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Articles in Moisturizer

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Characteristics of Smoker's Lips
Smoking not only affects internal health but also changes appearance. Smoking accelerates the aging process, leading to wrinkles and unwanted changes in the skin, most noticeable on the lips of smokers. Accordingly, dark lips caused by smoking are characterized by vertical wrinkles around the mouth; at the same time, the lips and gums can also become significantly darker than their natural color.
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Apply retinol before or after moisturizer?
Retinol is the 'golden' active ingredient in anti-aging, brightening, and acne treatment. However, not everyone knows how to apply retinol correctly to fully benefit from its amazing effects. So, should users apply retinol before or after moisturizer?
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What do you do if your skin gets dark when using retinol?
Many people wonder, "Why does retinol cause dark skin?" or "What to do if your skin gets dark when using retinol?" Understanding the uses and how to use it will help make the process more effective.
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What to do when a scar is swollen?
A swollen, painful, and itchy scar can be a sign of a keloid. In more severe cases, if the scar has pus, it could be infected. So, what should you do when a scar is swollen?
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Why Do You Experience Peeling Skin on Fingertips?
Finger scalp peeling can have many causes and it is usually less serious but affects aesthetics and daily communication. Let's find out the causes and some remedies for peeling fingertips.
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Cardiology Pediatrics Orthopedics