Child development at 23 months postpartum

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23 months old baby is really cute and mom can't help but kiss his chubby cheeks. At this age, children also have more dexterous hands and are more physically active. Please understand your baby's developmental milestones to support her to develop her abilities.

1. Sleep in a 23-month-old baby

The baby's sleep at this age has not changed much compared to the previous one. Your baby needs about 13 hours of sleep a day, which includes a 1 to 2 hour nap and a continuous 11 hours or more of sleep at night. Some children may start to nap less at this stage, even refusing to nap. You should maintain the habit of napping for children because this helps children not to be tired in the afternoon. Let your child be more active in the morning, it will help him eat better at lunch and get ready for a nap.
Children will also have sleep disturbances when they are teething. Children may wake up during the night due to toothaches that make them uncomfortable. If the pain from teething comes, you can give your child a pain reliever such as paracetamol, this will help the child sleep well.

Trẻ bị mọc răng ở giai đoạn này có thể bị rối loạn
Trẻ bị mọc răng ở giai đoạn này có thể bị rối loạn

2. Nutritional care for 23-month-old children

According to the standards of the World Health Organization, the average height and weight of a 23-month-old baby is:
23-month-old girls: The average height should reach 85.5cm. Average weight reached 11.3 kg. 23-month-old boys: The average height should reach 86.9cm. The average weight reaches 12 kg. According to official recommendations, when your child is almost 2 years old, you should add 400g of fruit and vegetables to your child's diet every day. Mothers should also pay attention to supplementing nutrients that are essential for the development of children such as DHA or calcium.
Calculating the exact amount of fruit and vegetables to be added to your child's diet can be difficult and confusing. In fact, you don't have to be too meticulous, you just need to follow the rough instructions and always have small portions of fruit and vegetables for the kids. For example, you could just add a little vegetable in the morning to your child's diet or a slice of apple in the middle of the afternoon. Eating a lot of vegetables will help children avoid constipation that makes them uncomfortable.

Ba mẹ nên tăng cường cho trẻ ăn trái cây, rau xanh
Ba mẹ nên tăng cường cho trẻ ăn trái cây, rau xanh

3. Development in 23-month-old babies

3.1. Move

23-month-olds are quite good at movement and physical strength, they can walk upstairs when being led or clinging to the handrail of the stairs. Children will also confidently kick a ball and be able to ride a tricycle.

3.2. Senses, communication, and emotions in a 23-month-old baby

23 months old baby can know up to 50 words, even say some basic sentences. At this age, children will undergo many psychological changes. Children will experience many new emotions such as "jealousy" if there is a new angel in your family. Your baby will be jealous of the new baby and give you some headaches. However, 23 months old is also the age when babies like to do things to help others. Take advantage of this child's interest and tie it to your new baby's care-related tasks, by asking your child to change diapers or asking him to sing a lullaby to put him to sleep.
But don't be surprised if there is some aggression towards the new baby, maybe even the baby will pinch and hit him. If that happens, try not to get mad at your child because he's doing this to get your attention. Your tantrum is exactly what your child wants. Instead, make a point of forgiving and forgiving the child and let the child continue to care for the baby. It's also important to spend some alone time with your baby, and you can do this while your new baby is sleeping.

4. Activities and games to help your 23-month-old baby develop

Play some simple jigsaw puzzles with cut-out shapes. You tell your child what the shape is and encourage them to put them together, for example, putting a triangle in a triangle box. Encourage children to have a sense of independence by asking them to take off and put on simple clothes on their own. Overall, the key developmental milestones for a 23-month-old baby are:
Enjoys playing simple games with you, such as puzzles, puzzles. Has a decent vocabulary and can answer some simple questions, such as “what is that animal?” or “who is this in the picture?” Name things your child sees often, such as familiar buildings, people, and pets. Try to make you laugh, by doing or saying silly things on purpose, and will be delighted if you laugh with your child. Start left- or right-handed. Develop some gymnastics skills, such as being able to perform a forward roll.

Ở giai đoạn này, ba mẹ có thể dạy cho trẻ một số từ vựng quen thuộc
Ở giai đoạn này, ba mẹ có thể dạy cho trẻ một số từ vựng quen thuộc

For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Children who do not eat properly are at risk of micro-mineral deficiency causing anorexia, growth retardation, malabsorption,... If they notice the above signs, parents should supplement their children with products. The supplement contains lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.

Reference source:
Patients Stories