Cure ureteral stones with folk tips

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How to cure ureteral stones by folk tips are applied by many people. This is a simple way, with easy-to-find ingredients, easy to make at home, but with sustainable effectiveness. Read the article below for more information on curing ureteral stones with folk tips.

1. What are ureteral stones?

The ureter is the passageway for urine between the kidney and the bladder. Ureteral stones are very common in urolithiasis.
The cause is due to the deposition of substances in the urine, which crystallize into stones in the kidney. The stone falls and gets stuck in the ureter. Locally formed ureteral stones are rare.

2. Symptoms of ureteral stones:

Dull pain in the pit of the kidney, pain spreading along the path of the stone. Renal colic : Sudden, severe pain, pain from the lumbar fossa spread anteriorly, downward, and down to the external genitalia. Blood in urine: When the stone moves, it rubs against the mucosa causing bleeding, so the urine is pink, red or dark brown, ... with a bad smell. Pain when urinating, painful urination, urinary frequency, discomfort. Cloudy urine, pyuria, high fever, chills, nausea, vomiting

3. Complications of ureteral stones

Ureteral stones that are not treated in time will progress seriously and cause many complications.
Water retention: The stone gets stuck, causing urine to not go down to the bladder to be discharged, causing water retention in the kidney causing pain. Urinary tract infection: When stones move and rub, they damage the lining of the ureter, creating favorable conditions for bacteria to grow causing urinary tract infections Acute kidney failure: When stones completely block the ureter, anuria is anuria lead to acute renal failure. Chronic kidney failure: Prolonged urinary infection, kidney cells cannot recover, causing chronic kidney failure.

4. Cure ureteral stones with folk tips

Methods to cure ureteral stones in Oriental medicine do not cause side effects, using materials available in nature, so it saves costs. It is possible to treat ureteral stones with folk tips if: The stone is smaller than 10mm, in the early stages, has not caused complications, and the kidney function is normal.
Use green papaya: Papaya is sweet and cool. Helps laxatives, spleen events, heat clearing, low gums and stone erosion. How to use: Papaya is not too old nor too young, wash, keep the skin intact, remove the tail end, remove the seeds, add a little salt, steam for 30 minutes. Eat after meals, for 7 days. Use pineapple (fragrant): Pineapple is sweet, slightly sour, has a lot of fiber and folic acid Helps clear heat, diuretic, eliminates waste in the kidneys and erodes stones How to use: Pineapple with skin, cut a small hole then add 0.3g alum, steam for 3 hours, eat all pineapple meat, continuously for 7 days. Or bake the pineapple until the skin is burnt, squeeze the juice, mix it with 1 chicken egg. Drink 2 times / day, in a row for 3 days. Using cilantro: Helps to detoxify, relieve pain, inflammation, diuretic and increase kidney filtration How to use: Take 1 handful of cilantro, wash, crush, squeeze out water, mix with coconut water or a little salt, drink 3 times / day, continuously for 7 days. Or boil 50-100g of coriander with half a liter of water, boil for about 20 minutes, drain the water to drink, continuously for 2-4 weeks. Using lettuce: Cool, sour taste. Helps clear heat, detoxify, clear urine, reduce urinary frequency, difficulty urinating. Usage: Squeeze water, drink every day. Or boil water. Using bitter herbs: Bitter taste, soldering properties. Anti-inflammatory, diuretic. How to use: Take 30g of fresh bitter gourd or 15g of dried bitter gourd, drink it instead of water daily. Using corn silk, primrose and cat whiskers: Helps clear heat, diuretic, and emphysema. How to use: 20g each, take 150ml of water, drink 3 times a day. Using pineapple roots: Coolness. Diuretic help. How to use: Wild pineapple roots are washed, thinly sliced, and dried. Drink and change water daily. In about 5 to 6 days. Use of fenugreek and far from the money: Far from the money helps to diuretic, reducing the number and size of stones. Pot grass helps to clear heat, antibacterial, and stop bleeding. How to use: Take 20g of each type, simmer with 800ml of water until there is 400ml, divided into 2 times, drink during the day. Using grass roots: Helps detoxify, diuretic. How to use: Take 10g of grass roots, 15g of gotu kola, 5g of butterfly pea flower. Simmer with 600ml of water until there is 300ml, drink 3 times a day, for 1 month. Using water coconut tree: Helps clear heat, diuretic. How to use: Take 100g of water coconut and 100g of coriander, drink water 3 times a day. In about 2-3 weeks. Or take 20g of desiccated coconut, 16g of primrose, 16g of cloves, 16g of plantain, 16g of the model plant, 16g of virgin. Bring the decoction to drink water 3 times / day, for 7-10 days. Using royal and semi-border: Helps relax smooth muscles, relieve pain and eliminate stones. How to use: 15g each, decoction with 500ml water until 200ml remaining, drink 2 times a day.

5. Notes to treat ureteral stones with folk tips

Should go to the hospital for examination and treatment. Drink 2-3 liters of water per day. Drink lots of lemon juice, fresh orange juice. Limit salt intake, no more than 5g salt per day. Eat lots of green vegetables and whole grains. Exercise and exercise appropriately. Currently treating ureteral stones with folk tips is being interested. Because it is a simple, safe, easy to apply and effective method. If you still have questions about the treatment of ureteral stones with Oriental medicine, please contact your doctor immediately.

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