Can thyroid tumors take vitamin E?

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The article was consulted with Specialist Doctor II Le Thi My - Director of Thyroid Pathology Center - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Thyroid tumor can take vitamin E is not one of the questions that many people are interested in. Thyroid specialists answer these questions in this article.

1. The role of Vitamin E for the thyroid

Vitamin E plays an extremely important role for the body:
Participates in cell metabolism, protects fats in cell membranes and vitamin A from oxidation. Create red blood cells. Helps the body use vitamin K. Helps prevent fat-soluble proteins from being oxidized, thereby preventing atherosclerosis. Prevent the precipitation of bad cholesterol in the blood, prevent cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular accident. Increases the resistance of cells, thereby strengthening the body's immune system. And many other important roles. Patients with hypothyroidism, in addition to iodine, also need to supplement with antioxidants such as vitamin E to strengthen the immune system. Vitamin E can be supplemented through plant-based foods such as soybean oil, sunflower oil, hard-shelled seeds, olives, asparagus... or dark green leafy vegetables.
So people with thyroid tumors should add foods containing vitamin E to increase resistance. However, there are many people who are concerned that vitamin E in foods does not meet the body's needs. There are also women who regularly take vitamin E for beauty. The question is, does taking vitamin e affect the thyroid gland?

2. Can thyroid tumors take Vitamin E?

Can people with thyroid disease take vitamin E? The answer is YES. Vitamin E is one of the essential vitamins of the body. It exists mainly in the form of alpha-tocoferol, has antioxidant effects that help eliminate thyroid damage, strengthen the body's immune system. Thereby, improving the symptoms of hypothyroidism while supporting the thyroid gland to work more efficiently. In addition, vitamin E also helps prevent the growth and shrink the size of thyroid tumors. On the other hand, in an experimental study on rats, it showed a protective effect on the thyroid gland, reducing the risk of iodine poisoning. Thus, patients with hypothyroidism supplementing with vitamin E in appropriate doses can reduce symptoms of the disease and reduce the risk of thyrotoxicosis. In the case of vitamin E deficiency, the body will stimulate the production of thyroid hormones T3, T4 but produce very little pituitary hormone TSH, thereby causing thyroid diseases such as goiter, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism.

3. How to take Vitamin E for thyroid tumor patients

How does a patient with a benign thyroid tumor take vitamin E correctly? After finding out if thyroid patients can take vitamin E, the appropriate dosage is also very important. People with thyroid should take vitamin E supplements at a dose of 400 IU/day. Overdose of vitamin E (more than 3000 IU/day) can cause digestive disorders, nausea, vomiting, flatulence, and diarrhea.
Vitamin E is good for people with thyroid, but if abused for a long time not only does not improve the disease but also backfires. If used for a long time at high doses will reduce, even completely destroy the antioxidant effect of vitamin E. From there, stimulate the activity of free radicals that damage cells.
Vitamin E dissolves well in oil, so taking it after meals will help enhance the body's ability to absorb vitamin E.
Unlike water-soluble vitamins, vitamin E when not absorbed will be stored in the liver. Therefore, if supplementing vitamin E continuously for a long time, it increases the amount of vitamin E stored in the liver and causes vitamin E toxicity. Therefore, you should take vitamin E every 1-2 months. , then take a break and then continue to take it to avoid excessive accumulation of vitamin E in the liver
People who should not take vitamin E:
Pregnant women: So far, research on the harmful effects of vitamin E Vitamin E for pregnant women has not been fully proven, but you should still not use it without your doctor's prescription. People with diabetes: Vitamin E is thought to increase the risk of heart failure in people with diabetes. Therefore, these people should not use high doses of vitamin E. Heart attack, stroke: People with a history of heart attack or stroke should not take vitamin E due to an increased risk of death. Bleeding: Vitamin E increases the risk of bleeding so people who are about to have surgery or have a blood clotting disorder should use it with caution. Vitamin K deficiency: Vitamin E worsens vitamin K deficiency. Vitamin E can May increase or decrease the effect of some of the following drugs:
Cancer drugs (Chemotherapy): It has been suggested that vitamin E may reduce the effect of some cancer drugs. However, this assertion is still not completely certain. Statins and Niacin: Taken in combination with vitamin E can reduce the effects of these two groups of drugs. You should consult your doctor before using vitamin E in combination with the above drugs to avoid unwanted effects.

4. Some other ways to supplement Vitamin E good for thyroid patients

Here are some foods that not only help supplement vitamin E but also have many good effects for thyroid patients:
Supplement through vegetables: Vegetables rich in vitamin E, including:
Cabbage Spinach: Contains 1.5mg of vitamin E in 100g of cooked spinach. Not only that, spinach is also rich in magnesium and other vitamins and minerals that help support thyroid function. Tomato: Tomatoes contain many antioxidant components such as vitamin E, vitamin C, Beta-carotene, Lycopene ... should be recommended for people with thyroid. Kiwi: 100mg of kiwi contains 1.5mg of vitamin E. Not only that, it also contains many other antioxidant activities, so it is very good for people with thyroid. Raspberries: In 100mg raspberries contain 0.9mg vitamin E. Moreover, raspberries also contain other antioxidants. Therefore, people with thyroid should add raspberries to their daily diet. Supplement through meat and fish: In 100g of meat, fish and seafood, there are about 1.1 - 2.9 mg of vitamin E. In addition, fish and seafood are a great source of iodine and selenium, so they are very good. for people with thyroid. People with thyroid gland prioritize salmon, mackerel... about 3 meals a week.
Supplement through nuts:
Almonds: In 100mg of almonds, there are about 26mg of vitamin E. In addition, it contains a large amount of minerals Magnesium, Zinc, Copper... to help the thyroid function better. Cashews: Contains 0.9mg of vitamin E in 100g of cashews. Besides, cashews also contain some ingredients that are considered good for thyroid health, such as B vitamins, copper, zinc, vegetable protein, Manganese... Vinmec International General Hospital is a disease. Hospital according to international standards of service and quality with JCI certification to ensure maximum patient safety. The hospital has full facilities for diagnosis and surgical treatment of thyroid diseases, with a team of dedicated medical staff, experienced oncologists specializing in head, neck and thyroid surgery. .
Radiofrequency ablation technique has been successfully applied in the treatment of benign thyroid tumors at Vinmec Hospital with very good results, thyroid tumor volume reduced by 30-50% after 1 month, 60-70 % of volume after 3 months and >90% of volume after 12 months of burning, patients do not have scars of neck surgery, this method helps to preserve the maximum amount of healthy thyroid parenchyma so that the patient does not have to use thyroid hormone support after treatment.
Thanks to its outstanding advantages, treatment of thyroid tumors by radiofrequency is applied not only in the treatment of benign nodular goiter lesions, but has now been updated and applied in the treatment of lesions. Thyroid malignancy such as: papillary thyroid carcinoma (papillary cancer nucleus <1cm in size, no cervical lymph node metastasis), local recurrent lesions or cervical lymph node metastasis of K thyroid who have undergone surgery - radiation therapy.....
To achieve the highest diagnostic and treatment efficiency, Vinmec has equipped with the most modern imaging equipment system today, typically is a GE Healthcare E9 ultrasound machine with a flat transducer, high frequency, HD resolution for clear images. Radiofrequency ablation technique to treat thyroid tumors under ultrasound guidance allows the doctor to control the entire procedure, ensure the best burning area is performed, and minimize vascular damage. , nerves, trachea, esophagus should be very safe, and at the same time reduce the maximum tumor size.
Periodically after 1 - 3 - 6 - 12 months, the patient will be re-examined with an endocrinologist and radiologist who has directly performed the procedure for the most accurate and objective assessment results. .

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