Demser: Uses, indications and precautions when using

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Demser is used to treat high blood pressure in patients with adrenal medullary tumors requiring surgical treatment. The drug needs to be indicated for specific cases and patients should note a number of issues before using Demser

1. What is Demser?

Demser is a drug used to treat high blood pressure in patients with pheochromocytoma, an endocrine tumor. The drug is given before and immediately after the patient has had surgery to remove the tumor from the body. In addition, Demser is also used for long-term treatment of patients who cannot undergo surgery. However, the drug is not indicated for use in patients with high blood pressure due to other medical causes. The main ingredient of Demser drug is Metyrosine, which works by stopping the tumor in the body from producing some natural substances, typically Catecholamines that have the ability to increase blood pressure and increase heart rate in patients, so if the amount of Catecholamine substance is high In the body too low will increase the risk of having a high blood pressure.

2. Indications for taking Demser

Indications for use of Demser for adjunctive treatment in patients with adrenal myeloma.

3. Notes when using Demser

The drug is indicated to be taken orally with or without food, usually 4 times a day or as specified by the doctor in each different case. The dose is given according to the patient's medical condition as well as the response to the drug. Patients should not take more than a total of 4g of Demser per day because of the increased risk of side effects. Patients will be instructed by their treating physician to start at a low dose, then gradually increase the dose until the best dose is reached. While taking Demser, the patient's blood pressure will be checked by the treating doctor and some follow-up tests will be done to determine the most appropriate dose for the patient. When using Demser, patients need to drink a lot of water and urinate often to avoid side effects on the kidneys and bladder. The patient's daily water intake and frequency of urination will be advised by the doctor before taking the drug, and the patient should strictly follow these recommendations. It should be taken on a regular basis to get the most benefit from it, preferably taking Demser at the same times each day. Absolutely do not arbitrarily stop the drug without a doctor's prescription, on the contrary, you should maintain the drug even if you feel healthy because the vast majority of patients with high blood pressure do not detect any symptoms. any signs of illness. In the first 2-3 days after taking the drug, the patient may have difficulty sleeping or insomnia, but if this symptom persists for too long or is more severe, accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, nausea. sweating, rapid heart rate, immediately report to the doctor for treatment. For patients who need surgery, Demser is indicated to be used at least 5-7 days before. If you have any unusual symptoms such as high blood pressure, headache and other symptoms, or your medical condition worsens, notify your doctor as soon as possible.

Người bệnh cần sử dụng thuốc Demser theo chỉ định của bác sĩ
Người bệnh cần sử dụng thuốc Demser theo chỉ định của bác sĩ

Drowsiness, fatigue, dizziness, dry mouth, diarrhea are the first side effects that appear when the patient has just been exposed to Demser. If they persist for longer and get worse, tell your treating doctor or pharmacist. Some other serious side effects to watch out for are difficulty speaking, drooling, uncontrolled movement, muscle stiffness, tremors, decreased sex drive, pain and swelling of the breasts, etc. mental changes, confusion, depression, anxiety, change in the amount of urine, painful urination, pink urine, hematuria, or rash, rash, itching, shortness of breath, dizziness Allergic reactions are very rare side effects when using Demser, but patients also need to observe and pay attention to these symptoms.

4. Conclusion

Demser drug to treat hypertension in patients with adrenal medullary tumor is a popular drug today, effective, easy to use but still capable of causing some side effects affecting human health. sick. Therefore, it is necessary to consider and carefully read the drug instructions before using Demser.

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