3-year-olds: Fun facts children can understand

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3-year-olds are often very curious about the world around them and have a habit of asking "why" all day, causing many parents to answer continuously. However, parents should not ignore or give wrong answers, but take advantage of this opportunity to stimulate their children's intelligence and thinking.

1. Colorful animal world

Animals are always close friends and endless passion for discovery of children. So, depending on the right circumstances, you can teach 3-year-olds the following information:
Bears can run as fast as horses. Some types of chicken eggs are blue or green on the outside. Koalas almost never drink water. They love to eat eucalyptus leaves and also get enough fluids from this food source. If you shave off all the fur of a tiger, you will find its skin is striped. Flamingos can not only stand on one leg, but also eat upside down. As the lion cub Simba gets older, his nose will become more freckled. Therefore, an old lion like Scar would have a very freckled nose.

Bạn có thể dạy trẻ 3 tuổi biết trứng gà có màu xanh lam hoặc xanh lục bên ngoài
Bạn có thể dạy trẻ 3 tuổi biết trứng gà có màu xanh lam hoặc xanh lục bên ngoài

The horse's shoe is a U-shaped piece of metal. The largest rat in the world is about the size of a dog. Calves are called calves, buffalo calves are called calves. Starfish have the ability to regrow their legs if they are broken. The buzzing sound of the bee comes from the flapping of its wings. Octopus has 8 arms. A wet dog's nose is a sign of health. Cats bobbing their front paws up and down is a sign of happiness. Under the dog's paws there are protective pads. There are more chickens than people in the world. The blue whale is the largest animal on earth. They are as big as 3 buses lined up in a row and weigh as much as 20 elephants. Hippos can run faster than humans. The ostrich is the largest bird in the world. Some are bigger and taller than a man.

Cho trẻ biết chỉ có ong cái mới có ngòi đốt
Cho trẻ biết chỉ có ong cái mới có ngòi đốt

Giraffe's tongue can be more than half a meter long and is also used to clean their ears. Ants don't have eyelids, so they can't blink. Flies are like mini helicopters. They can take off in place and fly forward, backward, sideways, up and down. But most of them can't walk, only fly. On hot days, dogs breathe very quickly (gasp) and stick their tongue out to feel cooler. Only female bees have stingers. Baby camels do not have humps until they start eating food. Hippos live both in water and on land. Baby hippos are born underwater. Dogs sweat through their paws. Some snail species can sleep for 3 years without waking up. Baby whales suckle from their mother's nipples, just like humans.

2. Fun facts about food

Hãy dạy trẻ biết về đồ ăn như bột làm bánh mì sẽ như thế nào trẻ vì trẻ có thể tự ăn uống mà không cần sự giúp đỡ của mẹ nhiều
Hãy dạy trẻ biết về đồ ăn như bột làm bánh mì sẽ như thế nào trẻ vì trẻ có thể tự ăn uống mà không cần sự giúp đỡ của mẹ nhiều

What do 3-year-olds know? At this stage, the baby can eat and drink on his own without much help from the mother as before. Take advantage of the time you spend watching your child eat, you can teach 3-year-olds:
Ice cream is made from whipped fresh milk with added sugar. There is a fruit called "apple banana" because it looks like a regular banana but tastes like an apple. The bread dough will initially be mushy and wet. To turn into crispy bread, it is necessary to bake the dough in a hot oven. Despite its hard shell, coconut is not a nut like a walnut, but in fact a fruit. Bananas when growing on a tree will be in an upside down position.

3. Maybe you don't know

When learning the necessary information to teach 3-year-old children, parents can learn some "new" facts such as:
Nose rust has the function of cleaning dirt in the nose, keeping you healthy. Most snow is air, not water. So a melting snowball just forms a small puddle. Before pens or pencils were invented, people wrote with the juice of crushed flowers or leaves. Before paper was invented, people used sticks or fingers to write on clay, banana leaves... Goosebumps are small, rough spots that temporarily grow on your skin when you're cold or scared. The moon is round like a ball, made of dust, earth, and rock.

4. Amazing globe

Trẻ có thể nghĩ rằng đứng được trên một đám mây như trong phim hoạt hình nhưng thực tế thì không
Trẻ có thể nghĩ rằng đứng được trên một đám mây như trong phim hoạt hình nhưng thực tế thì không

When exposed to everyday life, 3-year-olds can understand and should know the following facts:
Dirt is created from rocks and plants that have been disintegrated over a long period of time. Sea water has a very salty taste. Unable to stand on a cloud like in the cartoon, you will practically fall right away. The fuel pumped into the car is made from raw materials deep in the ground. Dirt is actually very alive, filled with tiny plants and animals. Children's thinking ability develops very quickly at the age of 3, the brain and nerve cells have the ability to learn, think and solve basic problems. 3-year-olds love listening to their parents tell stories and ask a lot of questions. Therefore, parents need to read a lot of books to supplement their knowledge, and at the same time pay attention to and understand the psychology of children to properly teach and care for their children, stimulating their intellectual development.
Spending time playing, early education will help children develop language, motor, thinking and physical abilities later on. Therefore, parents should be creative, spend time playing with their children, and teach them about the world around them so that they have beautiful childhood memories as well as form a good personality.
In addition, 3-year-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

Reference source: babycenter.com
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