Common types of allergies

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The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Dang Huy Toan - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital.
Allergies occur when the body's immune system detects a foreign substance that is harmful to the body and reacts by causing reactions such as: rash, hives, diarrhea... In fact, there are many Types of allergies, some allergies are seasonal, others are year-round or even lifelong.
Here are the common types of allergies:

1. Respiratory allergies

Spring allergies: This is a seasonal allergy, so there's no cure, but you can take steps to limit spring allergies like medication and stay indoors.
Summer allergies: Common summer allergies are caused by pollen and weeds.
Fall allergies: Common fall allergy triggers include ragweed, mold, and dust mites.
Winter allergies: If you have indoor allergies like mold and dust mites, you may notice these symptoms more during the winter, especially when you spend a lot of time indoors.
Allergic rhinitis is an immune disorder characterized by an allergic reaction to pollen grains and other substances. There are two types: seasonal, which occurs only during the most part of the year when certain plants are pollinated, and the second, which occurs year-round.
Pollen allergy: More than 25 million Americans are allergic to pollen from trees, flowers, or weeds.

Phấn hoa là một trong những tác nhân dễ gây dị ứng
Phấn hoa là một trong những tác nhân dễ gây dị ứng
Mold allergy: We are all exposed to some mold on a daily basis without any serious problems. But if you're allergic to it, you could have an allergic reaction if there's too much mold around.
Dust allergies: For objects you can't even see like dust mites can cause a lot of trouble for people allergic to dust.
Allergies to pets: In the case of allergies to dogs or cats, allergens can come from their fur or dander, saliva, and even urine. Inhaling feathers or being exposed to allergens can cause an allergic reaction. Allergens can be deposited on clothing, in the air, on furniture and bedding, and stay in the environment as dust forms.
About 10% of the US population has pet allergies and cats are one of the most common culprits. Allergies to cats are twice as high as allergies to dogs.

2. Food allergy

Hãy tránh xa các thực phẩm làm từ sữa nếu bạn dị ứng sữa
Hãy tránh xa các thực phẩm làm từ sữa nếu bạn dị ứng sữa
Differentiate allergy or intolerance?
Food allergies or food intolerances are symptoms that most people will experience at some point in their lives. Because these two diseases have similar symptoms, people are often confused. Food intolerance reflects an abnormality in metabolic function related to the ability to digest food, is not related to an immune response, and is not as life-threatening as a food allergy. A food allergy involves the body's immune system mistaking a food ingredient for a harmful invader and creating antibodies to fight the food.
Milk allergy :
If you have a milk allergy, absolutely avoiding milk, dairy foods and dairy products is the only way to prevent an allergic reaction. Symptoms of a milk allergy can occur immediately upon consumption such as wheezing, vomiting and hives.
Casein allergy
If a glass of milk or a slice of pizza causes swollen lips, hives or other symptoms, you may be allergic to casein, which is a protein in milk. Another milk protein also linked to allergies is whey.
Egg allergy
Egg allergy is more common in children than adults. Allergic reactions can range from mild to severe.
Wheat allergy
Wheat allergy is a disease in which the body produces antibodies that cause an allergic reaction to one of the proteins in wheat. Wheat proteins such as Albumin, Globulin, Gliadine, Glutenin or gluten.
Allergy to nuts
If you are allergic to nuts, absolutely avoiding those nuts, including peanuts, cashews, walnuts, and foods containing nuts is the only way to prevent it. Avoid allergies.
Fish allergy
Fish allergy often causes skin and digestive manifestations, appearing immediately after eating. People who react to one type of fish are often also allergic to other fish.
Shellfish allergy
Shellfish such as shrimp, crab, oysters, snail... are common foods that cause allergies. If the patient is allergic to the above foods, they are also often allergic to other molluscs such as mussels, oysters, snails, mussels, clams, squid, octopus... Some people only have an allergy in one some time in their life, but for others it lasts a lifetime.
Allergies to foods containing sulfites
Sulfites are a group of compounds that all contain sulfur in nature or are added to food as a food additive and preservative. . The FDA estimates that 1 in 100 people is allergic to foods containing sulfites.
Soybean allergy
If the patient has symptoms of soy allergy, the simplest way to prevent disease is to not use soy sauce and tofu.

3. Skin allergies

Nổi mề đay có triệu chứng như sưng đỏ, vết loang lổ xuất hiện đột ngột trên da do hậu quả của dị ứng hoặc lý do khác
Nổi mề đay có triệu chứng như sưng đỏ, vết loang lổ xuất hiện đột ngột trên da do hậu quả của dị ứng hoặc lý do khác
Contact dermatitis
Contact dermatitis, also known as contact eczema, is caused by a substance that you come into contact with that causes an allergic reaction on your skin. The severity depends on the time of exposure, the type of substance exposed and especially importantly, depending on the location of each person. Patients will have symptoms of a red, itchy rash where the substance comes in contact with the skin.
Acute urticaria and angioedema
Urticaria with symptoms such as red, patchy bumps that appear suddenly on the skin as a result of allergies or other reasons. In angioedema, swelling occurs under the skin, not on the surface of the skin.
Allergy to poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac
Poison ivy, poison oak and poison sumac are plants that contain urushiol in their sap, which is irritating to contact. Urushiol causes an allergic reaction when it comes in contact with the skin, leading to an itchy rash a few hours or days later.
Allergy to insect stings
Wasps or fire ants are two insects that commonly cause allergies.
Allergy to the sun
The cause of sun allergy is ultraviolet rays in the sun. When the patient is allergic to sunlight, ultraviolet rays in direct contact with the skin will damage the affected cells and affect the protein inside. Proteins, after being modified by ultraviolet light, will become foreign substances to the body and be rejected by the immune system and lead to immune system reactions.
Cosmetic allergy
Some beauty products may cause skin irritation or other allergic reactions as these products contain some allergenic ingredients such as fragrances and preservatives.
Nickel allergy
Nickel allergy is when the skin comes into contact with nickel or items containing the metal.
Other allergies:
Eye allergies: Eye allergies often occur in people with atopic allergies who have other types of allergic diseases.
Allergic conjunctivitis: Allergic conjunctivitis is one of the common eye diseases that occurs in both children and adults.

4. Drug allergy

Rất nhiều loại thuốc có thể gây ra tác dụng phụ và một số loại đó có thể gây ra dị ứng
Rất nhiều loại thuốc có thể gây ra tác dụng phụ và một số loại đó có thể gây ra dị ứng
Many medications can cause side effects, and some of them can cause allergies.
Allergy to aspirin (Salicylate)
If you are allergic to salicylates, you may need to avoid all products containing this substance listed as aspirin or salicylate in foods, medicines, and other products.
Penicillin allergy
Since the 1940s, penicillin has been a drug used to treat bacterial infections, but it is a very allergenic drug.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, there is a package of examination and advice on treatment of atopic dermatitis to help customers assess the overall condition of the disease and advise on measures to help prevent recurrence.
When registering for a package of examination and consultation for treatment of atopic dermatitis, customers will receive: Dermatology specialist examination. Perform tests such as: quantitative IgE, fresh mycobacteria, specific IgE quantification with respiratory allergens - food (Panel 1 Viet), test Rida Allergy Screen (panel 1)...

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