Direction of treatment of types of infertility

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Resident Doctor Nguyen Thi Tam - Clinician - Reproductive Support Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Infertility occurs when a couple lives together for a year without using a method of contraception and the wife still does not get pregnant. This is a fairly common condition where up to 10-15% of couples are unable to get pregnant naturally. However, with the development of modern medicine, this problem is no longer an obsession if both people agree to visit and treat together.

1. Natural intercourse guide

In order for pregnancy and childbearing to be achieved quickly, both husband and wife must know how to have effective natural intercourse. That is when both the man and the woman lead a healthy lifestyle, do not have serious gynecological and medical conditions, are not taking medication that may affect fertility, and the performance takes place in the heart. comfort, cooperation, proper posture.
The frequency of intercourse should be maintained every 2-3 days a week, after 6 to 12 menstrual cycles will bring the possibility of pregnancy. In particular, around the time of predicted ovulation, intercourse gives the highest chance of spontaneous pregnancy. Accordingly, in order to know when to ovulate, a woman needs to be instructed on how to track her menstrual cycle (usually on the 14th day for a 28-day regular cycle), how to monitor body temperature and calculate how to calculate ovulation. white blood matter before - after ovulation or using urine test strips, evaluating ovarian follicles through ultrasound... The more methods are applied, the higher the accuracy will be.
In addition, the support to pump washed sperm into the uterus will be considered for cases where natural intercourse is not possible, due to defects in the female genital organs or the ability to ejaculate, number limited sperm quality and quantity.
In-depth infertility treatments are presented below. In general, the treatment will be divided into two large groups: treatment of unexplained infertility and treatment of infertility with cause. The details of each method will depend on the cause, the pathology that limits fertility or sometimes the reason cannot be found. Whatever the case may be, however, effective intercourse is a natural, acceptable practice. Therefore, couples should always be psychologically strengthened, patiently apply this method, in parallel with other support methods to increase the possibility of pregnancy.

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Giao hợp tự nhiên

2. Regulates cervical mucus

The regulation of cervical mucus to increase the favorable conditions for sperm penetration.
If the blood test, the previous vaginal smear shows an infection, the woman needs to be completely treated before the treatment to correct the cervical mucus.

3. Microscopic fallopian tube surgery

Microsurgery on the appendix aims to open the way for single-focal blockages, located in the distal part of the fallopian tube, enabling sperm to swim to meet the egg, increasing the possibility of natural pregnancy.
In contrast, with multifocal lesions, especially those in the proximal part of the fallopian tube, the lesions are prolonged, diffuse, and associated with obstruction with atrophy of the fallopian tube mucosa, thickening and hardening of the tubal wall. , occlusion of speaker hole, adhesive wire..., surgical intervention, including surgery, will give rather poor results. In these cases, in vitro fertilization should be indicated.

4. The surgery to shape the testicles, testes

If the cause of infertility is determined to be due to obstruction in the urinary tract, vas deferens in men, microsurgical interventions will give very encouraging results.
In case of undescended testicle, it is necessary to have surgery to return the testicle to its normal position as soon as possible, even from the moment of birth. This is to help preserve spermatogenesis in adulthood as well as prevent testicular cancer later in life.

5. Intrauterine Insemination (IUI)

For cases of infertility with female causes such as cervical mucus abnormalities or in the south such as hypoplasia, sperm abnormalities but still have good motility, it should not be performed. get pregnant in vitro immediately.
Instead, the doctor will intervene by conducting intrauterine insemination (IUI) with natural cycles or cycles that stimulate ovulation. To do so, sperm needs to be pre-collected, selected, and prepared. Raw semen that has not been washed and prepared should not be used because of the risk of infection or leading to dangerous, even life-threatening reactions.

6. Stimulating ovulation

With each normal menstrual cycle, one ovary releases a mature follicle, ready for fertilization. The intervention to stimulate ovulation will be applied in cases where after a few cycles of monitoring, it is difficult to ovulate, not ovulating or even ovulating but the quality of the follicles is poor.
Ovulation treatment can be done medically with synthetic hormones that stimulate the ovaries to nourish and ovulate.
Stimulation of single ovum can be applied with natural intercourse if the sperm count is normal or in combination with sperm injection into the uterus by the husband's own washed sperm.

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Kích thích phóng đơn noãn

7. In vitro fertilization

It is the method with the highest degree of invasive intervention on human fertility. However, the rate of pregnancy with IVF will still be limited as the age of the wife increases, especially after the age of 35 or the husband or wife is exposed to tobacco smoke.
After one ovarian stimulation, many oocytes are collected and fertilized in vitro with washed sperm will create many embryos. These embryos are used to implant in the uterus, the rest will be frozen and stored for future times if the first fails. The number of embryos transferred is usually 1-2 embryos.
In short, infertility treatment is a deep and advanced specialty. Couples need to have an understanding of this issue, build psychology, prepare well along with choosing a reliable and quality infertility center to receive proper examination and assisted reproductive treatment. quickly achieve the dream of pregnancy and having children.
Vinmec Reproductive Center is the leading modern center in Vietnam, built and applied a comprehensive medical examination and treatment process, combining both male and female obstetrics and gynecology to offer the optimal plan. for each patient case. Up to now, Vinmec IVF fertility center has provided fertility support to over 1000 infertile couples with a success rate of over 40%. This rate is equivalent to developed countries such as UK, USA, Australia,...
With high professional level and extensive experience, Vinmec's team of experts is capable of deploying. Synchronize and comprehensively the most advanced assisted reproductive techniques today, helping to realize the dream of parenthood of hundreds of families across Vietnam.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

Reference source: National guideline on reproductive health services - Ministry of Health

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