Diagnosis and treatment of hematuria

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Urine is a liquid secreted by the kidneys, which is eliminated from the body through the urethra. Depending on the diet, the color and dosage of urine will be different. However, hematuria is not simply due to diet, it is a condition in which the patient urinates with an abnormal amount of red blood cells in the urine. So how to treat hematuria?

1. What is the condition of hematuria?

Hematuria is blood in the urine. There are two types of hematuria: gross hematuria and microscopic hematuria. Gross hematuria is defined as when the urine is dark red in color, recognizable to the naked eye. Microscopic hematuria is defined as hematuria but cannot be seen by the naked eye, only detected when doing a urinalysis, the result is a red blood cell count > 10,000 red blood cells/ml of urine.

2. Diagnosing hematuria

Diagnosis of hematuria when the patient has red blood cells in the urine of different degrees (diagnosis of microscopic or macroscopic hematuria). Diagnosis can be made by visual detection of dark red urine or by urinalysis or urinalysis.
Some symptoms associated with hematuria are as follows:
Painful urination, difficulty urinating, intermittent urination, urinary retention, May or may not have fever, chills. May be accompanied by renal colic, lumbar pain on one or both sides. Pain and burning in the bladder area.

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Người bệnh đái máu có thể xuất hiện cơn đau quặn thận

2.1. Laboratory tests should be performed to diagnose hematuria Urine test has red blood cells in the urine at different levels. Urine cytology: to look for malignant cells. Perform a bacterial culture. Renal-urological ultrasound Unprepared abdomen Perform 24-hour proteinuria. Cystoscopy, which can be performed when the patient is in the hematuria phase. Quantification of Ig. Retrograde pyelonephritis. Computerized tomography. Kidney biopsy.

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Phương pháp nội soi bàng quang giúp tìm nguyên nhân đái máu ở người bệnh

3. Causes of hematuria

There are many causes of hematuria, specifically as follows:
Kidney stones, urinary stones. Due to tumors: renal parenchymal tumor, urinary epithelial tumor, bladder tumor, prostate tumor. Due to urinary tract infection. Due to trauma: lumbar trauma, hypogastric injury, urethral trauma. Renal causes: acute / chronic glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis. Due to blockage, occlusion of renal vessels (arteries and veins). Venous occlusion. Hematuria due to schistosomiasis.

4. How to treat hematuria?

4.1. Medical treatment with drugs Using hemostatic drugs: oral or intravenous transamins. Indication of blood transfusion if there is a lot of blood loss. Antibiotic treatment if there are signs of infection: Sulfamide group, Quinolone group or can be combined with other groups depending on clinical development and results of blood cultures, urine cultures. Based on the cause of the disease to combine other drugs.

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Người bệnh được điều trị đái máu bằng thuốc uống

4.2. Surgical surgical treatment Some cases of severe obstruction in the urinary tract caused by blood clots, need temporary surgical intervention such as drainage, collection of blood clots in the bladder before resolving the cause. sick.
4.3. Treatment of the cause Indications for surgical intervention depend on the cause of hematuria and the specific condition of the patient.
Hematuria is a dangerous disease and can leave many complications if not examined and treated promptly. Therefore, medical examination and screening for urological diseases is the best way to prevent disease and protect health.

Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has been performing examination, treatment, prevention and surgery for many urological diseases with good results, patient's health recovers quickly.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact Vinmec Health System nationwide, or register online HERE
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