Pork contains a lot of zinc, which can be given to children to improve anorexia

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Pork is classified as a high-zinc food, with 100 grams of cooked pork capable of providing 33% of the daily need for zinc. Besides the zinc content in pork, this food also contains many other nutrients such as protein and fat.

1. Learn about anorexia in children

Anorexia or anorexia in children is known as a condition in which the child refuses the food that the parents provide in the meals. This symptom is very common in children, especially children from 1 to 6 years old.
Anorexia is becoming a big obsession for many parents, because when children anorexia, it will lead to consequences such as crying, fatigue, affecting the long-term development of the child (even when the child is an adult). Fort). However, anorexia is not completely without ways to improve. Parents can overcome anorexia in children by finding out what causes this condition. For example, add zinc if children are deficient in this micronutrient through a daily menu such as pork, because the amount of zinc in pork can improve anorexia in children.
Besides, parents should also learn about the child's anorexia patterns, including:
Physiological anorexia often occurs in parallel with the physical changes of the child in each specific stage of development , such as crawling, teething, walking, talking, etc. Physiological anorexia can last for about 1 to 2 weeks and can cause temporary anorexia in children. Some children may be deficient in micronutrients, such as zinc, which can also cause anorexia. If there is a lack of micronutrients, children also experience fatigue, anorexia, decreased metabolism of food, making the child's digestive system work poorly, thereby leading to the state of the immune system as well. impaired. Psychological anorexia is manifested by the child's uncooperative attitude such as fussing, refusing food... If the psychological anorexia state lasts for a long time, it can cause the child to not eat well, slow to gain weight as well as slow in development. height in children. Psychological anorexia is common in cases such as children being forced to eat, making them feel uncomfortable in eating, leading to a tendency to react to meals or children always feel afraid when entering meals. eat. In some cases, parents give children a lot of snacks, making the child's stomach full before the main meal, making it easy for children to lose hunger and appetite. Pathological anorexia is classified as a group of serious diseases that occur in children from the effects of common diseases in children such as pneumonia, digestive disorders, pharyngitis, tonsillitis....

Kẽm trong thịt lợn có thể giúp trẻ cải thiện tình trạng biếng ăn
Kẽm trong thịt lợn có thể giúp trẻ cải thiện tình trạng biếng ăn

2. Add zinc in pork to improve anorexia in children

Pork is classified as a high-zinc food, with 100 grams of cooked pork capable of providing about 5mg of zinc, equivalent to 33% of the zinc required for daily needs.
In addition to adding zinc to the body, pork ingredients also provide a lot of other nutrients such as protein, fat. However, besides the zinc content in pork, this food also contains a significant amount of cholesterol, so some people will be advised to limit its use.

3. Other foods help children improve anorexia

Besides pork containing high zinc, there are also many foods with this content such as oysters, oysters, beef, beans... and all these foods are very easy to process and form dishes. attractive food for children.
In addition, in some specific cases, zinc supplementation is essential to ensure the body's needs. Some solutions to help prevent zinc deficiency in children include:
Encourage parents to apply a varied diet and methods to help children stimulate good taste with foods. At the same time, with a varied meal design, it will help children absorb as many nutrients as possible Breastfed babies should exclusively breastfeed for the first 6 months and up to 24 months of age. Parents can combine with doctors to have a preventive plan to treat diseases related to micronutrient deficiency in children, especially zinc deficiency. To help increase the absorption of zinc, parents need to increase foods rich in vitamin C such as dark green leafy vegetables, ripe fruits, and apply some food processing to make the most of this vitamin C. amount of vitamin C in food. Use zinc-rich foods of animal origin such as shrimp, meat, fish, crab... , zinc-fortified flour... in children's meals to increase the amount of zinc absorbed into the body. Children with anorexia or growth retardation, pregnant women should supplement with foods containing zinc, but should be prescribed by a doctor when supplementing with this micronutrient. When using zinc and iron, parents should use both zinc and iron at the same time, because when using zinc first and iron later, iron will interfere with the absorption of zinc into the body.

Ngoài kẽm trong thịt lợn, bạn có thể bổ sung kẽm qua một số dạng bào chế khác
Ngoài kẽm trong thịt lợn, bạn có thể bổ sung kẽm qua một số dạng bào chế khác

In addition to zinc, the baby needs to add necessary micronutrients such as selenium, chromium, vitamins B1 and B6, ginger, acerola fruit extract (vitamin C), ... to improve taste, eat delicious, reach afternoon high and normal weight and over the standard, good immune system, increased resistance to less sickness and less digestive problems.
For more nutritional knowledge and child care for each age, parents should regularly visit the website vimec.com and make an appointment with the leading doctors, pediatric and nutrition experts of the National General Hospital. Vinmec when needing advice on children's health.
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