Can pregnant women eat green mango?

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Green mango is a popular fruit and is available in most seasons of the year. Mangoes contain a lot of essential nutrients for pregnancy, so eating mango not only stimulates the taste buds but also helps to supplement many nutrients needed for the development of the fetus.

1. Can pregnant women eat green mangoes?

Can pregnant women eat green mango? Green mango is a popular fruit and is available in most seasons of the year. Many people believe that eating mango will be hot, especially in pregnant women. However, in fact, mango contains a lot of nutrients necessary for pregnancy. According to experts, in 100g of mango contains up to 60Kcal, 0.8g protein, 0.4g fat and essential vitamins such as vitamins A, C, B6, sugar and fiber and many other nutrients. Therefore, mango is a fruit that brings many special benefits to pregnant women.
Therefore, pregnant women can completely eat green mangoes, but should choose old green mangoes. Only eat 2-3 slices each time. Avoid choosing mangoes that are too young because young mangoes often contain latex, which when absorbed into the body will cause discomfort to the digestive system.

2. Is it good for pregnant women to eat mango?

Green mango has a lot of good effects for pregnant women such as:
2.1 Strengthening the immune system Vitamin C helps strengthen the resistance of pregnant women, keeping the mother and baby healthy during pregnancy. Mangoes contain a lot of vitamin C, so pregnant women should not ignore green mangoes to prevent diseases.
2.2 Treatment of morning sickness Vitamin B6 in green mango helps to soothe morning sickness during pregnancy, especially in the first months of pregnancy. Moreover, the slightly sweet and sour taste of mango dipped with a little salty and spicy salt will help stimulate the taste buds and eliminate the feeling of nausea.
2.3 Iron supplements Iron is extremely necessary for pregnant women because during pregnancy, the need for iron is doubled compared to normal. That is why pregnant women often have to take iron supplements during pregnancy to prevent anemia. However, pregnant women can supplement iron by eating more green mangoes, because mangoes help provide a significant amount of iron to the body, reducing the risk of anemia for pregnant women and ensuring the health of the fetus. In addition, a high amount of vitamin C also supports better iron absorption.
2.4 Prevent birth defects Green mango contains an extremely abundant amount of folic acid. Meanwhile, folic acid works to prevent neural tube defects and supports the development of the baby's nervous system.

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2.5 Preventing constipation Mangoes have a lot of fiber, so they are very beneficial for the digestive system, especially helping pregnant women get rid of unpleasant constipation. In addition, green mango also contains many enzymes and alkalis that break down proteins for faster and easier digestion.
2.6 Good for oral health Pregnant women are very susceptible to dental diseases. Meanwhile, green mango can be a good solution to promote oral health. Because eating green mango is very good for gums, preventing tooth decay and fighting bleeding gums and bad breath.
2.7 Helps to beautify the skin Mango is a very good fruit for the skin because it contains high vitamin A content. Mangoes help stimulate blood circulation in the mucous membranes and skin, thereby reducing pore congestion. In addition, pregnant women can use ripe mangoes to make natural skin masks.
In short, green mango is a popular fruit in Vietnam that contains many nutrients that are very good for pregnant women. During pregnancy, pregnant women eating green mango not only helps prevent morning sickness, but also provides many essential nutrients to help the fetus stay healthy.

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