Can I get pregnant after having sex with ejaculating outside and washing the genital area?


Dear Doctor,
I had a cesarean section 1 month and 14 days ago. Recently, I had sexual intercourse, and after my partner ejaculated outside, I washed my genital area. I would like to know if there is a possibility of getting pregnant after having sex in this manner. Given that I am only 1 month and 14 days post-delivery, is it safe for me to take emergency contraceptive pills? Thank you for your guidance.

Anonymous customer



In response to the question, "Can I get pregnant after having sex with ejaculating outside and washing the genital area?", I would like to answer as follows:

The process of conception occurs when a man ejaculates into a woman's vagina. The sperm then enters the fallopian tube, where it can survive for up to seven days in a suitable environment while waiting for an egg to be released from the ovary.

If the sperm and egg meet in the fallopian tube, they form a zygote, which then travels to the uterus to implant. At this point, conception is considered successful.

If ejaculation happens externally and then you wash your genital area immediately afterward, the likelihood of pregnancy is low.

Emergency contraceptive pills are a postpartum contraceptive option for breastfeeding mothers when neither the mother nor her partner is using any reliable form of contraception.

However, emergency contraceptive pills should only be used in genuine need, and it is advisable to consider other birth control methods if they are available.

If you have further questions about having sex with ejaculation outside and washing the genital area, you can visit a hospital within the Vinmec Health System for additional examination and guidance. Thank you for your trust in Vinmec. We wish you good health.

Best regards!

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