Close-up of the most modern surgical robot in Vietnam at Vinmec

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Video content consulted by Master, Doctor Nguyen Ngoc Khanh - Department of General Surgery - Vinmec Times City International Hospital
Robotic surgery is one of the modern surgical methods with many outstanding advantages such as: Thoroughly dissecting tumors, reducing pain, limiting blood loss, shortening hospital stay, especially ensuring aesthetic guarantee. Therefore, this method is increasingly used in developed countries.

Currently, Vinmec has equipped the SI generation Da Vinci robotic surgery system with outstanding advantages, becoming an effective support tool for doctors, performing precise surgical techniques, minimizing surgery. blood loss, infection and pain for the patient.
Si-generation Da Vinci robot manufactured by Intuitive Surgical (USA), has a size of only 0.8cm, sophisticated and modern structure, has 4 arms that simulate almost perfectly human hand movements. Thanks to this feature, surgical robots can penetrate narrow, deep and difficult to reach locations, solving the limitations of classical open and laparoscopic surgery.
Robotic surgery room at Vinmec is designed with 2 doors to ensure the principle of sterility. The Da Vinci surgical robot system works in the "Slave & Master" manner. The surgical robot does not decide to act on its own, but follows the surgeon's movements.
Vinci skin surgery robot system consists of 3 parts that interact with each other during surgery. Da Vinci Robotic Surgery gives high-quality accurate images with a 3D display system that clearly observes the entire anatomical area inside the body with high resolution, 10 times magnification than conventional . In particular, the remote control technology of the surgical robot system allows to hold surgical instruments and body parts firmly, ensuring high-precision incision. As a result, patients have less pain, less blood loss, quick recovery and can appear after only 2-4 days instead of 7-10 days as usual. Robotic surgery also reduces the risk of infection to only 2-3%, which is almost zero, so it can be used for most cases requiring endoscopic treatment, especially in cancer treatment.
After 1 year of preparation, with a team of highly qualified specialists, trained at major robotic surgery centers in the world (France, Korea, Hong Kong...), Vinmec has completely mastered it. Robotic surgery technique with the most modern and synchronous equipment in Vietnam. Currently, Vinmec has successfully operated on digestive, urological - genitourinary and gynecological diseases with a success rate of up to 95%.

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