Dengue fever has no vaccine: What is the best way to prevent it?

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Up to now, dengue fever no longer occurs in a certain cycle but occurs all year round, greatly affecting the health of the entire community. This is a disease that has no vaccine to prevent, so it is very important to actively learn about dengue prevention measures.

1. What is Dengue fever?

Dengue fever is an infectious disease caused by the Dengue virus and can be transmitted from an infected person to a healthy person through mosquito bites. In case the patient only has normal dengue fever, the treatment of dengue fever is not difficult, however, if the disease progresses to Dengue shock syndrome, also known as Dengue hemorrhagic fever, it is very dangerous. . There is no specific treatment for the disease and the methods of treating dengue fever only relieve symptoms of the disease.
It is estimated that every year around the world, about 2 billion people are infected with dengue fever, the most infected subjects are children. Because there is no vaccine to prevent the disease, dengue fever becomes a great concern for the world. community health.
Dengue dengue mosquitoes of the genera Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus are most active during the day, with this mosquito species, only female mosquitoes can bite and transmit the disease to humans. After being bitten by an infected mosquito, the infected person will be infected with the dengue virus, which will enter the bloodstream from 2 to 7 days and cause dengue hemorrhagic fever.

Loài muỗi truyền bệnh sốt xuất huyết Dengue thuộc chi Aedes aegypti và Aedes albopictus hoạt động mạnh nhất là vào ban ngày
Loài muỗi truyền bệnh sốt xuất huyết Dengue thuộc chi Aedes aegypti và Aedes albopictus hoạt động mạnh nhất là vào ban ngày

2. Danger of dengue fever

Up to now, there is no specific treatment for dengue fever and there is no vaccine for dengue fever, so this is a disease that is considered dangerous and has the potential to become an epidemic. making it difficult to treat dengue fever.
Dengue fever is a disease that can cause death in children, causing economic losses to society. The worrying thing is that the dengue epidemic is becoming more and more complicated day by day because people have not actively prevented dengue fever.
According to statistics from the Department of Preventive Medicine, from the beginning of 2019 to now, the whole country has recorded nearly 250,000 cases of dengue fever, of which there have been 50 deaths from dengue in 18 province, city. The number of cases increased by 2.9 times over the same period in 2018.
In Ho Chi Minh City, in October 2019, there were nearly 55,400 cases of dengue fever, an increase of 88% compared to 2018 in which there were 9 patients. died. Although it has been controlled, the dengue fever epidemic has not cooled down, at any time there is a risk of becoming a pandemic.

Cho đến thời điểm hiện tại, bệnh sốt xuất huyết chưa có thuốc điều trị đặc hiệu
Cho đến thời điểm hiện tại, bệnh sốt xuất huyết chưa có thuốc điều trị đặc hiệu

3. How effective is the prevention of dengue fever?

Because dengue fever is a disease for which there is no vaccine to prevent dengue fever, the proactive prevention is still:
Kill larva, mosquito, larva To prevent dengue fever, each person, each family should spend Time to clean the house, garden, all utensils, items containing water with larvae, just a small action will help repel mosquitoes and pathogens that cause dengue fever.
Propaganda to raise people's awareness Any location is at risk of becoming a dengue fever epidemic, so people need to propagate to raise people's awareness in dengue prevention, find understand the knowledge related to this disease so that it can be treated promptly when there are signs of dengue fever. People's sense of self-prevention is always a decisive factor in successful control of dengue fever. blood, prevent health risks for themselves, their families as well as the community.
Prevent mosquito bites Preventing dengue fever by fighting mosquito bites is a practical measure, each person can avoid mosquito bites by:
Wear long-sleeved clothes even when going to sleep Sleep under a mosquito net even at night day Using mosquito spray, mosquito repellant cream or electric mosquito net... Using curtains or nets impregnated with insecticides, air conditioners can reduce the risk of mosquitoes residing in the house and biting people. For families with dengue fever, the sick person should be isolated. Clear the trees and do not allow children to play in humid places. Dengue fever prevention will be really effective if everyone applies the right measures and takes the necessary measures.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining, diagnosing and treating dengue fever that is trusted and chosen by many people. With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that, the dedication from experienced doctors will make the examination and treatment of dengue fever easier and more effective.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health System nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
Treatment of dengue fever in adults Severe symptoms of dengue fever in adults and children Dengue fever increases in adults, be alert to the risk of outbreaks
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