Hello, Doctor,
Before my menstrual period every month, I usually experience vaginal discharge. However, this time the discharge is yellow and green, odorless, but clumpy. Could you please tell me what yellow or green clumpy vaginal discharge indicates? Thank you, Doctor.
Anonymous Patient
Regarding your question, “What does yellow or green clumpy vaginal discharge indicate?”, here is my response:
Normal vaginal discharge is typically clear or white, resembling egg whites, or it may appear slightly yellow. It is usually odorless or has a faintly fishy smell and does not cause itching. The quantity and characteristics of physiological discharge vary depending on age, stages of the menstrual cycle, and specific periods in a woman’s life.
Your description of yellow or green, odorless, and clumpy discharge is generally normal. However, if the discharge is accompanied by other symptoms, such as itching, burning, an unpleasant odor, or unusually excessive secretion, you should visit a gynecologist for a thorough evaluation and specialized advice.
If you have further concerns about yellow or green clumpy discharge, you can visit a hospital within the Vinmec Health System for examination and additional consultation. Thank you for trusting and submitting your question to Vinmec. Wishing you good health and well-being.
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