Changes in pregnant women at week 21

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Ly Thi Thanh Nha - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec International General Hospital Da Nang.
During the 21st week of pregnancy, you are prone to varicose veins due to the growing fetus and increased levels of the hormone progesterone, which puts pressure on the veins in the mother's legs. In addition, pregnant women at 21 weeks may experience some other symptoms such as gas, bloating, back pain, bleeding gums.

1. What's special about the 21st week of pregnancy?

During the 21st week of pregnancy, you may notice that your belly is growing, and the uterus begins to expand up to the navel. By this week, a woman's weight usually increases by 4.5 - 6.3 kg.
21 week fetus is growing fat layer to keep warm. Overall fetal development during this period may slow down, but organs continue to be perfected. The baby's oil glands form a waxy membrane, called the white wax, that covers the baby's skin while in the mother's amniotic sac. Besides, permanent tooth buds also begin to form.
If you are interested in childbirth preparation courses, 21 weeks pregnant is the right time to start learning.

Trắc nghiệm: Khi thai nhi 32 tuần, mẹ cần chú ý gì?

Khi bước vào tuần thứ 32 của thai kỳ, thai nhi sẽ có bước phát triển vượt trội và dẫn đến những thay đổi về mọi mặt trong cơ thể mẹ. Vậy hãy cùng tìm hiểu xem khi thai 32 tuần chúng ta cần lưu ý những gì qua bài trắc nghiệm sau đây nhé.

2. How does the body of a pregnant woman in the 21st week change?

The 21st week pregnant woman has passed half of her pregnancy. This stage is usually quite comfortable because the belly is not too big and the discomforts in most parts of the body during early pregnancy have disappeared.
However, pregnant women can still face some other problems at 21 weeks pregnant, such as increased oil production in the body, which leads to acne development. In this case, you need to wash the acne area with mild soap or cleanser, twice daily. In addition, pregnant women should use moisturizers or makeup that do not contain oils and irritants for the skin. Do not take any acne medication by mouth or only by prescription, because some can be dangerous to an unborn baby.
21 week pregnant women are also prone to varicose veins. At this stage, the fetus begins to grow large, the pressure on the veins in the mother's legs is increasing. Furthermore, higher levels of the hormone progesterone are also responsible for weakening the vein walls and worsening varicose veins. Pregnant women are more likely to develop varicose veins if there is a family history of the condition. In addition, the disease tends to be more severe in people who are pregnant many times in a row or become pregnant at an advanced age.
To prevent or minimize symptoms of varicose veins, pregnant women should increase their daily exercise, elevate their legs when lying down, sleep on the left side and wear maternity support clothes.
Some pregnant women may experience spider veins, which are a group of small blood vessels that appear near the surface of the skin, especially in the ankles, legs or face. They give off a spider web, similar to the small rays of sunlight emanating from the sun or branches jutting out from the trunk of a tree, or sometimes without any particular shape. Although spider veins can look a bit unsightly, they are generally not harmful to health and usually disappear on their own after giving birth.

Cơ thể bà bầu tuần thứ 21 thay đổi như thế nào?
Cơ thể bà bầu tuần thứ 21 thay đổi như thế nào?

3. Common symptoms in 21 weeks pregnant women

Fetal movement By the 21st week of pregnancy, you can feel your baby twisting, turning, and even kicking your belly. The movement of the fetus during this period is still quite gentle and will increase sharply in the last weeks of pregnancy.
Appetite Many pregnant women experience cravings during pregnancy. In this case, it is advisable to prepare and carry with you healthy snacks, such as nuts, raisins, cereal cakes, ... to provide adequate energy for the mother and baby even while at work.
Constipation, flatulence The increasing pressure from the fetus on the rectum can make pregnant women constipated, flatulence. To overcome this situation, pregnant women at 21 weeks pregnant should drink a lot of water and supplement with foods rich in fiber.
Back pain The abdomen enlarges, leading to a shift in the body's center of gravity and creating pressure on the back. In addition, hormonal changes during pregnancy cause ligaments and joints to become tight and loose, causing back pain. Massage therapy can help alleviate this symptom.
Bleeding gums If you have gingivitis, when you brush your teeth, you can see that the brush turns pink due to blood. To limit gingivitis during pregnancy, pregnant women should avoid eating sweets and gummy candies with teeth, especially when pregnant women cannot brush their teeth immediately after eating. Sweeteners increase the risk of bacteria in the mouth that destroy tooth enamel and irritate gums, causing bleeding.
Fast-growing nails Pregnant women at week 21 often notice that their hair and nails grow faster than usual. This phenomenon is due to the influence of pregnancy hormones, leading to stimulating hair and nail growth for both mother and fetus in the womb.

Đau lưng là triệu chứng thường gặp khi mang thai tuần 21
Đau lưng là triệu chứng thường gặp khi mang thai tuần 21

4. Advice for pregnant women at 21 weeks

4.1. Choose moderate exercises Pregnant women at 21 weeks should maintain exercise with moderate intensity, suitable, such as swimming, yoga or walking. The reason is because of muscle tension, making pregnant women very susceptible to injury during exercise.
4.2. Elevate the legs Pregnant women at this stage often have swollen feet and ankles. The reason is because during pregnancy, the volume of blood and fluid in a pregnant woman's body increases by about 50% compared to before pregnancy, causing some parts to swell, especially in the feet. and ankles. Regularly changing positions and elevating your legs when lying down will help overcome swelling.
4.3. Moderate weight gain Pregnancy causes the weight of most pregnant women to increase rapidly. However, about how much weight should be gained and how fast it should be gained depends on the recommendations of the doctor. During prenatal visits, the doctor will set a reasonable weight gain for you before the next follow-up visit. If the pregnancy has not reached the due date, and the pregnant woman has exceeded this weight or gained weight too slowly compared to the doctor's recommendations, the pregnant woman needs to take measures to adjust the weight gain more reasonably.
4.4. Prevents Constipation Both during pregnancy and the first few weeks after giving birth, physical activity is one of the best ways to stimulate bowel movements and combat constipation. With just 30 minutes of walking a day, drinking enough water and increasing fiber-rich foods, constipation will improve markedly.
4.5. Considerations before laser hair removal Due to the effects of pregnancy hormones that stimulate hair growth, some areas of the body of a pregnant woman may become "thicker" than usual. However, pregnant women should consider carefully before conducting laser, electric or bleach hair removal. These hair removal methods have not been studied in pregnant women. To ensure safety, pregnant women can completely use razors or hair removal agents that are safe for sensitive skin.
4.6. Iron supplement

Bổ sung sắt cho cơ thể khi mang thai tuần 21
Bổ sung sắt cho cơ thể khi mang thai tuần 21
Almost every pregnant woman experiences anemia at some stage of her pregnancy. On the other hand, the need for iron supplements for pregnant women increases because it has to be used to make blood for the fetus. Specifically, women should supplement iron from 30 to 50 mg in the second half of pregnancy to ensure the iron needs of both mother and fetus (the dose of iron supplement may be higher according to the doctor's recommendation). ). In addition, there are some foods rich in iron that pregnant women should consume, such as spinach, beef, sardines, clams, oysters, shrimp, dried fruit, oats, artichokes and seaweed. Besides, pregnant women should not use a lot of caffeinated drinks because caffeine will reduce the effect of iron.
For the most peace of mind with pregnancy health, pregnant women at 21 weeks can register to participate in the Maternity Care Program implemented by Vinmec International General Hospital with the aim of supporting pregnant mothers until the day "mother's mother" is born. round and square". The program includes the following service packages:
Maternity care program 2019 - 12 weeks Maternity care program 2019 - 27 weeks The medical team at Vinmec are all experts, leading prestige in the field of health care. the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology; system of modern facilities to optimally support examination and screening techniques; A civilized, luxurious medical examination space and professional services - all these advantages have helped Vinmec become a hospital highly appreciated by experts for maternity care, the first choice of women. pregnant.
Master. Doctor. Ly Thi Thanh Nha has worked at Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy Hospital and Quang Tri Provincial General Hospital before working at Vinmec Danang International General Hospital as it is today. Dr. Nha has strengths and experience in diagnosing, monitoring and treating pregnancy, pregnancy pathology. Pregnancy screening. Perform caesarean section techniques. Laparoscopic surgery to treat ovarian cysts, ectopic pregnancy.
To register for an examination and find out information about the Maternity Care Program at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can register for an online examination and consultation HERE.
Articles refer to sources:, whattoexpect,
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