Diagnosis of anuria in patients with acute renal failure

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Acute kidney failure is a dangerous disease, especially for the elderly. Today, patients with the disease are getting younger and younger, posing many concerns to the whole community. A number of diseases related to acute kidney failure such as anuria have been significantly affecting the health and daily life of patients.

1. What is anuria in patients with acute renal failure?

The kidneys are the main excretory organs of the urinary system, which filter blood and eliminate waste, retaining blood and proteins. In particular, the stem plays an important role in pH balance.
Acute kidney failure can be understood as a condition in which the kidneys suddenly decline in function, lose the ability to remove waste from the body, leading to edema, fatigue, loss of appetite, and impaired physiological function. ..
Normally a day the body will excrete 1-2 liters of urine, but when the kidneys are not able to produce enough urine, it will lead to anuria symptoms.
Anuria in patients with renal failure lasts from 1-6 weeks, on average patients will have urine back after 1-2 weeks. When symptoms of anuria appear, the acute tubules are necrotic. Although the first few days, there is still urine, but very little, the urine is dark in color with blood and pus. The consequences of anuria are extremely dangerous because it increases blood nitrogen and disturbs the balance of water, electrolytes, acid-base...
Determine anuria by measuring the amount of urine in a day, if below 100ml/day is considered anuria. In addition, anuria and urinary retention are two completely different pathologies. Urinary retention is when there is still water in the bladder but cannot excrete it, while anuria is when there is no urine in the bladder at all.

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2. Causes of anuria

There are many causes of anuria such as high blood pressure, diabetes... However, mainly anuria occurs because patients have kidney diseases.
Renal causes: Kidney diseases such as glomerulonephritis, kidney stones, renal tubules are compressed or blocked tubules. Pre-renal causes: When the renal artery is blocked or blocked, blood cannot reach the kidney, leading to no urine. Post-renal causes: This is also known as pseudo-anuria because the urinary function is still there but there is an obstruction in the way to drain urine, so urine stagnates in the kidneys. Cause of kidney prolapse: Shock, bleeding... leads to a serious reduction in blood flow to the kidney, affecting the pressure, leading to anuria. All of the above causes lead to acute renal failure, so we can simply understand that the main cause of anuria is acute renal failure.

3. Diagnostic signs of anuria in patients with acute renal failure

Anuria in patients with acute renal failure occurs when the disease has reached the second stage, then the patient will have the following symptoms:
Whole body edema due to the kidneys' reduced ability to excrete toxins and excess water excess. Lack of concentration, dizziness, lightheadedness due to reduced amount of filtered blood. Dull pain in the ribs, back and legs. Nausea, loss of appetite due to high levels of urea in the blood. Itching due to kidney failure to eliminate toxins in the body... Breath changes such as shallower breathing, difficulty breathing deeply, bad breath...

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Phù nề toàn thân là dấu hiệu của vô niệu ở bệnh nhân suy thận cấp

4. Treatment of anuria

From the causes leading to anuria, the doctor will give different treatment methods.

4.1 For patients with hypertension, diabetes

The patient continues to take the medicine as directed by the doctor, maintaining healthy living habits.
In addition, for patients with kidney stones or tumors, they must be removed to improve anuria.

4.2 For patients with acute renal failure

The anuria phase in acute renal failure is treated by maintaining water-electrolyte balance with the rule that water in is less than water out. Use diuretics according to the dose and stop when the patient is able to urinate. Do not use diuretics if the acute renal failure is due to post-renal causes (due to urinary tract obstruction in the ureters, bladder...)
If the patient has renal failure due to pre-renal causes, adequate volume replacement is required. return to circulation as soon as possible do not use diuretics if not sufficiently compensated.
In addition, the patient is treated with dialysis to remove fluid and waste. Kidney transplantation is a last resort if the above methods fail to work.
Anuria occurs mainly with pathological causes, so when this symptom appears, people need to go to the doctor immediately and find out the cause for timely treatment.
Any questions that need to be answered by a specialist doctor as well as customers wishing to be examined and treated at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide or register online HERE.
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