Causes of numbness in hands and feet in young people

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Numbness in the limbs is not only a common disease in the elderly, but now tends to be more common in young people. This is one of the signs that reflect a declining health condition, it can also be a symptom related to a neurological disease in young people that needs special attention. So specifically, numbness of hands and feet in young people is due to hand numbness or other causes when waking up and how should it be treated? The answer will be shared in the article below.

1. Recognizing numbness in hands and feet in young people

1.1. Numbness of hands and feet in young people

Numbness of the limbs is represented by a feeling of numbness in the positions of the patient's arms and legs, causing many impacts on health and daily life. Therefore, people with numbness in the limbs need to be detected and treated early to avoid dangerous complications. The symptoms of numbness worsen, causing pain spreading to the patient's neck, shoulder, nape or thigh, hip... If left untreated, these symptoms can lead to a loss of sensation.
Symptoms of loss of sensation, either partial or complete loss of sensation and can vary from patient to patient. There are actually three main types of sensation that the patient can feel to touch, to feel pain, and to change in temperature to the same or different degrees.
In some cases, numbness in the limbs is accompanied by an unusual sharp pain (such as pins and needles) that is not related to sensory stimulation (paresthesia), or in some patients there are other symptoms such as such as pain, limb paralysis, cranial nerve dysfunction.
Some undesirable effects of chronic numbness of the limbs in young people include:
The patient finds it difficult to walk and drive A person with numbness of the limbs does not detect infectious lesions, Diabetic foot ulcers, trauma, leading to late detection and delayed treatment. Currently, medicine divides numbness of the limbs in young people into two types:
Physiological numbness of the limbs: This is a very common type of numbness, it usually occurs when the patient keeps standing or sitting position. , or lying down or when holding something for too long, causing nerves and blood vessels to be compressed, leading to numbness in the limbs. However, the symptoms of this type of numbness will go away quickly and the patient does not need to be too worried. Pathological numbness of the limbs: This numbness occurs in a number of diseases and is often accompanied by other signs. Patients need to be diagnosed early for prompt treatment.

Tê bì chân tay ở người trẻ có thể gây khó khăn trong sinh hoạt
Tê bì chân tay ở người trẻ có thể gây khó khăn trong sinh hoạt

1.2. Causes of numbness in hands and feet in young people

Most of the limb numbness occurs in the elderly. However, lifestyle changes and many environmental factors have now recognized that patients with numbness in the limbs tend to be younger. So what is the cause of numbness in the hands and feet in young people? A lot of medical evidence has shown some of the following common causes:
1.2.1. Undernutrition
Nowadays, society is developing, with a large amount of work as well as many fun activities that make young people tend to be busy and often do not pay attention to their daily nutrition. The eating habits of young people also change for the most convenience with their limited time and often unscientific, inadequate nutrition. This is the main cause leading to the lack of essential vitamins for young people, which play a very important role in the body's development such as B vitamins, vitamin D and important minerals such as calcium, zinc, iron, etc. ... young people may face many problems, including numbness in the limbs.
1.2.2. Insufficient sleep, or excessive stress
Accompanied by the lack of necessary nutrients, the causes of insufficient sleep and excessive stress also easily cause numbness in the limbs in humans young.
In young people who have a short sleep for a long time, accompanied by stress, the brain will be under great pressure without rest, leading to nerve damage and may cause young people to experience suffer from numbness in the limbs, tremors in the limbs, and lack of strength in the limbs. Therefore, young people should not put pressure on the body, change bad habits and maintain a plan to sleep for 8 hours a day, with a deep sleep with a scientific diet and eliminate the unnecessary stress to prevent and avoid numbness of the limbs.
1.2.3. Overweight, obesity
Overweight and obesity are one of the consequences of modern lifestyle such as insufficient sleep, prolonged stress and unscientific diet. This overweight and obesity is not only related to appearance, metabolic disorders, but also affects nerve health, greatly affecting the skeletal system and limbs, causing numbness. limbs. In addition, young people with diabetes or bone and joint disease are often accompanied by numbness in their limbs and will become more and more serious if they are not examined and treated promptly.

Thừa cân béo phì là một trong những nguyên nhân gây tê bì chân tay ở người trẻ
Thừa cân béo phì là một trong những nguyên nhân gây tê bì chân tay ở người trẻ

1.2.4. Inactivity
Inactivity is also a common cause in young people today. Because they are more interested in work, or electronic games that have to sit for a long time or office workers who have to sit a lot, or stand for a long time, it is easy to experience numbness in their limbs. The cause of the numbness in the limbs is getting more and more serious.
1.2.5. Lying, sitting in the wrong position
This is a common cause in many people who have experienced numbness in their limbs when they wake up. Lying, sitting in the wrong position unconsciously, because the patient can't control when lying or sitting in the wrong position, the blood circulation to nourish the legs and the west is slow, leading to numbness in the limbs.
1.2.6. Use a lot of alcohol
The habit of using a lot of alcohol in fun is also common in a part of young people today. Many young people suffer from neurological disorders due to long-term use of stimulants such as alcohol. The nerve damage in these cases causes numbness in the limbs.
1.2.7. Young people with anemia
In young people with anemia, they often experience numbness in their limbs due to insufficient blood supply to peripheral cells.
1.2.8. Pathological causes
Some diseases have symptoms of numbness in the limbs and are also common in young people today. Common diseases in young people with numbness in the limbs include:
Type 2 diabetes; Trauma to the brain, spinal cord, shoulder; Multiple sclerosis ; Sciatica; Raynaud's syndrome; Rheumatoid arthritis; Disc herniation. However, the root cause of these health problems is the unhealthy habits of young people due to poor diet, inadequate rest and prolonged stress. All cause numbness in the limbs in young people. Therefore, taking a break, adding missing nutrients to the menu and trying to sleep can eliminate the symptoms of numbness in the limbs.

2. Do not ignore numbness of hands and feet in young people

Do not ignore numbness of hands and feet in young people. Gradual onset of numbness or tingling in the hands and feet usually occurs in working-age adults as a result of repetitive and vigorous activities, for example, using a computer keyboard and mouse lengthen. This symptom can have many causes including poor nutrition (especially vitamin B deficiency). But if the numbness and tingling is worse and is accompanied by pain, it could be a sign of untreated peripheral neuropathy.
Treat numbness or tingling in the hands and feet depending on the underlying cause. For mild cases, your doctor may prescribe medications to ease symptoms. If a patient has neuropathy due to pressure on a nerve, the doctor may recommend surgery to relieve the pressure.
However, not all numbness is a sign of a serious problem, but you definitely should not be subjective. Vitamin deficiency, diabetes, kidney failure and nerve damage are some of the medical causes of these symptoms.
If numbness persists for 2-3 days and does not improve, lifestyle changes and exercise may help improve symptoms. For cases that do not improve after 1 week and the numbness spreads to other parts of the body, it is better to consult a neurologist for evaluation and guidance. appropriate treatment.
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