Can Vaseline be used as a moisturizer?

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The main ingredient in Vaseline is petroleum, which forms a waterproof barrier when applied to the skin, helping the skin retain moisture. While Vaseline can be useful for treating dry skin, it is quite greasy and can feel heavy on the skin. Therefore, it is not necessary to use Vaseline as a daily moisturizer.

1. Is Vaseline a good moisturizer?

According to researchers, petroleum jelly is one of the most effective moisturizers on the market. It works at the surface of the skin and forms a protective barrier and prevents water from leaving your skin.
Vaseline can be used as a daily moisturizer for very dry skin. For those with normal skin, Vaseline is more effective at adding moisture to areas that dry out faster than other areas, like elbows and knees.

Vaseline là loại kem dưỡng ẩm có chứa một lượng nhỏ petroleum jelly
Vaseline là loại kem dưỡng ẩm có chứa một lượng nhỏ petroleum jelly

Although petroleum jelly is effective in moisturizing the skin, unfortunately, it is quite greasy and sticky on the skin and can stain clothes.
However, the Vaseline brand also sells creams and lotions, as well as oils and serums, that contain small amounts of petroleum jelly. These products are less greasy to use and feel softer on the skin, so are used by many people who find them more suitable for daily use.

Trắc nghiệm: Bận rộn có ảnh hưởng đến sức khỏe của bạn không?

Cuộc sống hiện đại khiến chúng ta vì quá bận rộn mà quên chăm sóc sức khỏe cho chính mình. Ai cũng biết rằng lịch trình làm việc cả ngày có thể khiến bạn kiệt sức, nhưng cụ thể bận rộn ảnh hưởng thế nào tới sức khỏe? Hãy cùng làm thử bài trắc nghiệm dưới đây.

2. How to use vaseline

Is Vaseline good for dry skin?
Vaseline is a very good moisturizer for dry skin. Apply a layer of Vaseline to dry skin to help lock in moisture. Vaseline is great for treating all frequently dry areas such as:
Heels Elbows Knees Hands The National Eczema Foundation recommends Vaseline as a moisturizer. for people with eczema and other dry skin conditions. Research shows that Vaseline is a safe and affordable preventive treatment for babies showing signs of eczema. You can increase the moisturizing effects of Vaseline by applying it right after you shower.
Is Vaseline effective for oily skin?
Vaseline can be part of a regular skin care routine for those with oily skin.
Vaseline will make your skin healthier and won't make it greasy. You can do this by using Vaseline after gently cleansing the skin. Doing so will keep your skin clean, moisturized, and less likely to produce excess oil.

Vaseline sẽ giúp cho làn da khỏe mạnh hơn và không làm cho da nhờn
Vaseline sẽ giúp cho làn da khỏe mạnh hơn và không làm cho da nhờn

Can Vaseline be used for dry skin around the eyes?
The manufacturers of Vaseline assure customers that their products are safe to use on the eyelids and around the eyes. In fact, doctors use petroleum jelly in eye ultrasounds.
Can you use Vaseline for wounds?
Vaseline can even help heal damaged skin. You can apply Vaseline t on minor cuts and scrapes. This helps keep your wound moist, speeds healing, and prevents scarring and itching.
Clean the wound daily with mild soap and warm water, then apply Vaseline. Do not apply Vaseline to deep wounds or burns, as this can cause discomfort and interfere with healing.
Can Vaseline be applied to the face?
People with very dry skin on the face should apply Vaseline to moisturize. However, if you have acne-prone skin, you should avoid applying Vaseline to your face. Doing so can trigger acne and possibly make acne worse.

Kem Vaseline có thể được thoa lên mặt đối với người da khô
Kem Vaseline có thể được thoa lên mặt đối với người da khô

3. Strengths and Weaknesses of Vaseline Moisturizer

Using Vaseline as a moisturizer will have advantages such as:
Easy to buy and low cost Has a strong moisturizing effect Able to treat dry skin, small wounds Can be used all over the body Body, including face Available in a wide variety of products, including: jelly, lotion, cream, oil and serum Weaknesses
While Vaseline has been proven to be one of the skin's best moisturizers most effective available, some experts admit the product has some limiting factors. Some drawbacks to using Vaseline as a moisturizer include:
Unattractive smell An greasy feel and difficult to wash off May change color of clothing Dries skin without frequent exchange of air and moisture external moisture with your skin Increases acne if you have oily skin

Một nhược điểm của Vaseline là tăng mụn trứng cá nếu bạn có da dầu
Một nhược điểm của Vaseline là tăng mụn trứng cá nếu bạn có da dầu

4. Alternative moisturizer

If you are looking for some alternatives to Vaseline and these products also work well for dry skin, you may want to try products that contain:
Argan oil Coconut oil Cocoa butter Vaseline Shea Butter is an affordable and widely available product that is highly effective in moisturizing most skin types, especially dry skin. It is also helpful for treating scrapes and can speed healing and prevent scarring.
If you have very oily skin because it can increase acne, if you still want to use Vaseline, then first of all, you need to clean your skin before applying.
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