Causes of acute abdominal pain

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Posted by Specialist Doctor II Bui Thu Huong - Head of Emergency and Day Treatment Unit - Pediatric Center - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
There are many possible causes of acute abdominal pain in children, depending on the specific case, the level of pain and the cause, the doctor will have different treatment regimens.

1. What is acute abdominal pain in children?

Acute abdominal pain is an urgent emergency to protect the safety of the child. In fact, there are many cases of children with acute abdominal pain, despite being treated correctly, but due to delay, they cannot be cured. A child is diagnosed with acute abdominal pain when:
Has severe abdominal pain Pain so bad that the child does not dare to move Abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting of greenish or dark brown discharge Child has abdominal pain, when examined, the abdomen is hard , abdominal wall muscle contraction The child collapses quickly, lethargy, excited, struggling, panicking

2. Causes of acute abdominal pain surgically

Lồng ruột cấp tính là một trong những nguyên nhân gây đau bụng cấp ở trẻ em
Lồng ruột cấp tính là một trong những nguyên nhân gây đau bụng cấp ở trẻ em
Children can have acute abdominal pain due to surgical causes such as:
Acute appendicitis Acute intussusception Inguinal hernia Causes of intestinal obstruction, subacute intestinal obstruction: intestinal obstruction due to worms, Meckel's diverticulum , food residues Primary or secondary peritonitis Other causes:
Ulcerative colitis Meckel's diverticulum Ovarian cyst torsion, Torsed teratoma, uterine blood sac due to non-perforation of the hymen Torsion of the testicle Torsion of the abdominal wall (with money) history of abdominal trauma)

3. Medical causes

3.1 In case of abdominal pain, no fever In the case of children with abdominal pain but no fever, it is necessary to look for signs of digestive disorders, vomiting, and stools:
Diarrhea, vomiting => food poisoning Constipation In the absence of other symptoms, signs of digestive disorders, the cause may be due to:
Allergic capillary inflammation (Schönlein Henoch) Worm abdominal pain Acute and chronic gastritis Gastroduodenal ulcer Gallstones Kidney stones 2.2 Case of pain Abdominal, fever In the case of children with abdominal pain and fever, the cause may be:
Acute gastroenteritis: TCC, vomiting, loose stools or blood Right lower lobe pneumonia: High fever, cough, chest pain , CTM, chest x-ray Mesenteric lymphadenitis : Fever, acute respiratory infection Urinary tract infection Viral hepatitis Acute pharyngitis (pharyngitis, pain)

4. Acute abdominal pain but no known medical - surgical cause

Trong trường hợp trẻ bị đau bụng thì tuyệt đối không nên tự ý mua thuốc mà cần đưa trẻ đi khám ngay
Trong trường hợp trẻ bị đau bụng thì tuyệt đối không nên tự ý mua thuốc mà cần đưa trẻ đi khám ngay
If the child has symptoms of acute abdominal pain but the cause is unknown - surgical, it is necessary to:
Hospitalize for follow-up Determine the rules and characteristics of abdominal pain Repeated examination and evaluation of the abdomen Do not use drugs Pain relief Follow orders for preliminary tests: CTM, abdominal ultrasound, abdominal scan, urine End follow-up when the cause can be classified. Pediatrics at Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining diseases that infants as well as young children are susceptible to: viral fever, bacterial fever, otitis media, pneumonia in children,... With modern equipment, no sterile time, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease transmission. Along with that is the dedication from the doctors with professional experience with pediatric patients, making the examination no longer a concern of the parents.
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