How to help a gifted child?

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All children have special talents, but if they are smart enough to be different, you may need to help them identify their strengths, nurture their talents and protect them from your teasing raft.

1. How to recognize children with special gifts

Gifted children will demonstrate superior reasoning and learning abilities, perform in the top 10% or stand out in at least one area, such as math, music, languages , art, dance or sport.
The definition of gifted is difficult to define precisely because there is no universal standard, but children who demonstrate exceptional ability in certain areas often have some of the following characteristics:
1.1. Intellectual Have a higher than average IQ Exceeded developmental milestones beyond their peers Have specific talents, such as fine drawing or rapid mental arithmetic Advanced language development, specifically vocabulary rich or fluent in sentences much earlier than peers Can memorize facts easily, remember difficult information learned from videos or books Able to understand abstract and complex concepts .

Nhận biết trẻ có năng khiếu đặc biệt thông qua khả năng ghi nhớ của trẻ
Nhận biết trẻ có năng khiếu đặc biệt thông qua khả năng ghi nhớ của trẻ

1.2. Creative Has creative ideas Quick-witted and has a good sense of humor Has a vivid imagination Independent and unconcerned with social norms Enjoys new experiences and has a wide range of interests. 1.3. Behaviour Very Active Constantly curious and always asking questions Able to focus on a task for long periods of time Shows personal passion High determination and persistence in the things that are important to your child.

Trẻ thể hiện rõ đam mê về hội họa
Trẻ thể hiện rõ đam mê về hội họa

1.4. Social and emotional Expresses intense emotions Very sensitive and empathetic towards others Understands oneself and may feel different from others Emotionally vulnerable and desperately needs care and sharing Yes can dream and have a sense of fairness Have a good moral judgment Severe frustration at not meeting the expectations of self or others.

2. How to raise gifted children

2.1. Make sure your child is encouraged and nurtured at home and at school Once you know your child is truly gifted at age 3, don't rush to enroll him in a gifted school. The best thing you can do right now is give your child lots of challenges at home. Don't start teaching your child before the subjects, instead try to make learning fun. Here are some expert-recommended parenting tips:

Đăng ký cho bé tham gia các lớp học âm nhạc để thúc đẩy các kỹ năng
Đăng ký cho bé tham gia các lớp học âm nhạc để thúc đẩy các kỹ năng

If your child can speak in complete sentences, also answer in full sentences. Let your child participate in games for older children that require more intelligence to avoid boredom. Encourage your child to read books and read to them to provide new information, improve creative thinking. Buy creative tools like markers, pastels, clay and scraps of fabric... to develop artistic abilities. Enroll your child in music or dance classes to promote skills. Take smart kids to the library to learn a lot of information. Play games with letters and numbers. At school, tell your child's teacher:
Choose to read or listen to books that interest your child. Play a game of building models from different tools or materials. Do exercises to increase interest in learning math. Take on creative art projects, such as collages. Write a book, draw or create a gig. Note, parents should not put a lot of pressure on smart children, forcing them to participate in countless activities that you consider rewarding. Babies need enough rest time to relax, read entertaining books and develop gradually.
Remember that even though he is a “genius”, he is not yet mature enough emotionally, behaviorally and socially, so your child still needs a lot of guidance from you.
How to help a gifted child?

2.2. Protecting exceptionally intelligent children from being teased Gifted children are often teased for being different from their peers. Although she may seem more mature than her peers, she is also very sensitive and doesn't have the coping skills to avoid ridicule.
When a smart child is teased by friends, you can:
Sympathize: Give love and care, as well as a warm hug and words of comfort when your child is hurt. Ask questions: Try to get your child to share with you what happened, who said what, when and where. Explain: Help your child know that the cause of the teasing can be due to other people's jealousy or just unintentional joking, even people make fun of them because they like to interact with them. However, if the teasing doesn't stop and goes too far, you can talk to the adults around you, like the teacher and your parents, explain your child's feelings, and ask them to intervene.
2.3. Learn more about the challenges of being labeled a “genius” by your child.

Một số thiên tài cảm thấy nhàm chán khi học quá dễ dàng có thể bị trầm cảm
Một số thiên tài cảm thấy nhàm chán khi học quá dễ dàng có thể bị trầm cảm

People often assume that exceptionally intelligent children will do very well in school. The reality is that a lot of "genius" kids get bored. If the curriculum is too easy for them, sometimes they won't keep up and learn less effectively, or may become depressed.
Some "genius" children are also said to be hyperactive because of their great curiosity, need to learn and desire to explore. Babies are also more likely to have social problems. Because they have different interests from their classmates, they often feel alienated from everyone and can become a target for teasing.
Your baby may get very bored in the classroom and come home crying, until someone recognizes the child's special ability and educates him properly. However, many conventional schools cannot handle these children. Therefore, you may need to inquire about gifted programs available at school and abroad.
If you know your child is gifted, make an appointment to speak with the teacher and principal. But before meeting, it is necessary to carefully research and prepare information, including tests to identify children with special gifts. That way, you can discuss your child's strengths and weaknesses in detail, helping to raise gifted children to their full potential.
Caring for and protecting children is a long process, so parents should be a companion to help children develop their full potential. If you have difficulties in taking care of and teaching children, you can go to Vinmec International General Hospital to receive help from doctors and psychologists.

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