Notes when spraying mosquito repellent to prevent dengue fever

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Vo Ha Bang Suong - Doctor of Medicine - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital. The doctor has more than 15 years of experience in the treatment of internal diseases.
One of the effective measures to prevent dengue fever is to spray insecticides to kill mosquitoes. The mosquito repellent used is a drug that has been tested for safety and fully meets the quality criteria approved by the Ministry of Health. The machine for specialized spraying is also the best type of machine currently imported from Germany.

1. Mosquito repellents

Insecticide products currently include three groups:
Organochlorine group, Organophosphorus group, Pyrethrine-based group The mosquito spray currently licensed for use by the Ministry of Health is the Pyrethrine group - a drug. belongs to the latest generation, is the leading drug and has been tested in all 3 regions of Vietnam for safe results. Currently, countries around the world are also using this drug.
Group 1 and 2 mosquito sprays have been banned due to toxicity. Users can be poisoned if not wearing a mask, have skin allergies, watery eyes, itching, sneezing, difficulty breathing.

2. Mosquito spray technique

Phun thuốc xịt muỗi là phun với một lượng hóa chất cực nhỏ dưới dạng phun sương nhưng có hiệu quả tối đa
Phun thuốc xịt muỗi là phun với một lượng hóa chất cực nhỏ dưới dạng phun sương nhưng có hiệu quả tối đa
Mosquito spray is spraying with a very small amount of chemical in the form of a mist, but with maximum effectiveness. Only a few hours after spraying, the amount of chemicals will diffuse in space, so there is no worry about the drug affecting health.
A few hours after spraying, the amount of chemical is completely diffused in space, so the spray can only kill adult mosquitoes infected with dengue virus at the time of spraying, but not for a long time, forever. Therefore, when the amount of chemicals has been exhausted in the air, if the surrounding environment or in other households still exists mosquitoes carrying dengue fever, these mosquitoes can still continue to fly into the house and bite people. And so, the risk of dengue fever can still occur.
In the process of spraying mosquito repellent, if sprayed at the wrong dose, not according to the process, it will not kill mosquitoes. Moreover, the risk of mosquitoes being drug-resistant, resistant to drugs, and users who are allergic to mosquito sprays due to unknown usage may completely occur.
Do not arbitrarily buy mosquito spray to mix and spray for your home because if people use the drug arbitrarily, in the wrong dosage, use it for too long... it will lead to insect resistance. It also has a negative impact on the health of the family.
If there is an epidemic, it is necessary to spray chemicals twice 7-10 days apart to kill mosquitoes, chemicals do not remain, so after a week of spraying, there will be mosquitoes in the house.
Spraying chemicals to kill mosquitoes is only for the time being to stamp out the dengue epidemic, which is a necessary short-term measure. The most important thing is to find and kill the larvae, where the larvae exist, the new disease prevention is sustainable.

3. Notes when spraying mosquito spray

Tạm rời khỏi nhà và khu vực phun thuốc ít nhất 30 phút để thuốc khô và tránh hít phải hơi thuốc
Tạm rời khỏi nhà và khu vực phun thuốc ít nhất 30 phút để thuốc khô và tránh hít phải hơi thuốc
Families who need spraying should go to the Health Center, Ward Health Station or call the hotline of the Department of Health for full advice. Usually, mosquito repellents are odorless or have a mild pungent odor. Therefore, in order to avoid affecting health as well as ensure the effectiveness of spraying mosquito killer, people need to take the following measures:
Before spraying insecticide: Actively open all doors. , including windows for air circulation. Cover food carefully, cover water containers, neatly clean utensils. Move pets away from the spraying area. While spraying : Temporarily leave the home and spraying area for at least 30 minutes to allow the spray to dry and avoid inhaling the vapors. Absolutely do not follow the sprayer. For young children, the elderly, pregnant women, and people with underlying medical conditions such as blood pressure and heart disease, they should stay outside for 1-2 hours before entering the house. After spraying: Clean the house and equipment to ensure absolute safety, and the activities after that take place normally. Spray chemicals should be in the early morning or evening. Mosquitoes that transmit dengue are active in the early morning and late evening. Spraying insecticides is most effective when we spray at these times with no rain and little wind. However, to match the living time of households and the urgent requirements of epidemic prevention, the health sector can spray chemicals for longer periods of time.
Besides, if only spraying mosquito repellent within a family while neighbors do not spray, the effect will be very little. Just a short time after spraying, mosquitoes from outside fly into the house.
In addition to spraying chemicals to kill mosquitoes, people need to actively participate in the prevention of dengue fever for themselves, their families and people around by finding and killing larva/larvae, covering water containers, scrap removal.
Take measures to avoid mosquito bites such as wearing long-sleeved clothes, using mosquito nets when sleeping, and using mosquito repellent cream. When having a fever and showing symptoms of dengue fever, the patient needs to go to a medical facility for examination and treatment advice, do not arbitrarily treat at home.

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