Diarrhea during pregnancy is dangerous?

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Video content is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

Diarrhea during pregnancy is a common problem in early or late pregnancy. In some cases, frequent urination during pregnancy is a warning sign of a dangerous disease. Therefore, pregnant women need to recognize early when it is normal and when it is pathological to have appropriate treatment.

During the first 3 months of pregnancy, the cause of urinary incontinence during pregnancy is mainly due to hormonal changes, increasing the amount of blood and fluid excreted by the mother's kidneys. At the same time, the growing fetus also puts pressure on the bladder, causing the bladder to stretch and the mother to urinate more, but the amount of urine each time is less and there is a burning sensation. Even when the mother laughs, coughs and sneezes, urine leaks out.
Urinary incontinence during pregnancy will decrease when the fetus reaches the fourth month. However, closer to the due date, the urge to urinate during pregnancy recurs.
The problem of "how to get pee?" Or "is it dangerous to urinate during pregnancy?", Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Vinmec Central Park said that: Depending on the cause, it can be confirmed whether it is dangerous to urinate during pregnancy. In case of urinary incontinence during pregnancy in the early stages but normal urine, no signs of infection, this may be a normal physiological sign, pregnant women do not need to worry too much. If the urine is abnormally cloudy or has a bad smell, there is blood in the urine with frequent urination, burning pain, fever, it may be a symptom of a bladder infection, urinary tract infection, there is a risk of ureteritis, nephritis, pyelonephritis. acute, directly affecting the body of the mother and fetus. In this case, it is necessary to see a specialist to find out the cause of urinary incontinence during pregnancy and have appropriate treatment.
Questions like "how to get pee?" or "what to do when urinating?" Nowadays, there are many ways to treat it. Including behavioral and dietary treatment, medication:
Behavior adjustment: Pregnant women do not hold urine, practice the habit of urinating at a certain time frame, exercise properly, and limit wearing clothes. Tight clothes, keep the spirit happy, optimistic. Adjust diet: Mother should drink more than 2 liters of water per day, avoid using stimulants such as tea, coffee, alcohol, increase foods containing high fiber. Using drugs to treat urinary incontinence during pregnancy: Master, Doctor Le Phuc Lien - Vinmec Central Park advised that, currently, there is no drug that can completely treat urinary incontinence during pregnancy, physiologically or if there are drugs. If treated, it will affect the fetus. Therefore, mothers should change their behavior habits to improve the condition. For the pathological causes of urinary incontinence during pregnancy, the mother must be treated, the doctor will choose the drugs that are least likely to affect the fetus for the mother to use. To ensure safety, the mother absolutely does not buy drugs for home treatment on her own, but needs to go to the hospital to be examined by a specialist and have an appropriate treatment regimen.

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