Should people with thyroid nodules get pregnant?

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The article was consulted with Specialist Doctor II Le Thi My - Director of Thyroid Pathology Center - Department of Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine - Vinmec Times City International Hospital.
Currently, due to many different reasons, the rate of infertility is increasing. One of them is thyroid disease. So for women, how does thyroid disease affect fertility? Can I get pregnant if I have thyroid nodules? Let's find out through the article below.

1. Learn about thyroid patients

A thyroid nodule or nodule is an abnormal growth of thyroid cells that form a mass in the thyroid gland that changes the structure and endocrine function of the thyroid gland. Although the majority of thyroid nodules are benign (not cancerous). To diagnose and treat thyroid cancer in its earliest stages, most thyroid nodules need to be correctly diagnosed by a specialist. Here are a few things patients need to know about thyroid nodules.
Depending on the type of tissue proliferating cells in the thyroid gland, thyroid nodules are identified under the following categories: benign or malignant (thyroid cancer), mononuclear or multinodular.
Due to the diverse histological characteristics of thyroid patients, to know if thyroid nodules are dangerous, the first thing to do is to check to diagnose and classify thyroid nodules by a specialist.
Are thyroid tumors dangerous? Benign thyroid nodules will not pose a danger to the patient's life, but will bring many inconveniences, affecting life and activities.
According to research by scientists, the rate of thyroid cancer is not high. Only about 4-5% of patients with thyroid nodules are malignant.
If the thyroid nodule is malignant, the patient should be treated promptly by a specialist. With proper treatment, thyroid cancer can be cured.
If the thyroid nodule is benign, the patient can rest assured that proper treatment of the disease will not cause difficulties in childbirth. However, if the thyroid nodule is enlarged and enlarged, it will cause swelling in the neck area, compressing other organs, and causing discomfort to the patient.

2. How does thyroid disease affect a woman's fertility?

The thyroid gland produces two hormones that are important for the body's growth and development: triiodothyronine and thyroxine. Thyroid conditions that affect female fertility include the periods before, during, and after conception.
This is quite well published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist. Accordingly, scientists said, this is a disease that has a strong impact on women's reproductive function, and can even cause stillbirth, premature birth, miscarriage,...
Among the The cause of female infertility, thyroid disease is also a dangerous factor. Thyroid hormones have the effect of stimulating growth and development, so it affects the fertility of women. Thyroid affects female fertility in many ways:
Pregnancy problems:
Should I get pregnant with thyroid nodules? The thyroid gland plays a part in controlling a woman's menstrual cycle. So this cycle can change in many different degrees such as: mild, severe, irregular if thyroid hormone is too much or too little.
Not only that, thyroid disease also leads to amenorrhea, amenorrhea for a long time. Irregular menstrual cycles can also make conceiving more difficult. Plus, once disorders of the body's immune system cause thyroid disease, they can also affect other glands, including the ovaries. This is the main cause of early menopause in women.
In short, when thyroid disease affects the menstrual cycle, it affects ovulation and becomes the cause of making it much more difficult for women to conceive.
Problems during pregnancy:
Pregnant women with thyroid disease will have many potential risks that are not good for the health of pregnant women and fetuses. During the first 10-12 weeks of pregnancy, although the baby's body will produce thyroid hormone on its own, the baby is still completely dependent on the mother's thyroid function. Therefore, if: + In the first 3 months, the mother has hyperthyroidism, she will be very susceptible to preeclampsia, premature birth, acute thyrotoxicosis, heart failure... With the fetus, if hyperthyroidism is not well controlled, the baby will growth retardation, hyperthyroidism in the womb, congenital heart disease, premature birth, stillbirth or birth defects.
Pregnant women with hypothyroidism who are not effectively treated will suffer from muscle diseases, anemia, pre-eclampsia, congestive heart failure, postpartum bleeding, etc. The fetus is also prone to placental abnormalities. pregnancy, low birth weight babies, congenital hypothyroidism, abnormal neurological and cognitive development,...
In general, thyroid diseases affect reproduction mainly in the method of reproduction. makes conception difficult. This is specifically explained: Thyroid hormone problems alter hormonal balance and ovulation. In particular, hypothyroidism can cause the body to secrete more prolactin to prevent ovulation, cause amenorrhea, amenorrhea - increasing the risk of infertility in women.

3. Should people with thyroid nodules get pregnant?

3.1. The ability to get pregnant with thyroid disease Although thyroid disease affects fertility, when thyroid disorders are effectively treated and well controlled, women can have a normal pregnancy and birth. . In many cases, it is possible to become pregnant and give birth during the treatment period when monitored by an endocrinologist and adhere to treatment according to the doctor's instructions.
Most drugs to treat thyroid disease are safe for the fetus, so pregnant women with this disease can be assured of treatment. It is important that, before becoming pregnant, a mother with thyroid disease needs to be examined by a doctor for a health check and advice. This will help to screen well for problems caused by thyroid disease.
3.2. Preventive measures for thyroid disease Do not suddenly gain/lose weight. Avoid stress, stress in the long run. Visit the doctor when there are suspicious signs to get the correct diagnosis. Maintain adequate sleep. Have a balanced diet, full of nutrients and exercise regularly. Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for examination, treatment and prevention of diseases, including endocrine diseases.. When performing the examination process at Vinmec, you will be welcomed and used. facilities, modern machinery system accompanied by perfect medical services under the guidance and advice of good doctors, well-trained both at home and abroad.
Radiofrequency ablation technique has been successfully applied in the treatment of benign thyroid tumors at Vinmec Hospital with very good results, thyroid tumor volume reduced by 30-50% after 1 month, 60-70 % of volume after 3 months and >90% of volume after 12 months of burning, patients do not have scars of neck surgery, this method helps to preserve the maximum amount of healthy thyroid parenchyma so that the patient does not have to use thyroid hormone support after treatment.
Thanks to its outstanding advantages, treatment of thyroid tumors by radiofrequency is applied not only in the treatment of benign nodular goiter lesions, but has now been updated and treated for malignant lesions of the thyroid gland. thyroid such as: papillary thyroid carcinoma (papillary cancer nucleus <1cm in size, no cervical lymph node metastasis), local recurrent lesions or cervical lymph node metastasis of thyroid gland treated with surgery - radiotherapy.....
In order to achieve the highest diagnostic and therapeutic efficiency, Vinmec has equipped the most modern imaging equipment system today, typically an ultrasound machine. The GE Healthcare E9 sound has a flat, high-frequency, HD-resolution transducer for clear images. Radiofrequency ablation technique to treat thyroid tumors under ultrasound guidance allows the doctor to control the entire procedure, ensure the best burning area is performed, and minimize vascular damage. , nerves, trachea, esophagus should be very safe, and at the same time reduce the maximum tumor size.
Periodically after 1 - 3 - 6 - 12 months, the patient will be re-examined with an endocrinologist and radiologist who has directly performed the procedure for the most accurate and objective assessment results. .

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