Can I get pregnant after taking birth control pills?

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Hello doctor, I have a question for you. After having sex, then taking birth control pills and checking the pregnancy test strip shows 1 line. Along with that, women are accompanied by a change in the menstrual cycle, about 1 month after the onset of menstruation. So in your case, are you pregnant? I sometimes feel restless in my body, sometimes I have nausea. Hope to get some advice from the doctor!
Tran Quy (Hai Phong)
Hello. Thank you for submitting your question to Vinmec! The emergency contraceptive pill is a high-hormone oral contraceptive that is used to reduce the risk of an unwanted pregnancy after unprotected sex. However, during the use of emergency contraceptive pills, if used incorrectly or depending on the individual's condition, it will cause side effects such as vaginal bleeding, abdominal pain, nausea, delayed or missed periods. ... after taking the drug.
In the case of women who have symptoms of menstrual cycle changes, vaginal bleeding, nausea may be due to side effects of the drug, so there is no need to worry, it will usually disappear after the next period. your. However, if this symptom persists and becomes more severe, it is necessary to immediately go to reputable medical facilities or hospitals of Vinmec Health System nationwide for examination and advice.

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