Cooking soup to cool off on summer days

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Summer is one of our favorite seasons: dazzling summer produce, hours of sunshine, relaxing vacations with the kids, lazy weekends with friends. When the heat flares up, however, you don't always feel the urge to rush into the kitchen. That's why we love this soup to cool off on a summer day when it's too hot to cook.
Summer can take us away from healthy habits, especially when a hot kitchen makes it impossible to prepare home-cooked meals. However, we need the energy for enjoyable summer activities, and that comes from eating nutritious foods. Here are some of our favorite summer cooling recipes when it's too hot to cook. These precious pieces of information will help you stay cool, nourished and enjoy the fresh fruits and vegetables that summer has to offer.

1. Choose a dish for a hot summer day

Summer heat, labor, activities or any activity in daily life can also cause the body to change a lot of sweat, along with the amount of water as well as mineral salts. Hot weather also makes us feel thirsty all the time, drink a lot of water and have a hard time swallowing dry foods in meals. Especially for people such as the elderly and children, this condition can make their health decline, leading to many diseases. Therefore, housewives always try to choose foods that are easy to eat and help cool off on hot summer days to ensure the health of family members.
The institute of eating in the summer according to Eastern medicine needs to ensure a number of principles such as:
Eat frugally Eat cool and cool foods Eating healthy foods is the main thing. Thus, foods with cool and sour taste. Bitter, nutritious are the top choices. According to the science of nutrition, a person, regardless of the weather, must ensure that he eats all four groups of substances: protein, sugar, fat, vitamins and minerals.
Protein: Rich in meat, fish, eggs, milk and legumes Fat: Rich in animal fat, however, nutrition experts recommend using only vegetable oils to process dishes and should eat a lot of fat found in aquatic products and seafood. Sugar: Mainly found in rice, corn, potatoes, cassava, beans.... Group of vitamins and minerals: This group of nutrients is especially important in summer weather, they are abundant in vegetables, tubers, The fruit, when eaten, will help the body cool down quickly, replenishing the amount of water and minerals lost due to sweating throughout the day.

2. Cool soup, cool soup, delicious soup to cool down in summer

In the summer, the hot weather makes us feel uncomfortable and tired. The body is dehydrated, so it needs to provide a large amount of water to compensate for the body. Besides filtered water and fruit juices, soup is a dish that can both provide water for the body and is an indispensable dish in every meal on a hot summer day. To help your family have delicious soups in the summer, here we will introduce to you 4 easy and simple recipes to cook delicious soups to cool down on summer days. Let's go to the kitchen to show off your talents for your family to enjoy.
2.1. Cooling off the summer heat with mushroom soup. Shallot leaves are a familiar vegetable for many of us Vietnamese. In addition to the use of curing many diseases, shallot leaves are also used to cook soup and are a very delicious rustic dish. As the name of the dish, the main ingredients of this soup include meat, shallot leaves and mushrooms, in addition to need some more ingredients and spices:

Canh thịt nấm là món canh giải nhiệt hữu hiệu cho mùa hè nắng nóng
Canh thịt nấm là món canh giải nhiệt hữu hiệu cho mùa hè nắng nóng
100g lean meat 100g mushrooms 1 medium sized piece of white beans 1 handful shallot leaves Fish sauce, main noodles, salt, shallot , less oil. Then wash the meat into small pieces and let the seasoning soak into the meat for about 10-15 minutes. Step 2: After buying the mushrooms, cut them into pieces and then soak them in warm water for about 20 minutes until the mushrooms are soft. Step 3: Wash chives, then cut into 2-3cm long pieces. Step 4: Wash tofu, cut into square pieces. To make tofu more flavorful, you can dip the beans in diluted fish sauce, then put them on a plate. Step 5: Boil a pot of water, then put the meatballs in the pot, bring to a boil, when the soup boils, if there is foam, take it out so that the broth is clear and flavorful. When the meat is cooked, add the mushrooms and tofu to the boil, finally add the chives, seasoning to taste. This is a simple and easy to make soup that can help keep us cool for the coming summer.
2.2. Bitter vegetable soup cooked delicious rustic dishes Bitter vegetables cooked shrimp is a rustic dish, quite familiar to each of us. This soup has a sweet taste, cools down and detoxifies well in the hot summer sun. The ingredients for making this soup are also quite simple and easy to find, including:
Bitter vegetables 200g - 300g 150g shrimp A clove of garlic crushed, peeled and chopped Spices: sugar, pepper, salt (can use MSG or chicken seasoning powder, seasoning powder of all kinds depending on each person's taste). Processing steps:
Step 1: After buying shrimp, wash, peel and put in a mortar and pound, when pounding, season with a little sugar, salt and spices to infuse the shrimp evenly. Step 2: After buying bitter vegetables, pick up damaged branches, cut into bite-sized pieces, then wash and dry. Step 3: Put the pot on the stove, add cooking oil and fried garlic until golden brown, add the shrimp and cook until cooked, then add 1 bowl of water. Step 4: Wait for the pot of soup to boil again, then add bitter vegetables to taste the seasoning and then scoop the soup into a bowl to enjoy. 2.3. Starfruit sour soup The sour taste of star fruit will make this soup both delicious and strange for a meal in these hot summer days of your family. To make this soup, very simply we need the following ingredients:

Khế sẽ giúp bạn làm nên món canh giải nhiệt hoàn hảo
Khế sẽ giúp bạn làm nên món canh giải nhiệt hoàn hảo
Mussels: 300 g pre-boiled mussels Tomatoes: 2 star fruit: 2 tamarind: 100 g Spring onions, dried onions, dill Spices Processing steps:
Step 1: Mussels or mussels housewives can buy type boiled at the market or supermarket. Or you can buy fresh mussels and boil them for water. Step 2: Wash the star fruit, remove the edge of the star fruit so that it is not bitter, smash the star fruit and soak it in a basin of water to make it less sour, then slice the star fruit. Tomatoes and herbs washed, cut into bite-sized pieces. Step 3: Put the pot on the stove, sauté the dried onion, then add 1/2 a tomato and stir-fry until soft and color the broth. Use a spoon to crush the tomatoes and then add the mussels and stir-fry at the same time. Step 4: Decant slowly the mussels' boiling water into the pot (remove the residue). When the water boils, drop the star fruit in. Bring to a boil for 1 minute, then drop the remaining 1/2 of the tomatoes into the pot. If you like to eat sour, you can take some tamarind, filter out the seeds to get tamarind juice to pour into the soup pot. Wait for the soup to boil again, season to taste and then drop the onions and vegetables in, you can turn off the stove. 2.4. Crab soup with jute vegetables, spinach and water spinach According to Oriental medicine, jute vegetables are spicy, cold, non-toxic, have the effect of cooling, laxative, expectorant, expectorant,... Crab is a dish. Nutritional effect of cooling, stimulating eating and easy digestion
Spinach: sweet, pale, viscous and cool. Has the effect of blood circulation, diuretic and laxative. Uses to help cool blood, regulate blood, purify the stomach and intestines, treat constipation, prevent accumulation, treat eye pain, breast pain, blood circulation and blood clots.
Water spinach: According to Oriental medicine, it has a sweet taste, is slightly cold (when cooked, the cold will decrease), goes into the heart, can, elementary schools, and universities. It has the function of clearing heat, clearing blood, only blood, clearing bowel movements, detoxifying when your body is infected with the toxins of mushrooms, fish, poisonous meat, leaves, poisonous bacteria or poisons caused by insects, snakes, etc. Centipede bites, etc.
Water spinach also has the effect of stopping bleeding, treating mental problems, nose bleeding, red tongue with yellow moss, thirst, ringing in the ears, dizziness, headache due to hypertension, stomach pain, heat. intestines, belching, heartburn, bitter dry mouth, drunkenness or poisoning with cassava, detoxification due to food poisoning, bleeding disorders, itchy sores, heat rash, bee stings...
Buy from 3 to 5 ounces of field crabs, washed, peeled off the shells, pounded and filtered to get water (about 2 to 3 liters); Pick up crab bricks to separate a small bowl. Jute vegetables, (spinach, or water spinach) must be washed and chopped. One melon is peeled, cut lengthwise, then cut diagonally. Vegetables draw a small bunch, washed and cut into short pieces from 2 to 3cm. Shrimp paste 1 tablespoon, add a little salt and cooking oil.
How to cook:
Add shrimp paste, add a little salt to the crab's filtered water, then put it on the stove to boil the broth, add vegetables and melon and continue to boil for about 5-7 minutes. Put the vegetables in, bring to a boil, then remove the soup pot. Use cooking oil to fry cooked crab bricks and pour into the soup pot. Add fish sauce or salt to taste.
Hope the newly introduced recipes will help you have more delicious recipes to treat your family this summer. Good luck!
2.5. Some cool and nutritious drinks for summer In addition to the soups mentioned above, we can completely choose some of the following types of water to cool off in the summer:

Ngoài các loại canh giải nhiệt, một số loại nước cũng có công dụng tương tự như nước dừa, nước chanh
Ngoài các loại canh giải nhiệt, một số loại nước cũng có công dụng tương tự như nước dừa, nước chanh
Coconut water: Coconut water is a delicious flavored beverage that is very popular in summer. Usually, connoisseurs of coconut water will choose young coconut or plain cake as the best. Coconut water is very nutritious, delicious, cures dehydration and helps with electrolyte balance. However, coconut is also high in fat and should be consumed in moderation. Lemon juice, orange juice: choose lemons, large and thin-skinned oranges. Wash and store in the refrigerator. When using, cut a lemon or orange in half and squeeze out the juice. Oranges and lemons are two fruits that are very rich in vitamin C and nutrients. Lemons and oranges have a sour taste, cool properties, have a refreshing effect, create new fluids, cool the lungs, eliminate phlegm, clear heat and diuretic. Passion fruit juice: not only helps to cool down and cool the body, but also has the effect of rejuvenating the skin. Passion fruit, also known as passion fruit or brand name, is rich in vitamin A and vitamin C, fiber and minerals K, Fe... Passion fruit has the effect of regeneration, refreshment, appetizer and diuretic. Improve blood pressure, relieve colds, reduce fat... On hot summer days, people often feel anorexia, especially the elderly and children. This is one of the causes of poor health and susceptibility to diseases. In the culinary culture of the Vietnamese people, there are some delicious, rustic and especially healthy soups that will help us "put rice" in family meals. These are all soups based on available ingredients, which are easy to prepare for housewives to add to their daily menu during the hot season.
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