early, only when the stone moves causing pain or obstructing the urine flow, the patient will pay attention. Here are some early signs of bladder stones:
Pain in the lower abdomen or lower abdomen. Urine is usually dark in color or coated with blood in the urine. Frequent urination, painful urination, pain. In men, pain often occurs in the penis. Mild fever in some cases with bacterial infection.

4. When to operate bladder stones?

Currently, in the treatment of bladder stones, some interventional medical techniques such as laser retrograde lithotripsy, open surgery to remove stones are only applied to cases of stones of large size, or unable to intervene through the route. urethra.
In fact, there is no general standard on the size or timing of bladder stone surgery, the doctor will base on each specific disease condition and the extent of its impact on health to make an appropriate decision. best. For the patient himself, when suffering from bladder stones, it is necessary to have regular check-ups to see if the stone is at any level, size, quantity, acute or chronic complications... in order to have a diagnosis. prompt treatment.
Currently, at Vinmec International General Hospital, it is the first hospital to fully apply methods of treating bladder stone disease in stages. In addition, the hospital also has a Urology Screening Package - Stones, which helps patients detect urinary diseases and stones early even when there are no symptoms. The package of Urology Screening - Stones at Vinmec Hospital includes many utilities such as:
Customers are examined and consulted by urologists. Perform diagnostic X-ray and ultrasound services. Early detection of urinary diseases, stones and timely treatment advice.

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