Diseases are breaking out in the winter and spring in Vietnam

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The article was professionally consulted with Doctor Tran Quoc Tuan - Emergency Medicine Doctor - Emergency Resuscitation Department - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital.
Winter-spring is the time when many dangerous infectious diseases occur, because the weather is hot and humid, and it is also the season for many festivals, creating favorable conditions for bacteria and viruses to develop. cause disease in humans and outbreaks into epidemics.

1. Why is the winter-spring season in Vietnam prone to diseases?

The end of winter and the beginning of spring are times when many dangerous infectious diseases often occur, caused by cold temperatures, heavy rains, hot and humid weather, which create favorable conditions for bacteria and viruses to develop. rapidly, increasing the risk of disease in humans. These diseases are very easily spread through the respiratory and digestive tracts, so they are easy to break out into epidemics.
At the same time, at this time, many festivals often take place, people increase their travel, so there is a risk of transmitting dangerous diseases and causing outbreaks of winter-spring diseases. In addition, the current heavy air pollution also makes the human immune system weaken, the number of respiratory diseases increases.

2. Diseases are breaking out in winter-spring in Vietnam

Some current epidemics in Vietnam occur in winter and spring such as:
Measles: This is an acute infectious respiratory disease caused by the virus Polynosa morbillorum. The disease occurs all year round but mainly occurs in winter and spring.

Dịch bệnh sởi thường xảy ra vào thời điểm mùa đông xuân
Dịch bệnh sởi thường xảy ra vào thời điểm mùa đông xuân
Rubella: Disease caused by the Rubella virus. Rubella usually thrives in late winter and early spring. The route of transmission is through the respiratory tract when a healthy person comes into direct contact with the secretions of an infected person. The most contagious period for rubella is from 7 days before to 7 days after the rash appears. Chickenpox: The common cause of winter-spring disease outbreaks of chickenpox is due to the humid air of spring, especially the transition from winter to spring, which causes the virus called Varicella Zoster Virus to thrive.
Hand, foot and mouth disease : Hand, foot and mouth disease has no specific treatment, this is an infection that often occurs in young children and is easy to cause large epidemics. The disease usually occurs all year round, peaking in winter and spring.
Influenza : When the winter-spring transition is around, it's time for us to prevent flu. Malignant flu can cause very rapid lung damage that can lead to death.
Whooping cough: Pertussis is an acute infectious disease caused by pertussis bacilli of the family Pavrobacteriaceae. Whooping cough is transmitted mainly through the respiratory tract, presenting clinically with violent coughs and stridor. The disease occurs all year round, but mainly in winter and spring, because the weather is often wet, the air is neither hot nor cold, which makes pertussis bacteria multiply and grow quickly, causing disease in humans.
Meningococcal: Meningococcal disease is an infectious disease transmitted through the respiratory tract. The disease is caused by the bacteria Neisseria meningitidis. The disease occurs all year round, but it is easy to break out in winter and spring. Meningococcal disease can be treated in case of timely detection, active treatment and correct regimen, the cure rate is about 85-95%.
Diarrhea: Diarrhea is an epidemic that occurs all year round. The disease situation occurs due to many reasons such as: not ensuring food safety, living in an epidemic area with acute diarrhea, ... the problem of acute diarrhea occurs due to the influence in the digestive system of each person. In humans, if the weather changes combined with unsafe food, it will create conditions for disease-causing viruses to develop.

Hiện nay có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây ra dịch bệnh tiêu chảy
Hiện nay có nhiều nguyên nhân khác nhau gây ra dịch bệnh tiêu chảy
Swine Streptococcus: Swine Streptococcus is a disease that is transmitted from animals to humans. This is a very dangerous disease, the cause of which is Streptococcus suis (S. suis). The disease has a rapid and severe progression, and the treatment time is often lengthy and costly. The disease occurs sporadically all year round, but mainly in late winter and early spring, because during this time, many families often slaughter pigs to celebrate Tet and have the custom of eating pig blood soup for good luck. Therefore, the number of people infected with swine streptococcus often increases during this time.
Pneumonia: Pneumonia is a disease that is very common in winter and spring due to sudden weather changes. More dangerously, currently, the Wuhan pneumonia epidemic is an outbreak of a global concern. The initial symptoms of Wuhan pneumonia caused by Corona virus are similar to those of colds and other infectious diseases, so many people are subjective not to visit them in time, do not isolate with healthy people, so they can easily spread in the community. copper.

3. Prevention of outbreaks of winter-spring diseases

To proactively prevent winter-spring epidemics, people need to actively take the following measures to improve their health, strengthen their resistance, and prevent diseases:
If there are vaccines for the diseases, everyone, from children to the elderly, should take the initiative to vaccinate fully and on time.
If it is not important and necessary, people actively limit gathering and go to crowded places. If you have to go to crowded places, you need to wear a mask when in contact with people with respiratory symptoms such as: difficulty breathing, coughing, sneezing, fever, runny nose,...;
Always keep your body warm when the weather turns cold; warm clothes for children when riding motorbikes or when going outdoors. If you have to work outdoors or go out at night, early in the morning, you must dress warmly, keep your feet, hands, chest, neck and head warm.

Tiêm chủng vắc-xin đầy đủ giúp mọi người chủ động phòng một số loại dịch bệnh
Tiêm chủng vắc-xin đầy đủ giúp mọi người chủ động phòng một số loại dịch bệnh
Avoid direct and indirect contact with people who are showing signs of infectious diseases such as: measles, rubella, whooping cough, meningococcal, chickenpox, influenza ...
Ensure food safety by eating ripe, drink boiling; Eat healthy, nutritious food, eat a lot of fruits to help the body strengthen the resistance. It is necessary to eat a balanced diet between groups of nutrients.
Clean personal hygiene, regularly wash your hands with soap, clean your nose and throat daily. The living environment should be clean, ventilated, not damp..
You should screen early to classify infectious diseases, to avoid spreading to people around.
When there are signs of suspicion of an infectious disease, you need to immediately notify the nearest medical facility for advice, examination and treatment in a timely manner, to avoid spreading to others and limit processing. danger to the individual.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in neurological examination and treatment, patients can completely peace of mind for examination and treatment at the Hospital.

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