Daily habits to reduce breast cancer risk

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Breast cancer is a cancer that can affect both men and women, affecting the health of the patient. To reduce the risk of breast cancer, diet and daily habits play a very important role in this issue.

1. Is breast cancer preventable? How to reduce the risk of breast cancer? Breast cancer is the leading cause of cancer death among patients, especially women. Currently, breast cancer patients have been treated with many different methods, but for the most effective treatment, the cancer should be detected at an early stage. Patients can conduct periodic health examinations and perform screening methods for breast cancer such as mammograms, mammograms or mammograms for early detection. Breast cancer can be fatal if detected too late, but the disease can still be prevented with lifestyle changes and proper nutrition.

2. Preventing breast cancer Some methods to consider in reducing the risk of breast cancer are:
Balanced nutrition: Food choices for patients can help limit the risk of cancer. breast cancer, although scientists are continuing to do more research on how diet affects the disease. Accordingly, you should focus on green vegetables, fruits, beans and whole grains with the amount of these foods accounting for two-thirds of your daily menu. The rest of that diet is lean protein like poultry or fish. Limit alcohol use: If women drink 2-3 servings of wine and beer per day, the risk of breast cancer will be 20% higher than that of the general population. Experts have pointed out that if you want to drink alcohol, you should have no more than 1 drink per day. Don't smoke: Smoking is linked to a higher rate of breast cancer, especially for women who have not yet reached menopause. The level of smoking, the age at which you start smoking, and the length of time you continue to smoke all affect your chances of getting breast cancer. If you are a smoker, you should consult with a health professional to find out how to quit. Know the body's tissue type: The shape of the breast is completely different for different people. If the breast has less fat and more milk glands, the supporting tissue is called dense, this case will increase the risk of breast cancer and it is also difficult to detect abnormal cells when performed. currently monitor. A mammogram is considered a method to determine the type of breast tissue. If the patient is characterized by dense breasts, more frequent screenings as well as the use of more advanced and specialized screening tests are needed to detect breast cancer early. Exercise: Regular physical activity can reduce the risk of disease. Experts have recommended that 150 minutes of moderate or 75 minutes of vigorous exercise should be done each week, or both can be done in smaller amounts at the same time. Monitor your weight: When you eat a healthy diet and exercise, your weight will become more balanced and healthy, thereby reducing your chances of getting breast cancer. Excessive weight gain, especially for the elderly, will increase the risk of disease, which is especially true for women entering menopause.

Để giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú thì chế độ dinh dưỡng và những thói quen hằng ngày đóng vai trò rất quan trọng
Để giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú thì chế độ dinh dưỡng và những thói quen hằng ngày đóng vai trò rất quan trọng

Consider birth control: Hormonal forms of birth control such as the pill, IUD, etc. may cause more breast cancer. However, these methods can also help people fight other types of cancer. Patients should consult with their doctor to consider the risk factors for cancer that their body has, so that they will make the most reasonable decisions about birth control. Hormone replacement therapy? Women often use hormone replacement therapy to alleviate symptoms of menopause and prevent fractures. However, when applying this method, the risk of breast cancer will also increase if the patient takes hormone replacement therapy with a combination of estrogen and progesterone, or takes only estrogen for many years. So, if you have too many problems during menopause, you need to tell your doctor to have the best option. In the case of patients who want to use hormone replacement therapy, it should be used at the lowest dose but effective for the shortest time.
Provide fiber for the body: Fiber is abundant in whole grains, green vegetables, fruits and legumes. Women who eat more of these foods have a reduced risk of disease. Scientists do not have concrete evidence that this will have a tumor suppressing effect, but more research is still being done to clarify. A diet rich in fiber can keep the body healthy in many ways, including reducing the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Exposure to the dark: Women are often exposed to too much light in the evening, whether they work in shifts or live in places with a lot of light, this also increases the risk of breast cancer . Many scientists have suggested that the connection here is the hormone Melatonin, which is the substance that the body produces when it is dark to be able to sleep better. If possible, try to control the amount of light exposure at night. Some tools that can help are curtains, sleeping masks, low-power light bulbs... Vitamin D: The body can make vitamin D when sunlight comes into contact with the skin. However, a more reliable way to get enough vitamin D is through foods like salmon, oysters, sardines and other foods like milk, orange juice... If necessary, the risk of breast cancer will increase. Or patients can also use vitamin D supplements, but need to consult a doctor before using them. Check personal belongings: Many cosmetics, lotions, and hair care products can contain parabens, which act like a weak estrogen in the body. Scientists have shown that these chemicals can cause hormone-positive breast cancer, which has not been fully studied yet. Therefore, it is necessary to choose products that do not contain Parabens.

Duy trì chế độ dinh dưỡng khoa học để giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú
Duy trì chế độ dinh dưỡng khoa học để giảm nguy cơ ung thư vú

There is a lot of misinformation about breast cancer today that needs to be understood better like a mammogram – mammogram is an important screening tool and it will not cause the tumor to spread to areas other. In addition, breast cancer risk is not increased by shaving armpits, using antiperspirants, or wearing underwire bras. Therefore, it is very necessary to learn and choose to read information from reputable and official sources.
In order to reduce the risk of breast cancer, maintaining a scientific diet and exercise program requires us to have the most correct knowledge about this disease, especially daily living habits to help prevent cancer. breast .
Breast cancer is a common cancer in women, it is estimated that every year around the world, many women die from this disease. Accordingly, if breast cancer is detected early, the prognosis for treatment is very high, even if it is completely cured and not recurred. Therefore, breast cancer screening is essential, especially for those at high risk of breast cancer.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has been implementing a Breast Cancer Screening Package for women of different ages. At Vinmec, there is a full range of necessary medical equipment, a system of modern medical machines to perform methods of examination, diagnosis, testing, imaging, and treatment of breast cancer at many stages. . Accordingly, the breast cancer examination and treatment process at Vinmec is carried out by a team of highly qualified doctors and nurses who have undergone training and are technically certified, able to handle quickly and effectively. . Therefore, when using Vinmec's breast cancer screening and early detection package, customers can detect cancer even when there are no symptoms.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

References: /mch.moh.gov.vn, webmd.com

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