Tests to diagnose sexually transmitted diseases

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Indiscriminate or improper sex is one of the main causes of sexually transmitted diseases. So what do diagnostic tests for sexually transmitted diseases include and where should these tests be performed?

1. What is a sexually transmitted disease?

Sexually transmitted diseases caused by parasites and microorganisms living on the skin or living in body fluids such as urethral, ​​vaginal, blood, etc.
A person can contract infectious diseases sexually transmitted through contact with the blood, body fluids, or skin of an infected person. These microorganisms can enter the body through cuts, sores on the skin or through the mouth, anus, vagina. Because of such a contagious ability, it is absolutely necessary to do diagnostic tests for sexually transmitted diseases to be able to detect and have timely treatment.
>> See also: Ureaplasma: one of the causative agents of sexually transmitted diseases - Article written by BSCKII Nguyen Thu Hoai - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.

2. What is sexually transmitted disease?

There are four main causes of sexually transmitted diseases. Specifically:

2.1 Caused by a virus

For sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses, it cannot be completely cured, but can only be controlled to a certain extent because the virus once infected will follow the patient for life. Some common sexually transmitted diseases caused by viruses are:
HIV Hepatitis B HPV – the cause of genital warts, genital warts, even cervical cancer.

Trong các bệnh lây lan qua đường tình dục do virus gây ra, HIV là bệnh đem lại hậu quả vôc ùng nặng nề
Trong các bệnh lây lan qua đường tình dục do virus gây ra, HIV là bệnh đem lại hậu quả vôc ùng nặng nề

2.2 Caused by bacteria

Bacterial STDs are treatable and usually antibiotics are prescribed. For example:
Chlamydia Gonorrhea Syphilis

2.3 Caused by fungi

Of all sexually transmitted diseases caused by fungi, candida albicans is the most common. This disease not only affects the genitals, but also can cause damage to the mouth, skin, blood.

2.4 Due to parasites

Pubic lice and scabies are two of the sexually transmitted diseases caused by parasites. However, this form of the disease is not too dangerous and can be completely cured relatively easily.

3. Some symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases

Depending on the cause of the disease, sexually transmitted diseases will have different symptoms and manifestations. Besides, there are also many cases where people carry the disease but do not know it because they do not have any obvious symptoms, leading to an increased risk of infecting others. Patients can refer to some of the common symptoms below, including:
Unusual discharge from the vagina or penis The genitals or anus are red, itchy, warts or even even abnormal sores Urinating more than usual, burning urine,... Women who are not in their menstrual period but often have abdominal pain Based on the above symptoms, the patient can go to the facilities Get tested by a reputable doctor to see if you have a sexually transmitted disease.
In addition, diagnostic testing for STIs is also recommended for women who intend to become pregnant, are pregnant or who have had unprotected sex with someone who has an STI. sexually.

4. What is the diagnostic test for sexually transmitted diseases?

When conducting diagnostic tests for sexually transmitted diseases, usually the patient will be assigned to do the following tests:
First of all, a general examination at the Internal Medicine specialist. PCR test to diagnose gonorrhea Chlamydia PCR test VDRL/TPHA test diagnoses syphilis Hepatitis B test Urogenital Mycoplasma test P24 antibody/antigen test diagnoses HIV

Khi chẩn đoán bệnh lây qua đường tình dục, bạn có thể phải xét nghiệm chẩn đoán lậu
Khi chẩn đoán bệnh lây qua đường tình dục, bạn có thể phải xét nghiệm chẩn đoán lậu

5. What should be noted in the diagnostic test for sexually transmitted diseases?

To perform the test safely and give highly accurate results, before conducting diagnostic tests for sexually transmitted diseases, patients should note a few things as follows:
Do not douche genitals or have intercourse for at least 24 hours. Women who are on their menstrual cycle or have vaginal bleeding should not have this test. Record all the symptoms you experience to report to the doctor when you visit. Inform your doctor about any medications or supplements you are currently taking. Read carefully about the rules or things to avoid before going to the clinic or ask for information from the doctor during the visit.

6. Reputable address for testing and diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases

As mentioned above, there are many STIs that have no obvious symptoms, so if not detected and treated promptly can lead to chronic pain, infertility and even death. Therefore, it is necessary and recommended to choose reputable medical facilities to do diagnostic tests for sexually transmitted diseases as soon as possible.
Package of Social Diseases Examination and Screening of Vinmec International General Hospital helps customers to screen for social diseases in order to detect diseases early for effective treatment and avoid complications.
Package of screening for social diseases for all ages, for both men and women. When registering for the Social Disease Screening Package, customers will receive:
Dermatology Specialist Tests Perform tests such as: HIV Ab rapid test, Chlamydia rapid test, Treponema pallidum rapid test, rapid test. Qualitative and quantitative Treponema pallidum TPHA assay, bacteriological staining and endoscopic staining of fungi

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