Is it dangerous to take 2 emergency contraceptive pills in 1 month?

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Hello doctor,
Many months ago I had a relationship with my boyfriend. Due to fear of getting pregnant, we decided to take emergency contraceptive pills. About a week later, I took it again. It's been almost 10 months now and I don't abuse anymore. I read on the internet and saw a lot of side effects that left behind consequences. I'm very sorry. Can the doctor advise me to take 2 emergency contraceptive pills in 1 month is it dangerous? Is there a way to reduce those risks? (eg diet, exercise)... Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Specialist II Nguyen Thu Hoai - Unit Head of Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinic - Women's Health Center - Vinmec Times International General Hospital City
With the question "Is it dangerous to take 2 emergency contraceptive pills in 1 month?", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
You have been very interested in information about birth control pills. emergency pregnancy, that is a very good thing and it is true that emergency contraception should not be abused. However, with 2 doses of the drug you take, it is already 10 months apart, if your period is still regular every month, the effect of the drug on your body is very low, you do not worry too much.
To ensure your reproductive health, you need to increase physical activity, eat a balanced diet with nutritional components: protein, beneficial fats from nuts, seafood, nutrients fiber, vitamins and minerals. Besides, you need to learn and choose more suitable methods of contraception such as oral contraceptives, condoms to be able to prevent pregnancy safely.
If you still have questions about emergency contraceptive pills, you can go to a hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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