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Articles in Intussusception

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Is Postoperative Adhesion After Cesarean Delivery Dangerous?
Bowel adhesion after a C-section is a common condition that needs prompt treatment. If left untreated, food obstruction may occur, causing painful symptoms.
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What To Do If a Young Child Vomits Without Fever?
Vomiting is not only a symptom of gastrointestinal diseases, vomiting in children can also be a manifestation of diseases of other organs or systemic diseases. Many parents are confused, not knowing what to do when faced with a case of continuous vomiting in children, children vomiting many times a day but no fever.
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Why do babies pass mucus in their stool?
A small amount of mucus in a baby’s stool may not be a big concern if there are no additional abnormal symptoms. However, if your kid frequently passes mucus in their stool or experiences diarrhea, it could signal an allergy, a gastrointestinal infection, or another issue that may require medical attention.
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