Children with hair loss are zinc deficient?

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Hair loss in children is caused by many different causes such as disease, lack of nutrients. In particular, the lack of nutrients is the main reason why children's hair becomes thinner and thinner. So what is the deficiency of hair loss in children, how to treat it?

1. What is the deficiency of hair loss in children?

Physiological hair loss is the body's way of getting rid of old and weak hairs and replacing them with new, healthy hair. The condition of hair loss too much, up to 100 strands per day due to lack of substance, makes children's hair thinner and thinner, this is pathological hair loss.
You need to know that hair is no different from organs in the body. It also needs nutrients to grow. When not provided with adequate nutrition, hair will be easily damaged and lead to breakage. The longer this situation is left, the more serious it becomes.
The phenomenon of children losing too much hair can be caused by a lack of one of the following nutrients:
1.1. Protein deficiency Horny protein is considered the main component of hair and is also a precursor to collagen production, which is the factor that keeps hair strong, healthy and supple. When there is a lack of protein, children's hair will become dry and tangled and very easy to break.
1.2. Vitamin deficiency Vitamin groups are all very good for hair, helping hair grow and be healthier.
Vitamin C: Has a role in destroying free radicals and improving the body's immune system. When there is not enough vitamin C, hair will become weak and more prone to breakage under environmental damage. Vitamin E: Helps retain moisture in hair and skin. With a lack of vitamin E, hair and skin will be dry and easily damaged. Vitamin A: Essential for the growth and development of hair cells. Vitamin B: Especially vitamin B7, vitamin B6. Vitamin B7 is a component involved in the structure of hair follicles, making hair strong, while vitamin B6 plays a role in ensuring normal metabolism in hair follicles. 1.3. Mineral deficiency Zinc plays an important role in protein synthesis and hormonal balance in the body. Zinc deficiency can be responsible for increased levels of DHT (dihydrotestosterone) and hair loss in both sexes.
According to a survey by the National Institute of Nutrition, 7 out of 10 children under 5 years old are zinc deficient, and in 10 pregnant mothers, up to 8 people are zinc deficient. The prevalence of zinc deficiency in pregnant women is 80.3%, in women of childbearing age is 63.6% and in children under 5 years old is 69.4%.
The cause of zinc deficiency in young children in our country is still high, because the daily meals of Vietnamese people are currently lacking in zinc-rich foods, and in food of animal origin. Especially for young children or anorexic, moreover, the child's diet is not rich, and due to improper food processing, the zinc content in food will be lost.
In addition, because young children often have infections (such as respiratory infections, diarrhea...) must use a lot of antibiotics, leading to a decrease in zinc content in the child's body...
Iron: It is an important component in the production of red blood cells, which helps the process of transporting nutrients to the hair fully. Iron deficiency will reduce the number of red blood cells and of course the hair will not be provided with adequate nutrients.
Silica: When children are not provided with enough silica, it will lead to malabsorption of nutrients, which will have bad effects on hair.
Selenium: Plays a role in the process of excreting heavy metals from the body and is an antioxidant that helps hair follicles avoid the bad effects of free radicals.
Sulfur: Sulfur is an ingredient in the hair's keratin structure, which nourishes and helps hair grow faster. If the child is deficient in sulfur, the hair will be very long and weaker than usual.
Calcium: A mineral that is not only good for bones and joints but it is also very important for hair. Children with calcium deficiency will be very prone to hair loss.
1.4. Lack of Omega 3 Omega 3 found in many foods, it works to maintain the smoothness of the hair. Without omega 3, children's hair will be tangled, dry and easily damaged.

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2. Supplementing nutrients for children to have strong hair

If your child is experiencing unusual hair loss, the first thing you should do is take your child to a doctor to find out the exact cause. Only then can effective methods of treatment of this condition be devised.
If the cause of hair loss in children is due to a lack of necessary nutrients, you should supplement your child with nutrients according to the instructions of the doctor. There are many ways to supplement nutrition for children, which can be supplemented through the diet, or using support tablets as directed by the doctor.
2.1. Adjust nutritional balance for children Some foods that should be added to improve hair loss in young children include:
Using foods that contain a lot of protein, such as eggs, cheese, milk , shrimps, fish, meats, beans, mushrooms, pumpkins,... Supplement minerals by using a variety of foods such as beef, clams, scallops, shrimp, crabs, and tuna. , liver, nuts, potatoes, beets, cucumbers, cereals,... Add green vegetables and a variety of fruits to provide a full range of vitamins for children, such as tomatoes sour, carrot, orange, tangerine, guava, banana, ... Omega 3 rich foods can be mentioned as olive oil, salmon, gac oil, egg yolk, avocado,... 2.2. Using nutritional support tablets Besides, supplementing nutrition through the diet, you can also give your child support pills under the advice of a nutritionist or doctor.
Through the examination, the doctor or the specialist will diagnose the nutrient deficiency that the child's body is lacking and give specific instructions and prescribe the appropriate support pill for the child. You should not arbitrarily let children use or abuse to avoid risks and unwanted side effects that may occur for children.

Bạn cũng có thể cho trẻ bị rụng tóc sử dụng viên uống bổ sung dưỡng chất theo lời khuyên của chuyên gia
Bạn cũng có thể cho trẻ bị rụng tóc sử dụng viên uống bổ sung dưỡng chất theo lời khuyên của chuyên gia
So zinc deficiency is just one of many causes of hair loss in children. To accurately determine the cause of hair loss in children and have appropriate treatment, you should take your child to the doctor for examination and advice.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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