Characteristics of gifted children

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Giftedness is something that parents always want to find and develop in their children as soon as possible. But how to recognize a child with special gifts?

1. At what age will children's talents appear?

A child can show talent at a very young age, even at birth. Signs of giftedness in infants include an unusual need for sleep and alertness. Some studies even show that gifted children need encouragement and support.
Giftedness can also be detected in toddlers. High energy levels and intense curiosity are signs that children are exceptionally gifted at this stage. Compared to other children, gifted children tend to reach developmental milestones earlier.
However, not all gifted children are like that. Sometimes a baby's developmental milestones appear later. For example, some gifted children do not begin to talk until they are 2 years old. Therefore, parents must learn about their children's gifts in order to develop and promote this in their children.
According to the National Association of Gifted Children of the United States (NAGC), gifted children often have very special learning and reasoning abilities. Or be in the top 10% of people with outstanding skills in one or more areas such as art, language, math or motor skills (sports, dance, drawing...).

Trắc nghiệm: Sự phát triển tinh thần, vận động của bé thế nào là đúng chuẩn?

Khi nào bé biết nói, biết hóng chuyện hay biết cầm cốc là "đúng chuẩn"? Điểm xem bạn biết được bao nhiêu mốc phát triển tinh thần, vận động "đúng chuẩn" của bé nhé!

The following content is prepared under supervision of Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa, Ma Văn Thấm , Nhi , Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

Ma Văn Thấm
Ma Văn Thấm
Thạc sĩ, Bác sĩ y khoa,
Phòng khám Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec Dương Đông(Phú Quốc)

Một đứa trẻ có thể thể hiện năng khiếu ở độ tuổi còn rất nhỏ, thậm chí là lúc mới sinh
Một đứa trẻ có thể thể hiện năng khiếu ở độ tuổi còn rất nhỏ, thậm chí là lúc mới sinh

2. Signs to recognize children with special gifts

Children who demonstrate exceptional ability in a certain area often have some of the following characteristics:
Intelligence Children's IQs are higher than normal Compared with their peers, children reach developmental milestones Children who excel in a particular area, such as art, math, etc. Can remember facts easily and can recall information difficult to understand learns from videos or books Able to understand abstract and complex concepts Children possess a richer vocabulary than their peers Children possess a superior ability to reason, though logically Good ability to remember information Children enjoy learning about ordered phenomena Often come up with unexpected ideas, find connections between unrelated ideas, things, and events to each other Has a curiosity about surrounding things and phenomena Has a unique ability to express themselves in both written and spoken language Creative ability Has many ideas and develops Creative Intelligence Quick-witted and humorous Has a rich imagination Child has an independent mind and is unconcerned with social norms Children enjoys new experiences and has a wide range of interests Behaviors Child is restless Curious about things and phenomena. Asking many questions that cause headaches for parents Children can focus on one task for long periods of time Have their own passions and interests Have high determination and persistence in areas they love Affection Children express Expresses intense emotions Very sensitive and empathetic to the feelings of others Unusually self-aware of emotions and may feel differently from others May be emotionally vulnerable and in need of strong emotional support May be idealistic and have a sense of fairness May reach high levels of frustration when it is difficult to meet self or others' expectations

3. IQ of specially gifted children

Children's IQs range from 85 to 115 on average. Children with an IQ of 130 are considered gifted. Children with IQs higher than 150 are said to be exceptionally gifted.
IQ tests are often given to identify specially gifted children, but this is not the only method used. Other objective and subjective assessments are also used to detect children's talents.

4. When should a child be tested for giftedness or not?

There are still many different opinions about when to test a child's aptitude, whether it should be tested when the child is at preschool age or not. Most experts agree that it is difficult to accurately test IQ in children under 6 years of age. But IQ is one of many factors used to determine if a child is gifted.
If your child is in kindergarten, find out if the school can refer a child development specialist or educator to assess gifted children. Parents and teachers may be asked to write their comments. This feedback, test results, interviews, and observations of the child are often considered together.
Another option is that you can consult a doctor who can refer you to a child development specialist who can help assess your child for giftedness.

Hầu hết các chuyên chuyên gia đều cho rằng rất khó để kiểm tra chính xác chỉ số IQ ở trẻ em dưới 6 tuổi
Hầu hết các chuyên chuyên gia đều cho rằng rất khó để kiểm tra chính xác chỉ số IQ ở trẻ em dưới 6 tuổi

5. Gifted children may also have autism or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

A child can be both gifted and have a problem, such as autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or a learning disability. In fact, the average IQ of a child with dyslexia is often higher than that of the general population.
In many cases, children are diagnosed with a learning disability while the giftedness remains undiscovered. If you suspect that your child may have this condition and has a high potential for achievement, consult your pediatrician about how to address your child's educational needs.

6. How to inspire gifted children

Most gifted preschoolers won't need to enroll in a special program right away, but you can inspire your child in a variety of ways, such as:
Encourage pretend play by providing fun props so your child can reenact real-world experiences or stories of their own making. Read books with your child to foster their creativity, imagination and love of discovery. Allow your child to play games and puzzles intended for older children, but talk to them gently so they don't get overwhelmed or frustrated with themselves when they can't solve them. Take kids to hands-on museums, libraries, and other kid-friendly places that encourage learning through interaction. Find other children and peers who match the child's intellectual abilities.

Cha mẹ có thể đọc sách cùng trẻ để thúc đẩy óc sáng tạo, trí tưởng tượng và sở thích khám phá của trẻ
Cha mẹ có thể đọc sách cùng trẻ để thúc đẩy óc sáng tạo, trí tưởng tượng và sở thích khám phá của trẻ

7. What are the emotional and social challenges of being a specially gifted child?

Giftedness can open opportunities, but it can also come with social and emotional challenges for children.
Gifted children mean they get to experience another world, which requires extra support from parents and others in their lives.
Most gifted children can develop asynchronously, which means they may progress in some areas earlier than others and may even lag behind their peers age in a number of ways. Imagine a 5-year-old, 3rd-grade reading, with social skills similar to other 5-year-olds, but with the motor skills of a much younger child. This difference creates a gap in the holistic development of the child.
Some gifted children realize they are "different" from their peers. This can make them feel isolated and withdrawn or become the subject of bullying. They may try to hide their special abilities in order to blend in with other children their age.
Gifted children can start to feel extremely frustrated because they can think faster than they can express or because they worry about meeting their own and others' expectations. other. If your child seems unusually angry or frustrated, consider consulting a mental health professional.
The above are signs to identify children with special gifts, parents can refer to to help their children develop their own abilities.
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