Dengue fever raging: How to thoroughly kill mosquitoes

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Tran Thi Linh Chi - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Dengue fever 2019 is having a strong outbreak and mosquitoes are the insects that are able to spread the disease quickly. If you don't want to be "visited" by dengue fever, in addition to learning the knowledge about this disease and proactively preventing it, it is also necessary to take measures to kill mosquitoes thoroughly and eliminate mosquito habitats.

1. The spread of dengue fever

Dengue fever is a disease caused by the Dengue virus, which can spread quickly if bitten by an infected mosquito. Dengue fever can occur all year round and there is a sharp increase in the rainy season. Anyone, including children and adults, is at risk.
Manifestations of Dengue hemorrhagic fever are very diverse, depending on each specific case, the disease progresses rapidly and can cause complications such as shock, bleeding, multi-organ failure and rapid death.
Up to now, the world has not found a drug that can specifically treat dengue fever, so the prevention of Dengue hemorrhagic fever needs to be taken seriously.

Muỗi đốt là con đường lây lan sốt xuất huyết Dengue nhanh nhất trong cộng đồng
Muỗi đốt là con đường lây lan sốt xuất huyết Dengue nhanh nhất trong cộng đồng

2. How to prevent dengue fever?

Mosquito bite is the fastest way to spread dengue fever, for dengue fever prevention to be effective, it is first necessary to have a specific mosquito eradication strategy, not only concentrated in epidemic hotspots. that even the neighboring areas need to deploy, and at the same time step up the implementation of environmental sanitation activities, kill larva, spray insecticide at outbreaks and places at risk.
In addition, organizing propaganda sessions on dengue prevention and control, eradicating mosquitos, strengthening inspection, supervision and urging on dengue epidemic prevention and control, preventing disease outbreaks and spread.

3. How to kill mosquitoes thoroughly

Mosquitoes are insects that live in dark, humid places, so thinking that mosquitoes can transmit diseases only appear in stagnant ponds and standing water is completely wrong, this can make the destruction of mosquitoes completely wrong. mosquitoes fail. In fact, midges can reside anywhere such as water tanks, flower vases with water, water on the altar, rockeries, rainwater, wardrobes, kitchen corners, house corners... Therefore to To kill mosquitoes, it is necessary to pay attention to change the water regularly, clean things in the house and absolutely do not store water.
In addition, spraying can be carried out to kill mosquitoes, must be sprayed in all corners of the house to prevent mosquitoes from moving from one place to another.
The best time to spray insecticides is in the early morning or evening because then they are most active. One thing to note when spraying insecticides in an outbreak is that it is necessary to conduct a general and simultaneous spraying to have a thorough effect.

Tiêu diệt muỗi phòng chống dịch bệnh sốt xuất huyết là trách nhiệm của tất cả mọi người
Tiêu diệt muỗi phòng chống dịch bệnh sốt xuất huyết là trách nhiệm của tất cả mọi người
To prevent dengue fever 2019, each person needs to actively take measures such as:
Should sleep under a mosquito net and wear long-sleeved clothes. Carefully protect people with dengue fever, avoid mosquito bites because they will spread the disease to others. Use all measures to kill mosquitoes and larvae. Use lids on water containers to prevent mosquitoes from laying eggs. Clean house and water containers weekly. Destroying waste items such as bottles, jars, debris, tires, bamboo niches... Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of doctors and nurses. industry leading, modern technological equipment system, but also outstanding with comprehensive and professional medical examination, consulting and treatment services; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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