Complications of intestinal adhesions, intestinal obstruction

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Intra-abdominal adhesion is the phenomenon of sticking the intestines to the abdominal wall, sticking to the viscera due to the formation of scar tissue, thereby causing the phenomenon of adhesion. Adhesions can occur within the intestines or uterus, between the surfaces of the viscera and the peritoneum. Intestinal adhesions can leave many dangerous complications by blocking the passage of food, clogging blood vessels, causing abdominal pain, bloating, constipation, urinary retention, menstrual disorders, infertility and intestinal necrosis.

1. In what subjects are intestinal adhesions common?

The phenomenon of intestinal adhesions is common in the following groups of subjects:
Patients with a history of surgery: Abdominal surgery such as appendectomy, gallbladder surgery, intestinal anastomosis, emergency caesarean section for ectopic pregnancy, cesarean section , kidney stone surgery ... In addition, the procedure of curettage, abortion can lead to adhesions in the uterus. Patients with intra-abdominal infections such as appendicitis, small bowel inflammation, large intestine, ovary, metritis, urinary tract infection, cystitis ... are also at risk of intestinal adhesions. Patients with Crohn's disease: Bacterial infections can lead to abscesses in or around the bowel wall, especially around the rectum and anus. Treatment of abscesses, intestinal tuberculosis, and surgical site infections can also lead to intestinal adhesions. Some sexually transmitted diseases: Syphilis, gonorrhea, Chlamydia infection... can cause adhesions in the uterus, fallopian tubes and around the ovaries causing chronic pelvic pain, menstrual irregularities, infertility. delivery or ectopic pregnancy. In addition, people suffering from diseases such as: intra-abdominal bleeding due to intestinal perforation, endometriosis; cancer, stopping radiation or chemotherapy for cancer; there is a foreign body of the surgical device that remains in the abdomen after surgery; Congenital adhesions are at risk of intestinal adhesions.

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Bệnh lây truyền do đường tình dục có thể gây dính trong tử cung

2. Is intestinal adhesions, intestinal obstruction dangerous or not?

The phenomenon of intestinal adhesions can be encountered in many different subjects, so many people wonder if intestinal adhesions are dangerous, what their complications are and how to prevent them.
In fact, intestinal adhesions are very dangerous if not examined and treated promptly, the disease can occur dangerous complications to health, specifically as follows:
Intestinal obstruction due to fibrous tissue can cause obstruction in the colon. Intestinal lumen or loops of intestine obstruct the passage of food, causing loss of appetite, dry skin and mouth, thirst, less urination, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, constipation, bowel obstruction, distention, and distention. stomach due to a mixture of food and fluids, intestinal gas and fever due to enteritis. Necrosis: Intestinal adhesions can cause intestinal torsion along the axis, blocking blood supply vessels, even leading to very dangerous bowel necrosis. In this case, the patient may experience abdominal cramps, intestinal boiling, nausea, vomiting, and rectal bleeding. Vaginal and labia minora adhesions in female genitals: Bacterial vaginosis, a rash caused by irritation from clothing can cause vaginal adhesions or labia minora in women. In addition, intestinal adhesions also cause infertility due to adhesions in the uterus or fallopian tubes. Ectopic pregnancy due to adhesions in the fallopian tube.

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Dính ruột có nguy cơ cao gây ra vô sinh ở phụ nữ

3. Diagnosis of intestinal adhesions

Some of the symptoms of intestinal adhesions will depend on where the adhesions are located in the body. Some of the symptoms of intestinal adhesions are as follows:
Abdominal pain Deep breathing feels painful When stretching or picking up objects, there is pain (stretch) Pelvic pain Painful sex Anorexia, nausea accompanied pain In addition to specific symptoms, intestinal adhesions also have related disorders such as: chronic abdominal or pelvic pain; infertility; Gastroesophageal reflux ; frequent urination or, conversely, urinary retention; intestinal pain due to peristalsis; pain when walking, sitting, or lying down in certain positions; anemia and undernutrition due to poor nutrition or loss of appetite; reduced quality of life; depression .
Intestinal adhesions cannot be detected through testing or ultrasound. Accordingly, intestinal adhesions can be detected during surgery to examine the abdomen. In order to accurately diagnose the condition of intestinal adhesions as well as the location of adhesions, doctors may assign patients to take X-ray of the abdomen, lower gastrointestinal endoscopy or computed tomography scan that can detect intestinal obstruction due to intestinal obstruction. caused by intestinal adhesions.

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Chụp cắt lớp chẩn đoán bệnh dính ruột

4. How to prevent intestinal adhesions?

To prevent intestinal adhesions, you need to minimize the risk from the causes of intestinal adhesions. Accordingly, patients should consult with treating doctors to perform minimally invasive surgical techniques, minimizing post-operative complications. For example, choosing laparoscopy instead of open surgery, during surgery, doctors limit handling of tissues, use sutures to avoid allergies, avoid using gloves containing starch or talcum powder when operating; prevent visceral surface drying by using wet gauze, attaching non-adhesive pads to separate organs during and after surgery, to prevent adhesions formation.
Intra-abdominal steroid injection to prevent inflammation. Avoid repeating de-adhesion, as each operation increases the risk of new adhesions.
In addition, intestinal adhesions can be more limited if the patient maintains adequate nutrition, because if the patient uses poor nutrition daily during the recovery period after surgery will increase the risk of disease. intestinal adhesions increased.
Finally, you should follow the instructions of the doctors on how to care for and recover from surgery, and at the same time make regular follow-up visits to early identify your health status and detect early signs of adhesions. bowel, bowel obstruction if present.
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